Systematic Identification of Information Flows from Requirements
to Support Privacy Impact Assessments
Rene Meis and Maritta Heisel
paluno - The Ruhr Institute for Software Technology – University of Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Privacy Impact Assessment, Privacy Analysis, Problem Frames, Requirements Engineering.
Several countries prescribe or advise government departments and organizations to perform a privacy impact
assessment (PIA) if these prepare new projects or change existing ones that involve personal information. A
PIA shall summarize what personal information is collected, processed, stored, and distributed in the context
of the project. But there is only little support for undertaking a PIA and to create a PIA report, most countries
only provide vague guidelines and simple templates. We present in this paper an extension of the problem-
based privacy analysis (ProPAn) method that derives information needed to conduct a PIA from a requirements
model in problem frame notation. We provide a formally specified method with well-defined steps and tool
support to reduce the effort to be spent for eliciting the needed information and to ensure that the needed
information is as complete and coherent as possible to form an adequate basis for the creation of a PIA report.
To provide privacy-aware software systems, it is cru-
cial to consider privacy from the very beginning of
the development. Ann Cavoukian was one of the first
who promoted this idea with her concept of privacy
by design (Cavoukian, 2011). Several countries pre-
scribe or advise government departments and organi-
zations to perform a so called privacy impact assess-
ment (PIA). Wright et al. (Wright et al., 2011) de-
fine a PIA as follows: “A privacy impact assessment
is a methodology for assessing the impacts on pri-
vacy of a project, policy, programme, service, prod-
uct or other initiative which involves the processing of
personal information and, in consultation with stake-
holders, for taking remedial actions as necessary in
order to avoid or minimise negative impacts. In the
same document the authors review the PIA methods
of seven countries, namely Australia, Canada, Hong
Kong, Ireland, New Zealand, the United Kingdom,
and the United States for the EU project PIAF
. This
project had the goal to provide recommendations on
how a regulation for a PIA in the EU should look like.
In the draft of the EU data protection regulation (Eu-
ropean Commission, 2012) in article 33, the EU de-
scribes a procedure similar to a PIA called data pro-
tection impact assessment.
In this paper, we extend the problem-based pri-
vacy analysis (ProPAn) method (Beckers et al., 2014)
and show how this extension helps requirements en-
gineers to elicit the information they have to provide
for the conduction of a PIA. Wright et al. distilled
from their above mentioned analysis of the PIA prac-
tice 36 points that they “recommend for a European
PIA policy and methodology”. These points consist
of 15 recommendations on how a PIA guideline doc-
ument should look like, 9 points address how PIA
should be integrated into policy, for the PIA report
they give 6 recommendations and also 6 for the PIA
process. Requirements engineers can provide valu-
able input for some of those points on the basis of a
requirements model of the software project for which
the PIA shall be conducted. Our proposed method ad-
dresses the following points which are central for the
success of a PIA:
1. “A PIA should be started early, so that it can
evolve with and help shape the project, so that
privacy is built in rather than bolted on. Our
method starts at the very beginning of the soft-
ware development process, namely in the analysis
phase, and only needs the initial system descrip-
tion consisting of the functional requirements on
the system.
2. “The PIA should identify information flows, i.e.,
who collects information, what information do
Meis R. and Heisel M..
Systematic Identification of Information Flows from Requirements to Support Privacy Impact Assessments.
DOI: 10.5220/0005518500430052
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Software Paradigm Trends (ICSOFT-PT-2015), pages 43-52
ISBN: 978-989-758-115-1
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
they collect, why do they collect it, how is the
information processed and by whom and where,
how is the information stored and secured, who
has access to it, with whom is the information
shared, under what conditions and safeguards,
3. “The focus of a PIA report should be on the needs
and rights of individuals whose personal infor-
mation is collected, used or disclosed. The pro-
ponent of the proposal is responsible for privacy
The proponent must “own” problems and devise
appropriate responses in the design and planning
phases. With the proposed extension of ProPAn,
we provide a systematic approach to identify the
individuals whose personal information is col-
lected, how it is used by the software system, and
to whom it is disclosed on the basis of a given re-
quirements model.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows. Sec-
tion 2 introduces an eHealth scenario that we use to
illustrate our method. The problem frames approach
and ProPAn are presented in Section 3 as background
of this paper. Our method is then described in Sec-
tion 4. Section 5 discusses related work, and Section
6 concludes the paper.
