Using Property Rights Theory to Overcome Success Barriers to
Software Development Project: Protection of Contractors’
Cornelia Gaebert
Research Group on Strategic Information Management, European Research Center for Information Systems,
c/o University of Muenster, Leonardo Campus 11, D-48149, Muenster, Germany
Keywords: Software Development Project, Information, Knowledge, Intellectual Property Rights, Property Rights
Abstract: A fundamental tenet of the information systems discipline holds that: (a) changing requirements in software
development projects (SDP) are the main reason for failure; (b) therefore, in case of such uncertainties, fixed-
price contracts (FPC) are not suitable for success. Our research, informed by economic theories, compellingly
illustrates that among other things changing requirements stems from missing protection on knowledge. In
this paper, we present an analysis of knowledge difficult to protect. Both parties must share knowledge during
the specification of requirements. However, this business knowledge is an essential intellectual property, and
thus needs protection for misuse. We enact a strategy to achieve SDPs success despite these barriers. Our
theoretical and empirical analysis also found that SDP success is largely an uncertainty problem between the
contractors on the management level, and thus technical-organizational approaches alone are inadequate for
achieving success. Based on property rights theory, we introduce two models for protecting knowledge
depending on uncertainties. Our findings offer managers important insights into how they can design and
enact FPC for effectively manage SDPs. Further, we show how the economic theories can enhance
understanding of SDP dynamics and advance the development of a theory of effective control of SDP success.
Despite project management improvements and
professionalization of the software development
process, the number of failing software development
projects (SDP) has remained high for decades
(Standish Group, 2010; El Emam and Koru, 2008;
Dijkstra,, 1972). Changing requirements are
considered as the main reason for failure (cf. Al-
Ahmad et al., 2009; Dwivedi et al., 2013).
Organizations expect to mitigate this risk by
outsourcing (Chua et al., 2012). They expect the
supplier to take the risk for the project failing when
working independently. Researchers claim that in this
situation a predetermined price for the software
system - defined in a fixed-price contract (FPC) - is
not suitable for completion of the SDP in line with the
expectations of the contractors (Dey et al. 2010, Fink,
and Lichtenstein 2014). Indeed, the contract
influences the success or failure of SDPs (Chen, and
Bharadwaj 2009). This is not a question of trust, but
an economic issue of uncertainty due to incomplete
information on both sides (Williamson, 1985).
In this context, we claim that ineffective contract
provisions regarding the protection of property rights
(PR) on information are at the root of causes for
ineffective FPCs. We claim that among others the
inadequate protection of information causes changing
requirements. We argue that to be successful in
software development outsourcing (SDO) the
contractors must share business information and
knowledge (I&K) at least if the project regards a
novelty (Tiwana, 2004). However, this I&K belongs
to the organizations’ intellectual properties (Teece,
2000). Therefore, both sides have an interest in
protecting their I&K for securing their intellectual PR
(cf. Norman, 2002). Problems arise if the SDP
contract does not contain effective instruments
securing these PR.
The available rights on the exchange object are in
the focus of the PR theory, a central approach of new
institutional economics (Hart and Moore, 1990; Cole
and Grossmann, 2002). The research focuses on the
institutional framework and the incentives triggered
by regulatory and ownership; the use of economic
theories proved to be appropriate (cf. Benaroch et al.,
Gaebert C..
Using Property Rights Theory to Overcome Success Barriers to Software Development Project: Protection of Contractors’ Knowledge.
DOI: 10.5220/0005516001190130
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications (ICSOFT-EA-2015), pages 119-130
ISBN: 978-989-758-114-4
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
2012; Aubert et al. 2003; Lichtenstein, 2004; Beulen
and Ribbers, 2003). Methodically, the aim is to
provide a theoretical ex-ante investigation of the
contract impact on reaching customer and supplier-
specific economic outcome goals.
In this paper, we will investigate how the PR
theory can improve our understanding of how the
right protection of PR can attenuate reasons for
requirement change and therefore, reasons for failure
of SDPs. However, there is a paucity of research on
how contractors can improve SDP performance or
outcome by protecting PR on information under FPC.
Therefore, we have conducted an empirical
investigation regarding the role of sharing I&K in
SDPs. The collected empirical data will guide our
theoretical considerations. After a brief description of
our empirical study in section 2, we will discuss the
kind of knowledge and information customers and
suppliers must share and protect within the project in
section 3. We will distinguish this from other kinds of
information needed to share between the parties
without the problem of protecting it from misuse. In
addition, we will tell it apart from intellectual PR.
The conflict description between the need of
sharing the knowledge and the necessity of protecting
it by means of the PR theory is in the focus of section
4. We will develop a rent and a wage model
concerning the PR on I&K in SDPs under FPC,
depending on the net gain of the cooperation.
