A quick research about studies for passive star
Local Area Networks (LANs) can show that there
have been introduced some WDMA protocols which
suffer from the receiver conflicts loss, while each
station uses a tunable receiver that can be tuned over
all WDM channels for reception. Especially, the
receiver collisions effect on both synchronous and
asynchronous transmission WDMA protocol cases
with Poisson aggregated traffic is analytically
examined by Pountourakis (1998), where a separate
control channel is introduced to exchange control
information in order to coordinate the data packets
successful transmissions. Also, the receiver
collisions impact on a synchronous transmission
WDMA protocol is analytically explored by Baziana
(2014) based on Poisson aggregated traffic scenario,
while the Multichannel Control Architecture (MCA)
is used in order to exchange the appropriate control
information over multiple parallel control channels
aiming to reduce the control loss probability. The
use of the MCA is also introduced by Baziana and
Pountourakis (2007 and 2012), where two
synchronous transmission WDMA protocols are
proposed assuming the receiver collisions effect for
different access strategies on the MCA. In these
studies, two different analytical Markovian models
are extensively adopted for the rigorous analytical
performance measures estimation.
On the other hand, in case of WDM Metropolitan
Area Networks (MANs) the receiver collisions are
considered in a slight different way. Thus, in order
to face them many WDMA protocols assume a
specific network and station configuration:
according to it, each station around the ring may
receive packets only from a dedicated channel
especially assigned to it for reception, while it is
equipped with a fixed receiver (FR) that is always
tuned to the dedicated reception channel (Bengi and
As, 2002), (Bengi, 2004), (Bregni et al., 2006),
(Herzog et al., 2004) and (Yang et al., 2004).
Although this assumption aims to face the packet
loss due to the receiver collisions, it provides
bandwidth under-utilization. This is because it
restricts the transmission of packets destined to a
specific destination station over its dedicated
reception channel, although there may exist other
available channels for transmission in case that it is
not currently free. In order to overcome the above
drawback and to efficiently exploit the available
fiber bandwidth, the use of a set of tunable
transmitter and receiver (TT-TR) per station is
proposed by Baziana and Pountourakis (2008 and
2010), by Turuk and Kumar (2004 and 2005) and by
Turuk et al. (2004), while all WDM channels can be
used for both transmission and reception. The
transceivers tunability benefits to significantly
reduce the dropping probability are given by
MacGregor et al. (2002).
The up to now investigations about the receiver
collisions effect in WDM networks performance
mainly consider that each station is equipped with a
single receiver, fixed or tunable. Since the recent
technology evolutions provide us with reliable
tunable receivers whose cost gradually decreases,
the utilization of more than one tunable receivers per
station appears as an interesting idea in order to
reduce the packet loss at destination and
consequently to increase the system performance. In
other words, the utilization of a multiple tunable
receivers station interface aims to provide gradual
reduction of packet rejection probability at
destination, improving the total throughput and
eliminating the system delay.
This paper introduces a synchronous
transmission WDMA protocol that takes under
consideration the receiver collisions effect in a
single-hop, passive star LAN that interconnects a
finite number of stations. The single-hop
architecture ensures that the communication between
the source and the destination station is realized over
the same channel without any wavelength
conversion. The proposed network configuration
uses a separate control WDM channel for the control
information exchange prior to the data
communication in order to coordinate the data
packets successful transmission without data channel
collisions. At each station a network interface is
assumed that contains a tunable transmitter and a
number x of tunable receivers (TT-TR
). In this way,
each station is capable of receiving at the end of
each time frame more than one (and up to x) data
packets that have been successfully transmitted over
the data channels and are destined to it. In this way,
the proposed protocol effectively faces the WDM
receiver collisions phenomenon providing essential
rejection probability reduction and total performance
improvement, as compared to the singe tunable
receiver per station case.
The present study expands previous studies, like
this of Pountourakis (1998), about the impact of
receiver collisions on the total network performance.
Especially, in this study we provide an analytical
model based on a Poisson arrival process in order to
derive in close mathematical formulas the average
throughput and the average rejection probability at
destination. Numerical results for diverse finite
numbers of stations and WDM channels are