We use a subsystem of an electronic health system
(EHS) scenario provided by the industrial partners of
the EU project Network of Excellence (NoE) on En-
gineering Secure Future Internet Software Services
and Systems (NESSoS)
to illustrate our method. This
scenario is based on the German health care system
which uses health insurance schemes for the account-
ing of treatments.
The EHS is the software to be built. It has to man-
age electronic health records (EHR) which are created
and modified by doctors (functional requirement R1).
Additionally, the EHS shall support doctors to per-
form the accounting of treatments patients received.
The accounting is based on the treatments stored in
the health records. Using an insurance application it
is possible to perform the accounting with the respec-
tive insurance company of the patient. If the insur-
ance company only partially covers the treatment a
patient received, the EHS shall create an invoice (R2).
The billing is then handled by a financial application
(R3). Furthermore, mobile devices shall be supported
by the EHS to send instructions and alarms to patients
(R4) and to record vital signs of patients (R5). Finally,
the EHS shall provide anonymized medical data to re-
searchers for clinical research (R6).
Problem frames are a requirements engineering
approach proposed by Jackson (Jackson, 2001).
The problem of developing the software-to-be-built
(called machine) is decomposed until subproblems
are reached which fit to problem frames. Problem
frames are patterns for frequently occurring problems.
An instantiated problem frame is represented as a
problem diagram. A problem diagram visualizes the
relation of a requirement to the environment of the
machine and how the machine can influence these do-
mains. The environment of the machine is structured
into domains. Jackson distinguishes the domain types
causal domains that comply with some physical laws,
lexical domains that are data representations, and bid-
dable domains that are usually people. A requirement
can refer to and constrain phenomena of domains.
Phenomena are events, commands, states, informa-
tion, and the like. Both relations are expressed by
dependencies from the requirement to the respective
domain annotated with the referred to or constrained
phenomena. Connections (associations) between do-
mains describe the phenomena they share. Both do-
mains can observe the shared phenomena, but only
one domain has the control over a phenomenon (de-
noted by a “!”).
We use the UML4PF-framework (C
e et al.,
2011) to create problem frame models as UML class
diagrams. All diagrams are stored in one global UML
model. Hence, we can perform analyses and con-
sistency checks over multiple diagrams and artifacts.
The problem diagram (in UML notation) for the func-
tional requirements R5 is shown in Figure 1. The
problem diagram is about the problem to build the
submachine Record that records the vital signs of Pa-
tients sent to it via MobileDevices in the correspond-
ing EHRs. The functional requirement R5 refers to
the patient from whom the vital signs are recorded
and to the mobile device which forwards the vital
signs, and the requirement constrains the EHR to store
the recorded vital signs in the corresponding health
record of the patient.
ProPAn (Beckers et al., 2014) extends the
UML4PF-framework with a UML profile for privacy
requirements and a reasoning technique. A privacy
requirement in ProPAn consists of a stakeholder and
a counterstakeholder, both of which are domains of
the requirements model. It states that the counter-
stakeholder shall not be able to obtain personal in-
Figure 1: Problem diagram for functional requirement R5.
formation of the stakeholder using the system-to-be.