In section 5 we will finally discuss possible
decision criteria regarding the derived. Above all, we
will suggest instruments for securing PR on
information while sharing it during the project
Throughout this paper, we will be using an abductive
research approach (OseiBryson and Ngwenyama,
2011; Schurz, 2008). We are “in the discovery stage
of scientific hypothesis formation and testing
(Walton, 2014). For the collection of empirical data
on the I&K role in SDPs under FPC, we conducted a
two-step evaluation. First, we developed a
questionnaire in the form of a standardized online
survey as a special kind of standardized survey
(Klammer, 2005). Next, we conducted personal
interviews to deepen our understanding of the
questionnaire results. The evaluation period lasted
one year.
For the questionnaire, we chose the standardized
online survey to give the respondents an opportunity
to reflect and to question their own companies
(Schnell et al., 2011). The format of the online survey
itself was legitimate because the interviewees were an
IT-savvy group. Open answers supplemented closed
questions so the questionnaire would not be too
restrictive. Also, they helped gather the covered
information (Mayer, 2012). In the following, we will
analyze and interpret the results descriptively.
Experienced project participants on both sides
(customer and supplier side) were interviewed. The
questionnaire had to take into account the
management perspective as well as the project
management’s view. Since it is not possible to
trivially address the population of all SDP customers
and suppliers, and given that questioning the
population about any associated and unacceptably
high cost is not realistic, we chose a smaller
population. Therefore, we could not achieve complete
representativeness (Schnell et al., 2011). For practical
reasons, we addressed the 45 members of an IT
companies network in Germany. Fifty additional
addressees were available from other contacts. To
expand the circle of respondents and to amplify the
customer side, we used contacts in social networks
such as Facebook (approximately 30), Xing
(approximately 20), and Twitter (approximately 50).
This ensured that the respondents had experience in
different possible project contexts. Of the 200
addressees requested to participate in the survey, 29
actually completed the questionnaire (14 suppliers, 5
customers, 9 suppliers and customers, and 1 other).
An independent survey evaluating the willingness
to participate in the survey suggested a conscientious
answering of the questions. A total of 48.3% of the
respondents indicated that they belong to
management and have contract responsibility; 27.6%
are project managers; 6.9% are employees at the
working level, and 17.2% perform other activities,
such as consulting. A total of 89.7% of the
respondents had 10 or more years of SDP experience.
The participants represented a broad range of project
sizes with regard to duration and number of
For the exemplary and in-depth interviews, we
conducted semi-structured expert interviews. On the
one side, we questioned a consultant with an SDP
experience of approximately 15 years. He supports
big companies in defining and organizing the
contractual issues of SDPs. On the other side, we
spoke with a supplier having an SDP experience of
approximately 20 years. He is the owner of a software
development company employing 10 programmers.
Considering the sensitivity of failure research and the
resulting difficulty in gaining access to project
details, this methodology was most appropriate. The
incomplete script of the semi-structured interview
format left room for improvised questions (Myers and
Newman, 2007). The first interview lasted
approximately 3 hours; the second one, 1.5 hours. We
made extensive notes during the interviews, which we
evaluated afterward through a qualitative content
analysis. Since we demanded appointed
circumstances and facts, we were able to avoid free
interpretation problems (Gläser and Laudel, 2009).
In the next sections, we will present some study
results in connection with the corresponding
theoretical considerations.
The requirement specification is a fundamental
document for the contract and the SDP itself, and it
consists of I&K. We claim that not all I&K are worthy
of protection. Therefore, we will analyze I&K in this
section. First, we will discuss the difference between
knowledge and information. Second, we will detect
which kinds of I&K are worthy of protection in the
context of SDPs. Finally, we will summarize the
chain of reasoning derived from that.
3.1 Knowledge and Information
It is difficult to distinguish between knowledge and
information in a way that it can be clearly answered,
for every single situation, if some set of statements,
documents, or data contains knowledge or
information (Rowley, 2007). For systematic reasons,
we will clearly differentiate between information and
knowledge as follows.
According to Ackoff (1989), an information
contains useful data and provides answers to
questions like who, where, when, and what, whereas
knowledge is an application of information, which
answers how questions. In addition, Zeleny (1987)
describes information as knowing what, whereas
knowledge is knowing how. One can describe a
business process by saying who is the process actor,
what the actor does within this process, and in which
situation (where and when) he does it. These
descriptions are information about the business
process. On the other hand, one can describe how the
actor meets a business goal by carrying out a business
process. This provides knowledge, the know how to
reach the goal. In order to have knowledge it is
therefore not enough to be able to describe process
details, but you must also know the goal, for which
the process is a tool on the way to reach it.
