The main goal of this research was to devise a meth-
od for evaluating doctors review websites such as
the WTT. A literature review was conducted to iden-
tify influencing factors that affect online patients’
decision making process, trust and satisfaction. The
underlying research method used in this study was
design science and the artifact was the WTT web-
site. The focus was on the evaluation of the artifact
and the definition of redesign specification to over-
come identified problems. The evaluation of the
artifact combined techniques such as, eye tracking,
surveys and think aloud to enhance the accuracy of
the results. Physiological and cognitive data from
the experiments were integrated on a temporal scale
that helped to pinpoint problems in a holistic way.
Results from the evaluation of WTT indicated an
average usability score. Moreover, analysis of the
integrated data obtained from eye tracking, video
recording, and ‘thinking aloud’ methods, also high-
lighted problems with the website's information
architecture. Both led to the need to redesign the
site. Despite the fact that all problems that were
identified have been eliminated, the redesigned web-
site also needs to be re-evaluated. Therefore, part of
our future work, is to perform a comparative study
between the two designs using a larger sample set.
Furthermore, we also intent to enhance our method-
ology with additional behavioural cues such as stress
level of users (Carneiro D, et al, 2012). This will
help identify stressors in the information architecture
that lead to reduced artifact acceptance.
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