Note that stakeholder and counterstakeholder can be
the same biddable domain because biddable domains
in the problem frame model do not necessarily repre-
sent individuals, but in most cases user roles. Hence,
the privacy of an individual can be threatened by an-
other individual of the same user role.The reasoning
technique identifies to which domains personal infor-
mation of the stakeholder can potentially flow and to
which domains the counterstakeholder may have ac-
cess. For each privacy requirement, the information
flows starting from the stakeholder and the access ca-
pabilities of the counterstakeholder is visualized in
a privacy threat graph. This directed graph has do-
mains as nodes and contains two kinds of edges an-
notated with statements (requirements, facts and as-
sumptions) describing the origin of the edge. Infor-
mation flow edges indicate a possible flow of informa-
tion between the domains and access edges indicate
that a domain is able to access information of the other
domain. In this paper, we refine these graphs and
investigate which personal information really flows
between the domains due to the given requirements
Our proposed method is visualized in Figure 2 as
UML2 activity diagram. The starting point of our
method is a set of functional requirements in form of a
UML-based problem frame model. Using this model,
we first elicit further context information in the step
Context Elicitation. The result of this step is Domain
Knowledge that is integrated into the UML model.
Then we can automatically generate Detailed Stake-
holder Information Flow Graphs from the model and
use these in the following step to identify the personal
data that is put into the system by stakeholders. The
result of this step is the Personal Data of Stakeholders
and the relations between this data. In the following
step, we iteratively analyze the flow of the previously
identified personal data through the system using the
graphs. During this step, we obtain information about
the availability and linkability of personal data at the
Figure 2: Problem-Based Method for the Identification of
Privacy-Relevant Information Flows.
domains of the system. Our method shall be carried
out by requirements engineers in collaboration with
experts in the application domain of the system to be
built. We will refer to them using term user. The final
output of our method summarizes due to which re-
quirements, facts, or assumptions personal data flows
through the system and can be used as input to create
a PIA report. Our method is formally specified and
tool supported
. The formal specification is not part
of this paper due to space limitations, but available as
technical report
. We extended the UML4PF profile
to provide the basis for our tool support as shown in
Figure 3. The stereotypes introduced by the profile
are discussed in the description of the method steps
where they are firstly used.
4.1 Context Elicitation
Information systems often store and process data of
persons who not directly interact with systems and
that hence may not be represented in the require-
ments model. Furthermore, there are often informa-
+ stakeholder: BiddableDomain [1]
+ linkable: Linkability [1]
Figure 3: UML profile extension of UML4PF.
tion flows between domains in a system that are out of
the scope of the functional requirements of the system
to be built. E.g., doctors and patients may exchange
information without using the system to be built. To
elicit these indirect stakeholders and implicit informa-
tion flows between domains and stakeholders that are
not covered by the requirements, we developed elic-
itation questionnaires (Meis, 2014). The implicit in-
formation flows are captured as domain knowledge
diagrams that are generated by the ProPAn-tool based
on the user’s answers. A domain knowledge diagram
is similar to a problem diagram, but it does not contain
a machine and instead of a requirement it contains a
fact (an indicative statement that is always true) or an
assumption (an indicative statement that is may not
true under some circumstances). For our proposed
method, it is especially important that during the con-
text elicitation the user elicits the domain knowledge
from which domains biddable domains probably gain
information. Domains that are part of the same prob-
lem diagram as a biddable domain are candidates for
domains from which that biddable domain may gain
Application to EHS scenario For the sake of sim-
plicity, we only introduce three examples for implicit
information flows that we identified for the EHS sce-
nario in (Meis, 2014). First, doctors often act on be-
half of patients and enter information into the EHS
that they previously got from patients during the treat-
ment (A2). Second, it is possible that the EHS is
launched with already existing EHRs (F1). Third, em-
ployees using the financial application are able to ac-
cess the available data necessary for the billing pro-
cess (A6). The domain knowledge diagram for A2 is
Figure 4: Doctors act on behalf of patients.
shown in Figure 4.
4.2 Graph Generation
A large set of requirements often implies complex
flows of information through the system that are only
visible if all requirements are considered simultane-
ously. Hence, it is a difficult task to analyze these in-
formation flows. To assist users to analyze the infor-
mation flows implied by the given set of requirements,
we generate graphs from the problem frame model.