Both Ackoff and Zeleny point out further kinds of
knowing something. If one not only knows what
(where, when, who) and how, but also has the answer
to the why question, then, according to Ackoff, the
person has got understanding. Zeleny calls the ability
to provide answers to why questions wisdom. As
knowledge is inherited from information,
understanding and wisdom are inherited from
knowledge. Thus data is the quasi common
denominator of information, knowledge,
understanding and wisdom.
There is a broad discussion going on regarding the
differences between information, knowledge,
understanding, and wisdom (Rowley, 2007; Swigon,
2013). It is not the supplier’s task to understand the
customer’s business model in the broadest sense.
However, there is no clear divide between knowledge
and understanding. The purpose of a software system
is in some sense connected to the customer’s business
goal. For our purposes, it is therefore sufficient to
clearly mark the difference between information and
knowledge. For that reason, we will use the notion of
information for data regarding processes, events,
objects, and methods without answering how these
described data are used to reach a goal, and why these
data are necessary as a means for someone’s purpose.
On the other hand, knowledge offers us such answers.
He who has knowledge knows the purposes the data
are used for. He knows how these data should be used
to reach these purposes, and why these data are
suitable for the purposes.
In the next section we will consider I&K in an
SDP context.
3.2 Knowledge and Information in
Software Development Projects
We aim to clarify which kind of I&K is a property the
contractors wish to protect against misuse by the
other side. During SDP preparation and execution, the
customer and the supplier must share different kinds
of I&K. Our empirical study already shows that
during the proposal phase and during contract
negotiations both sides must provide detailed
information on the customer’s requirements and the
supplier’s abilities.
For analyzing purposes, we will first take the
customer’s perspective. There is broad research in the
field of software engineering regarding I&K provided
by the customer in SDPs. After that, we will be able
to develop a consistent view of the supplier’s
perspective. From this we will summarize which are
the kinds of I&K worthy of protection in the context
of an SDP.
3.2.1 The Customer’s Perspective:
The research about customer-delivered information
focuses on requirements representation and
specification (Pohl, 2013). Researchers have been
distinguishing for long three kinds of requirements:
project requirements (a), process requirements (b),
and system requirements (c) (IEEE, 1998; Glinz,
(a) We have to consider information on the project’s
timeline, the budget, and milestones to be met (what,
when, where, and who). These are the project
requirements. Obviously, the customer must share
this information, because the supplier will set up the
project plan based on it. In our expert interview, the
business side consultant stated that the customer
shares this information in the early phases, and mostly
long before signing the contract. Often the customer
delivers such information to more than one potential
supplier. Obviously, there is no problem as long as it
is only information as defined in the previous section.
However, problems arise during the project if it gets
impossible to achieve the needed milestones. Due to
external reasons, meeting a milestone is sometimes
prioritized, but in other cases, it may be possible to
shift the timeline if changes in requirements or other
problems arise. To find the right decisions, the
customer must share more than information with the
supplier. It is necessary to deliver the answer to the
question why a milestone was set to a special due
date. According to our definition in the previous
section, this is part of the customer’s knowledge. This
knowledge may be connected with other knowledge
from the customer’s side, for instance a marketing
strategy for a new product launch. There is good
reason to hide this knowledge from external
(b) There is information needed directly for work
processing and for the coordination of the involved
staff’s activities. From the customer’s perspective,
such information is part of process requirements. Due
dates, contact persons’ names and data as well as the
meeting schedule are examples of such information,
which controls the process. This kind of information
is not in the focus of our study. There is no reason to
hide such information, because it is only valuable
during the project and in case the contractors share it.
(c) When we use the notion of requirements during
SDPs, we refer to system requirements. Requirement
specification is mostly the first part of each project.
Since changing and ambiguous requirements are one
of the main reasons for project failure (cf.
Introduction and our empirical investigation),
researchers have been focusing on methods of
software requirements engineering during the last
System requirements are divided into functional
and non-functional requirements, and constraints.
Functional requirements define what the system is
bound to do. Obviously, this information is crucial for
producing the right software system. On the other
hand, the customer is often not able to define in a clear
and detailed way how the system should look like,
how it should react to user input, or how it should
process data. As the manager from the supplier’s side
stated in our interview, in order to design an
appropriate system it is useful to share knowledge
about how the users do their work, about what the
business processes are, and why they need support
from the required software system. This knowledge is
the know-how of the customer’s organization. There
are good reasons for sharing this knowledge with the
supplier, but on the other hand there are also reasons
to hide this know-how: it is the internal knowledge of
an organization and it is its competitive advantage.
