set. To facilitate the comprehension of each classi-
fication, we have listed the obtained results within ta-
As a result, we can notice that besides the great
number of approaches proposed to deal with devia-
tions within software processes, just few works have
explicitly offered mechanisms to correct them. More-
over, we have realized that most of approaches are
tool-dependent. For instance, in (Bendraou et al.,
2012), authors say Having different modeling lan-
guages would not change anything to the proposed
solution because of the use of Praxis. On the other
side, within the Software Engineering field, we are
not interested at having the same execution tool. The
goal has always been to offer generic solutions and let
the developers free about the choice of the execution
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ing on proposing a platform-independent solution to
detect deviations and correcting them at a second
time. Our main objective is to offer a conceptual-
level approach that facilitate the detection of devia-
tions within a large spectrum of software processes.
Moreover, the challenge for us is to offer a reusable
approach since it is one of the main objectives within
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