Figure 9: Verification results.
In this paper we have proposed a systematic mapping
of UML2 sequence diagrams into the π-calculus
formalism. We have deliberately taken the choice of
the π-calculus because besides its rich theory and
background especially for systems with dynamic
structures, it is well adapted to capture the
interleaving semantics of the interactions. This allows
automatic analysis and verification of these diagrams
using π-calculus analytic tools such as the mobility
workbench (MWB). Our approach provides the
mapping of basic elements as well as the mostly used
CombinedFragments. The mechanism adopted in the
mapping is simple and effective. It is a lifeline based-
semantics; this means that the sequence diagram
behavior is described by the free merge of their
lifelines behaviors. A lifeline behavior is event-
oriented and we consider two events on the lifelines;
the receipt event and the send event. By this way, the
approach gives flexibility and clarity in the
verification task and each one who would like to use
our approach could write very expressive properties.
In our future works, we plan to extend our
approach by the translation of the rest
CombinedFragments of sequence diagrams and to
automate the mapping to maximize the potential
impact of the work.
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