In this paper, we introduce so-called detailed stake-
holder information flow graphs (DSIFGs) to identify
the personal data of the stakeholder and at which do-
mains that information is available due to the func-
tional requirements and the elicited domain knowl-
edge. In a problem frame model, statements (require-
ments, assumptions, and facts) refer to and constrain
domains of the machine’s environment. If a domain
is referred to by a statement, then this implies that it
is potentially an information source, and if a domain
is constrained, then this implies that based on the in-
formation from the referred domains there is a change
at the domain. Hence, there is a potential information
flow from the referred to domains to the constrained
once. Our tool uses this information available in the
problem frame model to automatically generate the
DSIFG for each biddable domain without user inter-
action. In contrast to the previously defined graphs
(cf. Section 3), a DSIFG has a petri-net like struc-
ture with domains as places and statements as tran-
sitions. The DSIFG starts with the stakeholder un-
der consideration. Iteratively, all statements that refer
to a domain in the DSIFG are added to the DSIFG
with input edges annotated with the referred-to phe-
nomena starting from the domain. And for each state-
ment in the graph, the constrained domains are added
to the DSIFG with corresponding output edges anno-
tated with the constrained phenomena.
Application to EHS scenario An excerpt of the pa-
tient’s DSIFG is shown in Figure 5. The patient’s
DSIFG shows e.g., that assumption A2 (cf. Fig-
ure 4) implies an information flow from the patient
(referred-to domain) to the doctor (constrained do-
main) and that requirement R5 (cf. Figure 1) implies
information flows from the patient and the mobile de-
vice (referred-to domains) to the health records (con-
Figure 5: Excerpt of the detailed stakeholder information
flow graph for the stakeholder patient.
strained domain).
4.3 Identification of Personal Data
For the analysis of the information flow graph, the
user has to identify the personal data of the stake-
holder that is processed in the system under consider-
ation. In the literature, often the term personally iden-
tifiable information (PII) is used. The International
Organization for Standardization (ISO/IEC, 2011) de-
fines PII as “any information that (a) can be used to
identify the PII principal to whom such information
relates, or (b) is or might be directly or indirectly
linked to a PII principal”. The European Commis-
sion (European Commission, 2012) uses the term per-
sonal data in the draft of the EU data protection regu-
lation and defines “’personal data’ means any infor-
mation relating to a data subject. In this paper, we
use the terms personal data and personal information
synonymously as more general terms than PII. Per-
sonal data is not only data that can be used to iden-
tify an individual or that is linkable to an individual,
but also data related to an individual without provid-
ing any link to the related individual. E.g., knowing
that there is a user with a specific sexual orientation
will in most cases not allow one to identify or nar-
row down the set of users with that specific sexual
orientation. But nevertheless, the sexual orientation
of a user represents a sensitive personal information
that needs special protection if it is processed by the
system under consideration. Note that the user of the
method can decide to use a more specific definition of
personal data, but we decided to use the general term
to capture all possibly critical processing of personal
data in the system under consideration.
As starting point for the identification of personal
data from the requirements model, the user has to
look at the data that the stakeholder directly or indi-
rectly provides to the system. This personal data is
contained in the phenomena of the stakeholder that
are referred to by some statement. Hence, the user
has to consider the phenomena annotated at the edges
starting from the stakeholder in his/her DSIFG. We
distinguish two cases for the identification of per-
sonal data in our requirements model. A phenomenon
can either be a causal or a symbolic phenomenon.
Causal phenomena represent events or commands a
domain issues and symbolic phenomenon represent
a state, value, or information. If the phenomenon
is symbolic, then the user has to check whether this
phenomenon represents personal data. If the phe-
nomenon is causal, then the user has to check whether
it contains/transmits personal data.
To document the contains/transmits relationship
between phenomena, we use aggregations with
connecting the phenomena in
the UML model (cf. Figures 3 and 6). Besides
the property that information is contained in other
information, it is often the case that information is
not directly contained but derived from other infor-
mation. This relation is documented as dependency
with stereotype
(cf. Figure 3) start-
ing from the derived phenomenon and pointing to the
phenomena which are necessary to derive it. It is pos-
sible that a personal information can be derived from
different sources, e.g., the actual position of a per-
son can be derived from the GPS coordinates of the
person’s smart phone or using the currently available
wireless networks also provided by the person’s smart
phone. In such cases, we add multiple dependencies
to the model.