The customer may also define non-functional
requirements as information. Requirement
specifications must contain statements about needed
response times or data volumes. Sometimes it is
necessary to prioritize non-functional requirements.
For this, it is useful to know why the customer needs
the defined system parameters, and why it is
Table 1: Kinds of information and knowledge provided by the customer.
Information Knowledge Protection-relevant
Project Requirements Project’s due dates Project Business Goals
Relevant, maybe interesting for
Process Requirements
Project internal due dates
Availability of resources
Current business processes and
activities outside the project
Not relevant, because only valid during a
short time period
System Requirements
Functional and Non-
functional Requirements,
Business Goals, Business
Relevant, interesting for competitors,
usable by the supplier in other projects,
define the customer’s competitive
important to meet these requirements. Then, it is not
enough to deliver information, but it is also useful to
deliver knowledge about the business know-how.
Last, we have to consider constraints. Constraints
are legal or cultural restrictions which the supplier
must take into consideration during the software
system development. Such information is mostly
publicly available, and is not the customer’s private
property. Therefore, we must not examine it in detail
in this study.
Table 1 shows an overview of the I&K to be
provided and shared by the customer during an SDP.
The customer may share nearly each input either as
information or as knowledge. At the knowledge level,
the customer may have an interest in protecting it
from usage by external parties (Norman, 2002).
Therefore, we can depict this knowledge as customer
property. Properties are worthy of protection. We will
further develop this idea and its consequences in
section 4 of this paper. Before, we will take the
supplier’s perspective.
3.2.2 The Supplier’s Perspective: Abilities
In order to achieve a suitable and systematic
description of I&K provided and shared by the
supplier, we will describe this in analogy to the kinds
of I&K found for the customer. In the previous
section, we have identified three kinds of I&K for the
customer to deliver during the SDP. These are (a)
project requirements: organizational project
embedding within the organization’s processes, its
connections with customer strategies and business
goals, (b) process requirements: project management
and organization, (c) system requirements: the
organization’s business know-how as far as it is
relevant for the development of the needed software
On the suppliers’ side, we can identify three
corresponding kinds of I&K. (a) Project
requirements: The supplier has to embed the single
project within his production processes. He must
answer the following questions: When is the needed
staff available? Which experts are necessary? When
will they be able to work on the project? Which other
resources, like development and test systems, are
needed for the project?
This information influences the overall project
plan. The supplier must deliver these data to the
customer by at least partly committing to timelines
and milestones. Sometimes, the sequence of the
project’s working steps will depend on such external
basic conditions. If the supplier does not just deliver
the plain information, but also the reasons underlying
the decisions for a certain setting, the supplier shares
organizational knowledge with the customer. This
knowledge concerns the supplier’s organization
ability to handle and process projects as needed in
order to produce the desired software system.
(b) Process requirements: As in the customers’
case, sharing project management information is not
worthy of protection because it has no value outside
the project. This information is in no way connected
with the organization’s knowledge. Therefore, we
will not consider this information in our study.
(c) System requirements: We must consider
information regarding the core of the supplier’s
business expertise. During the proposal and
negotiation phase, the supplier must deliver
information to show that the organization is able to
produce the needed software system. Therefore, the
supplier shares relevant parts of the business
expertise. Furthermore, during system development
of the system, it may be useful to share information
on the used employed tools and methods. In addition,
the supplier has to share technical implementation
details to justify prioritizing the implementation of
non-functional requirements. Often, the customer and
the supplier must make such decisions in common. In
order to make possible such decisions, the supplier
must share the information in a way that the customer
can generate knowledge regarding the underlying
technical facts, methods, and constraints. This
knowledge is worthy of protection for the supplier,
because the generation of such knowledge makes the
customer more independent from the supplier’s
services (Gassmann et. al, 2010). Furthermore, the
customer may use this knowledge in other projects
and may share it with the supplier’s competitors
Table 2: Supplier’s knowledge and information.
Information Knowledge Protection-relevant
Project Abilities Commitment of Project’s due dates Suppliers overall strategy Relevant, maybe interesting for competitors
Process Abilities
Project-internal due dates
Availability of resources
Current business processes and
activities outside the project
Not relevant, because only valid during a
short time period
System Abilities
Development methods,
Used tools and frameworks
Know-how in development,
experiences, problem- solving
Relevant, interesting for competitors, make
the customer independent, define the
supplier’s competitive advantage
(Paasi et al., 2010). We have summarized the
supplier’s perspective on I&K he has to share in Table
3.2.3 The Character of Information and
Knowledge as Properties
Summarizing the theoretical analysis of I&K needed
in SDPs, we have to accept the fact that both parties
have reason to protect knowledge from misuse by the
other side. There is knowledge regarding the internal
business processes, regulations, experiences, and
goals making the organization powerful and
successful in the market and in the context of
competition with other firms. These are intellectual
properties of the firm (Teece, 2000).
