With the great mass of data stored in image
databases, content-based image retrieval has become
a necessity in order to classify images and extract
useful information from this large amount of data. In
this approach we have developed a simple and
intuitive interface which ensures an advanced
manipulation of images using Oracle database. One
of the advantages of using a DBMS to manipulate
images is to be able to search for images in many
ways, as well as using a centralized manageable
Through the study of the implementation manner
of the content based image retrieval in Oracle and
taking into consideration the absence of a simple and
intuitive interface that allows user to do an
intelligent and automatic search for images in
database, we decided to create a layer of assistance
to design and implement CBIR system. The result of
this work is a search system that allows visual
navigation, manipulation of the image database and
CBIR. In addition, Oracle is a distributed DBMS
(Özsu and Valduriez, 2011); so we can model our
system directly into a distributed environment.
The CBIR in our approach is based only on the
Oracle provided features. The future proceedings
also involve integration of our own feature
extraction and signature construction methods.
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