Note that a contains relationship is naturally tran-
sitive and that if a phenomenon is derived from a set
of phenomena, then each phenomenon of the set can
be replaced by a phenomenon that contains it and
the phenomenon can also be derived by each super-
set of the documented set. At the points where we
need these properties, our tool computes the transi-
tive closure of these properties. Furthermore, our tool
automatically documents for traceability of decisions
made, the origin of our decision for introducing a
contains or derivedFrom relationship. The tool sets
the property origin of contains and derivedFrom re-
lations (cf. Figure 3) automatically to the statements
from which we identified the relations.
Our tool assists users to identify personal data.
The tool presents for a selected stakeholder the phe-
nomena (derived from the DSIFG) that are candi-
dates for personal data of the stakeholder. For each
symbolic phenomenon that the user identifies to be
personal data, the tool documents the relation to the
stakeholder by creating a dependency with stereo-
starting from the phenomenon and
pointing to the stakeholder. To document the rela-
tion’s quality, the user has to answer two questions:
1. Does the phenomenon represent sensitive per-
sonal data for the stakeholder?
2. Does the personal data identify the single indi-
vidual it belongs to, does it narrow down the
set of possible individuals it is related to to a
subgroup, or does the information not provide any
link to the corresponding individual and is hence
The answers to the above questions are stored as prop-
erties of
(cf. Figure 3) and are set man-
ually by the user.
Application to EHS scenario From the DSIFG
shown in Figure 5, we derive that patientDemograph-
ics, healthStatus, and vitalSigns are the phenomena
that have to be considered for patients. All these sym-
bolic phenomena represent sensitive personal infor-
mation related to a patient. The demographics iden-
tify a single individual, whereas the health status and
vital signs a group of possible patients. The initially
identified relations for the patient are highlighted us-
ing bold connections and gray shapes in Figure 6. The
other relations visible in Figure 6 are identified during
the later iterative analysis.
4.4 Personal Data Flow Analysis
In this step, we analyze how the identified personal
data of each stakeholder is propagated through the
system based on the given requirements and domain
knowledge. As a result of this process, we obtain for
each domain and stakeholder of the system a projec-
tion of the identified personal data of the stakeholder
that is available at the domain.
To document that some personal data about a
stakeholder is available at a domain, our tool cre-
ates for this domain a package with stereotype
in the UML model
and adds into this package a dependency with stereo-
starting from the personal data to
the stakeholder when the user identifies this relation
during the process. We document as quality attributes
of the relation linkableTo to which degree the data
available at the domain is linkable to the stakeholder,
from which statements of the requirements this rela-
tion was derived (origin), for which purpose the infor-
mation is available at the domain, how the collection
of information took place, and how long the informa-
tion will be available at the domain (duration) us-
ing the stereotype properties (cf. Figure 3). Note
that we in the first place document for which purpose
some personal information is available at a domain
due to the requirements model. Whether the stake-
holder gave consent to process the data for this pur-
pose and whether the purpose is legitimate as required
by some data protection regulations (European Com-
mission, 2012) has to be analyzed later. We distin-
guish between direct collection from the stakeholder,
e.g., the stakeholder enters the information on its own,
and indirect collection, e.g., the information is col-
lected by observing the stakeholder’s behavior. We
distinguish three kinds of duration. If the duration is
forAction, then the information will only be available
at the domain as long as the information is needed
for the action to be performed. If the duration is
untilDeleted, then the information will be deleted at
some point in time when it is no longer needed, but
not directly after it is no longer needed. The dura-
tion unlimited expresses that once the information is
available at that domain, it will stay available there.