Consequently, this knowledge is an important
asset for the firm as long as the organization protects
it against competitors. The customer possibly
maintains a relationship with the supplier’s
competitors and vice versa. Therefore, both
contractors have reason to protect their own
knowledge. Both contractors may withhold the
needed I&K as long as possible.
On the other hand, sharing this knowledge is
crucial for a successful project. Knowledge is needed
to make the right decisions in designing the right
system. However, at the beginning of an SDP both
parties do not know the exact I&K is needed.
Therefore, both parties deliver I&K as late as
possible, a reason for changing requirements.
In this section, we will provide the announced
theoretical ex-ante investigation of the contract
impact on reaching customer and supplier-specific
economic outcome goals in an SDO project. We will
investigate how PR theory can improve our
understanding of how the right protection of PR can
attenuate reasons for changing requirements and
therefore, reasons for failure.
First, we will give a summary of our literature
review on efforts made to date. We claim that the
protection of knowledge needs further research; this
paper will contribute to that. Second, we are adopting
a classical model from literature on our situation
under investigation. We will use Barzel’s (1997)
landowner model.
4.1 Excursus: Protection of Knowledge
by Credible Commitments
Copyright or patent laws are formal protection
measures, yet they are not suitable for protecting
knowledge in an SDP context (Liebeskind, 1996;
Friesike, 2011). As shown by Liebeskind (1996), the
firm itself has the power to protect the knowledge,
making it invisible from the outside. Friesike (2011)
calls these options “informal protection measures”.
However, contractors have to share knowledge in an
SDP. Consequently, preventing visibility is not
In long-term collaborations, contractors can reach
trustworthy behavior by credible commitments
(Williamson, 1983; North, 1990; Ebers and Sen,
2015). For that, reciprocal specific investments are
most effective. Reciprocal specific investments create
a mutual hostage situation that serves as a safeguard
against the misuse of knowledge. However, these
investments are not suitable for a single SDP. This
also applies to non-disclosure agreements, they are
effectively reachable only in long-term collaborations
(Craswell, 2006; Bogers, 2011). Thus far, the
contractors are aware that the SPD’s end is within the
range of vision. Therefore, trustworthy behavior is
hardly to ensure, especially after the project’s end.
Consequently, we must search for alternative
incentives to secure knowledge protection during an
SDP. In the next section, we will find such options by
starting from models of the economic PR theory.
4.2 Protection of Knowledge by
Property Rights: The Landowner
A classic model introduced by Barzel (1997) analyzes
the contractual situation between a landowner having
PR on land and a worker having PR on labor. In order
to produce goods, at least one of them must assign the
PR to the other. They have three options: first, the
landowner may assign the land-using right to the
worker through a fixed-rent contract. Second, the
worker may assign the labor-using right to the
landowner via a wage contract. Finally, they can sign
a shared tenancy contract to share the profit from the
crop sale. In each case, both parties will overuse the
contractual partner’s resources, which they control
themselves. On the contrary, each party will reduce
its support for resources, which are now under control
of the other side. Therefore, the decision for a contract
type depends on the net gain of the cooperation. No
contract type will always be the best under all
circumstances. With a fixed-rent contract, the
landowner will maintain his land less improved; with
a wage contract, the tenant will shirk more. Half way
between both of them, there is a bit of everything. In
this case, output specification and monitoring will be
additionally necessary.
I&K does not need maintenance in the sense of
physical wear and tear. At first sight, I&K cannot be
overused, because it cannot be damaged by using and
sharing. Nevertheless, we can interpret it as an
overuse when a party, having received I&K from the
other side, shares this with a third party or uses it in
another project. In such cases, I&K as a property of
the owner may lose its value.
The fixed-price contract, as under our
investigation, is the most commonly chosen contract
design (Badenfelt, 2011) in SDPs; our empirical
investigation supports this. However, we must be
careful: using the fixed-rent model for managing the
usage of I&K in an SDP does not imply a FPC for the
SDP, such as a wage model does not imply a time and
material contract. We will see as follows that the
crucial question does not relate to the price model of
the underlying contract. It is the question who
controls the usage of I&K and labor.
However, with respect to SDPs, the landowner
model has some weaknesses. First, the I&K needed
by the other party plays the role of the land. This
raises the question whether someone is willing to pay
for the use of a requirement specification. Second, in
our case landowner and crop buyer are the same
party. Consequently, no independent third party (the
market) will validate the value of the I&K.
Incidentally, this explains why shared contracts are
unusual in SDPs.
