of functional requirements. Hence, changes in the
functional requirements generally imply a re-run of
our method and all collected information has to be
elicited again. To overcome this limitation, we could
enhance our method as follows. If a requirement is
removed from the mode, then all information flows
that originate from this requirement could be auto-
matically removed from the model by the tool. This
is possible due to the attribute origin (cf. Figure 3).
And if a requirement is added then we would have to
check whether this requirement introduces new rele-
vant domain knowledge, and whether the requirement
together with the new domain knowledge introduce
new information flows to the already elicited infor-
mation flows. In this way, the already collected in-
formation from the unchanged requirements could be
kept. Another limitation is that our proposed tool is
only a prototype implementation that needs to be fur-
ther analyzed for usability and user acceptance.
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of PIA reports based on the elicited information. For
this, we will extend our tool support with the possibil-
ity to define templates that can be filled with the infor-
mation contained in the UML model and then be used
as part of a PIA report. We also want to extend our
proposed method with a privacy risk assessment and
to integrate a privacy threshold assessment that indi-
cates which level of detail the PIA shall have. Further-
more, we plan to empirically validate our method, the
tool support, and the outputs produced by our method.
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