4.4.1 Initialization of Personal Data Flow
At each domain, the initially available information is
the information that the user identified in the previous
step for this domain. I.e., the personal data related
to the domain itself. The initial available information
diagrams are created automatically by our tool. The
tool sets the collection method for the initial available
information to direct and the duration of availability
to unlimited.
During a step of the later iterative personal data
flow analysis, the user selects a statement of the
DSIFG for which he/she wants to investigate which
personal data available at the input domains of the
statement flows to which output domain of the state-
ment and in which quality. The tool guides through
the process and presents the statements that still have
to be considered to the user. Initially, these are the
statements for which the stakeholder under consider-
ation is an input domain.
Application to EHS scenario For the stakeholder
patient, we have initially to consider the statements
A2, F1, and R5 (cf. Figure 5). The information ini-
tially available at the patient is the gray part with bold
connections in Figure 6.
Figure 6: Identified personal information for the patient.
4.4.2 Iterative Analysis of the Flow of Personal
Now, the user iteratively chooses a statement to be
considered for the stakeholder under consideration.
Our tool then collects the personal information of the
stakeholder that is available at the input domains and
computes the transitive closure using the contains and
derivedFrom relations.
As mentioned before, the user may identify that
only a part of or information derived from the avail-
able information is transmitted to output domains.
Because of that, the tool asks the user to select avail-
able information from which only parts or derived
information is transmitted. The user has only to se-
lect the available information and to enter the name
of the new information. The tool then creates the
newly identified phenomenon and the corresponding
contains, derivedFrom, and relatedTo relations with
the current statement as origin.
Then the user has to decide for each output do-
main which of the available information is transmitted
to it. Based on the user’s selection, our tool automat-
ically generates the corresponding model elements.
The stereotype properties of
origin and purpose) have to be adjusted by the user
manually. For each transmitted phenomenon, the tool
adds the current statement to the property purpose
of the
dependency between the phe-
nomenon and the stakeholder under consideration in
an input domain’s available information diagram if
such a dependency exists. I.e., we document that the
information has to be available at the input domain to
be transferred to an output domain.
Depending on how the information transfer is de-
scribed by the current statement, it is possible that an
output domain is able to link two data sets related to
a stakeholder to each other. I.e., there is information
available at the domain that allows everyone who has
access to this information to know that different per-
sonal data is related to the same individual, but not
necessarily to which individual. E.g., the doctor is
able to link the health status of a patient to his/her
demographics and hence, knows to which patient a
health status is related. To document at which domain
which information about the stakeholder is linkable,
we use an association with stereotype
(cf. Figure 3) that is part of the package of the domain
at which this link is known and connects the phe-
nomena which can be linked. After the user specified
the information transmitted to the output domains, the
tool asks for each output domain which personal data
available at the output domain is linkable to each other
and creates on the basis of the user’s selection the
linkableTo relations. The stereotype properties have
to be set by the user manually.
After the above steps, the tool removes the current
statement from the set of statements that have to be
considered and adds all statements that have one of
the current output domains for which the user iden-
tified a new information flow as input domain. In
this way, the user iteratively traverses the DSIFG sup-
ported by the tool until all statements have been con-
Application to EHS scenario We consider the first
step of the analysis with stakeholder patient and state-
ment A2. As input domain, we have the patient and
the only output domain is the doctor (cf. Figure 5).
The available phenomena are the identified personal
data of the patient, namely his/her demographics, vi-
tal signs and health status (cf. gray and bold part of
Figure 6). We do not identify further contained or
Figure 7: Available information diagram for the doctor.
Figure 8: Available information diagram for the financial
derived personal data in the first step, but we iden-
tify that a health status also contains vital signs of the
patient. From assumption A2, we see that the doc-
tor gets from his/her patients information about their
health status and their demographics. This informa-
tion is collected directly from the patient. As doctors
do not have to delete their records after some time,
we set the duration of availability to unlimited. The
health status alone is linkable to a group of patients
and the demographics to a single patient. Further-
more, the tool adds A2 to the property purpose of the
stereotype instances
in the available in-
formation diagram of the patient that start from pa-
tientDemographics and healthStatus. As doctors di-
rectly collect the demographics and health status from
patients, they are able (and have to be able) to link a
health status to a patient’s demographics. This infor-
mation is directly collected from the patient and the
duration of availability is unlimited. The linkableTo
relations are generated by the tool based on our se-
lections and we adjust the properties of
manually to the above described values. The resulting
available information diagram for the doctor is shown
in Figure 7.