Therefore, we will analyze the consequences of
these problems in the following, and discuss the
fixed-rent model as well as the wage model.
4.3 The Fixed-rent Model
In the most obvious application of Barzel’s model to
the situation of an SDP, the customer plays the role of
the landowner, whereas the supplier is the worker.
Requirement specification and the business
knowledge behind it are customer properties. In case
of a rent model, the supplier rents this knowledge.
After finalizing software development, the supplier
sells the software solution to the customer.
However, according to section 3, we must
consider the opposite situation, too. We will look for
situations in the SDP, when the customer uses
supplier’s knowledge to contribute to the project
In the next section, we discuss the following
questions: is it possible to rent the knowledge needed
by the other party inside the SDP? How can we
interpret the model in this situation, and what are the
consequences of that? In the following two sections,
we will analyze both cases where supplier or
customer rent knowledge.
4.3.1 Knowledge regarding Requirements
At first glance, it seems to be an unusual idea for a
supplier in an SDP to rent knowledge from the
customer. Two questions arise: (a) Should the
supplier pay a rent for the knowledge, which is
necessary for the SDP? (b) How it is possible to give
the knowledge back to the owner after finalizing the
Concerning the first question (a), we can take the
view that the parties offset the knowledge rent against
the price for the software solution delivered at the end
of the project. Customer information on business
goals and the business knowledge lying behind this
information is valuable for the supplier. This
knowledge helps the supplier in understanding and
thus developing the required software. Consequently,
customer knowledge is valuable for the supplier, and
the supplier can rent this knowledge. The contractors
can offset this rent with the calculated overall SDP
Nonetheless, we must discuss the possibility of
project failure. The supplier does not deliver any
software and the customer will not pay the agreed
price. Should the contractors stipulate a penalty
regarding the delivered knowledge? We are facing the
same question as in the landlord-worker model:
should the worker pay a rent after crop failure, if he
cannot harvest grain? The answer the rent model
gives us is yes, because the landowner does not know
the reasons for the failure. Therefore, it is the
worker’s risk. Dispensing the rent would be only
possible in the case of a sharing model. Thus, also in
an SDP, the parties should agree on a penalty in case
the customer shares business knowledge, but the
supplier delivers no software system.
We are now coming to the more interesting
second question (b). Here, the parties must avoid that
the supplier integrates the knowledge rented from the
customer into the knowledge of his own organization.
As our empirical study shows, 77% of the suppliers
admit using received information outside the project.
If the knowledge given from customer to supplier
becomes a part of the suppliers’ business knowledge,
the supplier cannot give back this knowledge when
the rent comes to an end. We can interpret this as an
overuse of information as defined by Barzel (1997).
If the supplier uses the customer’s business
knowledge in other projects, namely to support
competitors of the customer, the value of this
knowledge decreases, as does the value of overused
One can argue that the supplier must integrate
knowledge into his own knowledge in order to
develop the required software. Nevertheless, we must
distinguish three cases: integration of knowledge into
the knowledge of the supplier as a knowing
organization (i) (Choo, 1996), integration of
knowledge into the knowledge of a project team (ii),
and integration of knowledge into the knowledge of a
single person (iii), for instance the requirements
engineer or solution designer. (i) For software system
development, it is not necessary for the supplier to
integrate knowledge about requirements into the
knowledge of his own organization. The contract
should contain rules to avoid this. (ii) In our empirical
online survey, 77% of the interview partners say that
such knowledge will be discussed in joint project
teams. The project team knowledge disappears when
the project ends. (iii) Last, a person’s knowledge
about complex facts often requires this person to have
access to detailed documentation. We can interpret
this documentation as the expert’s extended mind
(Clark and Chalmers, 1998). For proper use of the
knowledge, the expert needs access to the
documentation. If this access is denied after the end
of the project, the value of such knowledge decreases
within short periods of time.
Furthermore, we must take into account the
different kinds of information as discussed in the
previous section of this paper. As we have seen there,
two kinds are likely to raise problems: the knowledge
behind the information regarding project
requirements, and the knowledge behind the
information concerning functional and non-
functional requirements.
First, the knowledge regarding project
requirements, such as reasons for timelines or
customer business goals, which the customer will
only deliver to project leaders. This knowledge
should remain inside the project management team.
These people should sign a non-disclosure agreement
regarding this knowledge. Since the value of such
knowledge decreases very fast after the project is
finished, it is possible to supervise this agreement and
to demand a penalty in the case of knowledge misuse.
Second, functional and non-functional
requirements and the associated knowledge are
mostly very complex and recorded in voluminous
documents. Making impossible to copy these
documents is a technical issue. Consequently, the
experts from the supplier’s side can only use this
knowledge without integrating it into the knowledge
of their organization. At the end of the project, the
customer must prevent the supplier’s experts from
having access to the documents.
