execution of unit tests. By leveraging the structure
of tests, they aim at improving the understandability
of reverse-engineered sequence diagrams (see above),
e.g., by representing the behavior of a particular stage
in a separate sequence diagram. While they share our
motivation for test-based partitioning, Cornelissen et
al. do not present a conceptual or a concrete solution
to this partitioning. Moreover, we leverage the test
structure for organizing the sequence diagram (e.g.,
by using combined fragments) and consider different
scopes of feature calls.
In this paper, we present an approach for deriving
tailorable UML interaction models for documenting
system behavior from scenario-based runtime tests.
Our approach allows for leveraging the structure of
scenario tests (i.e. test parts and call scope) to tai-
lor the derived interaction models, e.g., by pruning
details and by zooming in and out on selected de-
tails. This way, we also provide means to control
the size explosion in the resulting UML sequence dia-
grams. Our approach is model-drivenin the sense that
execution traces are represented through a dedicated
metamodel, mappings between this metamodel and
the UML metamodel are captured as inter-model con-
straint expressions (OCL), and model-to-model trans-
formations are used to turn model representations of
execution traces into UML interactions.
To demonstrate the feasibility of our approach,
we developed a prototype implementation (Kaleido-
Scope). Note, however, that our approach is applica-
ble for any software system having an object-oriented
design and implementation, provided that test suites
triggering inter-component interactions and a corre-
sponding test framework, which can be instrumented,
are available. In addition, the approach produces in-
teraction models conforming to the de facto standard
In a next step, from a conceptual point of view,
we will incorporate complementary structural model
types, namely class models. This is particularly chal-
lenging as it requires abstraction techniques to extract
scenario-based views from the observed system struc-
ture. Besides, a prerequisite is the ability to com-
bine dynamic runtime introspection and static pro-
gram analysis. Moreover, this extension will require
additions to the scenario-test metamodel to model the
structure of the system under test.
From a practical angle, we will seek to apply the
approach on large-scale software projects. To com-
plete this step, our prototype tooling will have to be
extended to support runtime and program introspec-
tion for other object-oriented programming languages
and for the corresponding testing frameworks. More-
over, we plan to apply layout algorithms for automat-
ically rendering the derived interaction models as se-
quence diagrams.
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