During the further analysis, we identify that from
the health status of a patient several data is derived (cf.
upper part of Figure 6). Alarms and appointments are
derived from the health status to be displayed on the
mobile devices of patients (R4). We identified that
for the accounting the treatments done and the corre-
sponding costs are derived from the health status (R2).
For clinical research the health status is anonymized
to medical data (R6). Additionally, we identified from
R2 that the patient demographics contain the patient’s
address to be used in the invoices and the insurance
number for the accounting (cf. lower left part of Fig-
ure 6). Due to limitations of space, we do not show all
available information diagrams. Figure 8 shows the
personal data of the patient available at the financial
application. Only the patient’s address and the treat-
ment costs are available at the financial application
for the billing process. These two kinds of informa-
tion are linkable to each other.
4.5 Using the Elicited Knowledge for a
PIA Report
The user can now use the collected data to fill parts of
a PIA report. The UML model contains:
1. The personal data of stakeholders that is used in
the system.
2. The information at which domain of the system
which personal data is available and in which
3. Traceability links to identify the requirements,
facts, and assumptions that lead to the informa-
tion flows.
4. For each domain, we can derive the set of counter-
stakeholders that possibly have access to personal
data available at the domain that they should not
be able to access (cf. (Beckers et al., 2014)).
Furthermore, the collected data can be used to start
a privacy risk assessment. In the same way, as we
elicited the intended information flow implied by the
requirements model, we could also document the pri-
vacy threats implied by unintended information flows
and their probability of occurrence. On the other
hand, we could also investigate whether the informa-
tion available at domains by intention or information
that can be derived from that data can lead to privacy
threats and how probable these threats are. For each
identified personal information, we could additionally
elicit the consequences that the disclosure of this in-
formation would imply. Based on the probability of
privacy threats and the consequences of information
disclosure, we could then evaluate the privacy risks
implied by the system to be built.
Application to EHS scenario Possible threats to
the privacy of patients can be located in the finan-
cial application. Employees who are involved in the
billing process are able to access patient’s addresses
and their treatment costs, which are linkable to each
other (cf. Figure 8). As the treatment costs are derived
from the health status of the patient (cf. Figure 6), em-
ployees may gain knowledge about chronic illnesses
that patients have if regularly similar treatment costs
are recorded.
Privacy-aware Requirements Engineering
The LINDDUN-framework proposed by Deng et
al. (Deng et al., 2011) is an extension of Microsoft’s
security analysis framework STRIDE (Howard and
Lipner, 2006). The basis for the privacy analysis is
a data flow diagram (DFD) which is then analyzed on
the basis of the high-level threats Linkability, Identi-
fiabilitiy, Non-repudiation, Detectability, information
Disclosure, content Unawareness, and policy/consent
The PriS method introduced by Kalloniatis et
al. (Kalloniatis et al., 2008) considers privacy require-
ments as organizational goals. The impact of the pri-
vacy requirements on the other organizational goals
and their related business processes is analyzed. The
authors use privacy process patterns to suggest a set
of privacy enhancing technologies (PETs) to realize
the privacy requirements.