Therefore, it is possible to rent relevant
knowledge to the supplier. A prerequisite for this lies
in agreeing on some special contract regulations and
in securing that the documents delivered be difficult
to copy. This is just a technical issue (Krogh, 2012).
4.3.2 Renting Knowledge regarding Abilities
Following the same arguments, we can apply the rent
model to knowledge about the abilities of the supplier
as analyzed in the previous section. First, the parties
may also offset the rent with the delivered software
price. We suggest calculating the rent within the
project price. If possible, the parties should agree that
the customer pays a certain amount of the overall
price for this knowledge. It is particularly worth
noting that this amount is even due if the customer
cancels the SDP.
Nonetheless, we have to consider knowledge
regarding the supplier’s technical abilities, especially
regarding the core of business expertise. The
customer may be interested in this information for
two reasons. First, it may help in negotiations and
cooperation with other suppliers, namely with direct
competitors of the supplier who delivers the
knowledge. Second, the customer may use it to be
more independent from the supplier after finishing the
project, especially in the field of maintenance and
when it comes to developing future software releases.
In our empirical survey, 50% of the interview
partners, acting at least partly as customers, admit
using received knowledge outside the project.
Especially in the case that the customer cancels
the contract, the supplier will fear that the customer
uses the knowledge he has got during the project for
future developments. Therefore, the parties should
agree on a price for the delivered knowledge, which
must be paid by the customer also in case of
However, the supplier can protect his knowledge,
too. This knowledge about the supplier’s abilities is
also very complex and mostly documented in
repositories and libraries. In order to use this
information outside the single project, the customer
must get permanent access to these documents. The
supplier should present this knowledge without really
sharing it. It is possible to show the needed
knowledge proving that the needed knowledge is
available, and without delivering all the documents
specifying details of the supplier’s business know-
4.3.3 Consequences of Renting Knowledge
As shown by Barzel (1997), the rent of a property is
connected with the problem of overusing this
property. In the case of knowledge, this means that
using it outside the project may reduce its value
dramatically. Therefore, both parties, customer and
supplier, should assess the situation and the potential
for such misuse before signing the contract. If they
know the value of their business knowledge, they can
agree on a rent model on knowledge as described
To sum up the sections 4.3.1 and 4.3.2, both
parties signing a fixed-price SDP contract must be
aware of the fear of delivering part of one’s own
business knowledge to the other side. As we have
shown, it is possible to offset a rent of this knowledge
with the agreed fixed-price. For some kinds of
knowledge, a penalty can be agreed upon in case of
misuse or if the project fails and the customer does
not pay the agreed price.
To implement a rent model regarding this
knowledge it is necessary to secure that the other
party has no permanent access to the documents
containing the knowledge. This is just a technical
issue. “Show and present, but do not deliver your
documents” may be seen as the golden rule of
implementing the rent model for PR on business
We will now discuss the opportunity for a wage
model agreement under FPC.
4.4 The Wage Model
Let us recall that the parties sign a fixed-price contract
in most SDP cases. Therefore, at first glance, there is
no place for a wage model regarding knowledge.
However, we claim that this view is wrong in
connection with knowledge in SDPs.
First, we must face the problem that also in the
case of a time and material contract the factual PR on
knowledge may go over to the other side. If the
customer completely delivers all the documents to the
supplier, the sender cannot be sure that the receiver
might use it in other projects. Therefore, also in this
case the customer may lose PR on own knowledge.
This is the same problem as in the case of the fixed-
price contract.
Second, we can also apply Barzel’s wage model
to the FPC in SDPs. It is not about an overall fixed-
price connected with the project result, it is about
knowing if the PR on I&R are rented to the other side,
or if the owner uses the other side’s labor just to
produce some goods.
The goods produced by using the customer’s
business knowledge are the technical specifications
and the software designs needed by the programmers
for software realization. In an SDP, it is possible to
integrate the business analysts, the requirement
engineers, and the system designers needed for this
work into the customer’s organization for the time
required to produce these specifications. It is not
important whether the work of these experts is paid
by time and material or if the wage is part of the
overall fixed-price. The crucial fact is that they lose
the PR on used knowledge when they leave the
location where they had had access.
One might object that they will mentally take this
knowledge with them. Nonetheless, as discussed
before, in cases of complex business information the
value of the individual knowledge decreases fast if
this person has no longer access to the documents
containing knowledge details and describing
information connections and relations.
Consequently, if the supplier’s business analysts
are working under the control of the customer, with
no option of taking away business information from
the customer’s offices, we can see this part of the
project as work done with a wage model, and with or
without payment of an overall fixed-price.
Following Barzel (1997), the customer must be
aware of possible shirking from the supplier’s side in
this case. Given that the supplier’s experts produce
technical specifications for the software and even
software architecture under the customer’s control,
the customer is responsible for the quality of these
documents. It is difficult to identify the origin of
software development result problems: they might be
due to low information quality delivered by the
customer, or to poor work of the experts producing
the specifications, or to that of developers.
On the other hand, the supplier must face potential
misuse of the intellectual property under the
customer’s control. In the case of an SDP, this means
that the customer might try to use the abilities. There
can especially be a transfer of the experts’ knowledge
to the customer. Consequently, the customer will be
more independent as foreseen by the supplier.
According to Barzel’s conclusion, the customer
should only use the wage model if the quality of his
own property is unclear. In the SDP case, this means
that the customer is not sure about the quality of the
specified requirements and the availability of the
needed information and business know-how.
However, the customer must in this case be capable
of effectively controlling the work of the supplier’s
experts and of evaluating the quality of the produced
results. However, the last mentioned issue will be
difficult because specifications and designs are not
testable in the same way as developed software
(Wiegers and Beatly, 2013).
Finally, we will discuss the case of a wage model
regarding the supplier’s business knowledge. This is
possible when experts from the customer’s side are
working under the supplier’s control, using the
supplier’s information and knowledge. In an SDP,
there are a few cases where such a setting can happen,
for instance during the design of user interfaces or
during software system integration tests. We can
interpret this part of the project as a wage model, in
which the supplier must pay the customer a wage. We
can expect the parties to offset this wage with the
overall fixed-price. We suggest that the parties
evaluate the value of this work during the contract
In this paper, we have shown that software
development projects require the customer and the
supplier to share different kinds of I&K. The
customer must deliver I&K derived from business
goals (project requirements), information coming
from external constraints (process requirements), and
system requirements. On the other side, the supplier
must deliver I&K regarding his own abilities.
Sometimes, delivering information is sufficient. But
the parties must often share their business knowledge,
which can lead to misuse outside the project by the
party receiving the knowledge. Our empirical study
shows that this risk actually exists. In addition, at the
beginning of an SDP both parties do not know the
exact I&K is needed. Therefore, the contractors
deliver worthy of protection knowledge as late as
possible, requirements change.
We have described this situation in terms of the
PR theory, claiming that the knowledge of an
organization is an intellectual property of its owner.
However, the owner cannot protect by copyright,
patent, or trademark most of the knowledge needed in
an SDP. Consequently, we have developed options
for the protection of PR on knowledge straight from
the classic models of the PR theory.
We have considered two options: rent model and
wage model. In both cases, we face two issues: how
to pay the rent respectively the wage, and how to
protect PR, especially after the project is finished.
In the case of knowledge renting, we suggest
offsetting the price for the delivered knowledge with
the overall fixed-price. Therefore, the parties should
consider the value of the needed knowledge during
contract negotiation. The price should take into
account the risk of knowledge misuse outside the
project. If both parties are aware of these problems,
they are able to arrive at a satisfactory solution.
For the protection of PR, the parties should prefer
technical solutions, granting knowledge access just
for the time needed. Such technical restrictions are
possible by the use of document management systems
and the implementation of knowledge management
software. Considering the fact that knowledge about
complex business processes rapidly decreases if the
access to documentations is denied, an effective rent
system is possible if such a system is used.
Whilst a rent model option is a possible model for
using both customer and supplier knowledge, the
wage model is just an option for the use of customer
knowledge during technical specification and system
design. The customer might pay the wage as part of
the overall fixed-price. Analysts and designers can
work under the customer’s control and use the
customer’s facilities. This makes it easy to protect
knowledge from misuse, because controlling the
access to customer documentations and knowledge
management systems is easy to organize.
The issue which option the parties should prefer
will depend on the quality of the needed knowledge
and on the possibilities of securing it by technical
means. If knowledge is well-described in documents
and if it is possible to protect the delivered documents
containing knowledge by technical means from
misuse, the parties should prefer the rent model.
Otherwise, the wage model is a better way to share
knowledge. In both cases, the parties should be aware
of the following three principles.
(a) Both sides have protection-worthy knowledge.
(b) Both sides have to set a price for this knowledge.
They should agree upon the value of the shared
knowledge during contract negotiation and offset
it with the overall price.
(c) The parties should agree upon payment for
received and used knowledge in case the project
fails and the customer does not pay the negotiated
price for the software system.
Following these principles, customer as well as
supplier can minimize the risks resulting from sharing
knowledge in SDPs. Further research can directly
pick up here.
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