Liu et al. (Liu et al., 2003) propose a security
and privacy requirements analysis based on the goal
and agent-based requirements engineering approach
(Yu, 1997). The authors integrate the security and
privacy analysis into the elicitation process of i
. Al-
ready elicited actors from i
are considered as attack-
ers. Additional skills and malicious intent of the at-
tackers are combined with the capabilities and inter-
ests of the actors. Then the vulnerabilities implied by
the identified attackers and their malicious intentions
are investigated in the i
The above mentioned methods all support the
identification of high-level privacy threats or vulner-
abilities and the selection of privacy enhancing tech-
nologies (PETs) to address the privacy threats or vul-
nerabilities. These steps are not yet supported by the
ProPAn-method. But in contrast to a problem frame
model, DFDs, goal models, and business processes,
as they are used by the above methods, are too high-
level and lack of detailed information that is neces-
sary to identify personal data that is processed by the
system and how the personal data flows through the
system. Hence, the methods proposed by Deng et al.,
Kalloniatis et al., and Liu et al. lack of support for
the elicitation of the information that is essential for
a valuable privacy analysis. Additionally, we provide
a tool-supported method to systematically identify the
personal data and collect the information at which do-
mains of the system this personal data is available in
a way that allows us to use the data to assist PIAs.
Omoronyia et al. (Omoronyia et al., 2013) present
an adaptive privacy framework. Formal models are
used to describe the behavioral and context mod-
els, and user’s privacy requirements of the system.
The behavioral and context model are then checked
against the privacy requirements using model check-
ing techniques. This approach is complementary to
ours, because the knowledge collected by our method
can be used to set up adequate models, which is cru-
cial to obtain valuable results.
Methodologies supporting PIA
Oetzel and Spiekermann (Oetzel and Spiekermann,
2014) describe a methodology to support the com-
plete PIA process. Their methodology describes
which steps have to be performed in which order to
perform a PIA. Hence, their methodology covers all
necessary steps that have to be performed for a PIA.
In contrast to our method, Oetzel and Spiekermann’s
methodology does not give concrete guidance on how
to elicit the relevant information needed for a PIA
which is the focus of this work.
Tancock et al. (Tancock et al., 2010) propose a
PIA tool for cloud computing that provides guidance
for carrying out a PIA for this domain. The infor-
mation about the system has to be entered manually
into the tool. The PIA tool by Tancock et al. covers
more parts of a PIA then our method,. In contrast,
our method can use the information provided by an
existing requirements model and provides in this way
more guidance for the elicitation of the information
essential for a PIA.
To assist the creation of a PIA report for software
projects, we developed a tool-supported method that
derives necessary inputs for a PIA from a require-
ments model in a systematic manner. This method
is based on a requirements model in problem frame
notation and hence, can be started at the very be-
ginning of the software development process, when
it is still possible to influence the software project.
Our method assists requirements engineers and do-
main experts to systematically identify the personal
data processed by the system to be built and how and
in which quality this personal data flows through the
system. This information can then be used to create
a PIA report and can also serve as starting point for a
privacy risk assessment. Our proposed UML profile
can easily be extended with further stereotype proper-
ties and values to capture additional information that
has to be documented for a specific PIA report.
Our method has some limitations. As starting
point of the analysis, we rely on a complete model
of functional requirements. Hence, changes in the
functional requirements generally imply a re-run of
our method and all collected information has to be
elicited again. To overcome this limitation, we could
enhance our method as follows. If a requirement is
removed from the mode, then all information flows
that originate from this requirement could be auto-
matically removed from the model by the tool. This
is possible due to the attribute origin (cf. Figure 3).
And if a requirement is added then we would have to
check whether this requirement introduces new rele-
vant domain knowledge, and whether the requirement
together with the new domain knowledge introduce
new information flows to the already elicited infor-
mation flows. In this way, the already collected in-
formation from the unchanged requirements could be
kept. Another limitation is that our proposed tool is
only a prototype implementation that needs to be fur-
ther analyzed for usability and user acceptance.
As future work, we want to support the generation
of PIA reports based on the elicited information. For
this, we will extend our tool support with the possibil-
ity to define templates that can be filled with the infor-
mation contained in the UML model and then be used
as part of a PIA report. We also want to extend our
proposed method with a privacy risk assessment and
to integrate a privacy threshold assessment that indi-
cates which level of detail the PIA shall have. Further-
more, we plan to empirically validate our method, the
tool support, and the outputs produced by our method.
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