5.2 Overhead of the Eager and Lazy
Furthermore, we carried out an experiment to mea-
sure the network overhead of our solution, and to
identify which approach costs more in terms of mes-
sages. We use the same configuration as previously,
i.e., we consider 10 SN nodes, 10 XN and a concur-
rency rate of 30%. We report in Figure 5 the results
that unveil the high number of messages used by the
eager approach where the lazy one requires less mes-
sages. This is due to the fact that the eager approach
generates a set of messages for each multi-partitions
transactions while the lazy waits a time window and
aggregates/optimizes the total messages to send for
routing and processing transactions.
Figure 5: Number of messages vs. number of XN (or num-
ber of tokens).
In this paper, we propose blockchain-based model for
routing social transactions. It is a two steps approach:
a scheduling step followed by an execution step. The
transactions are ordered during the scheduling step in
such a way that each transaction is followed or pre-
ceded by another one within a block and based on
their access class. Afterwards, each block of trans-
actions is executed at the nodes storing the required
data. Once a block is sent for execution, it remains
unchanged and hence, the execution order stays iden-
tical for all the nodes involved. To reach our goal, we
rely on the algorithms proposed in our previous works
(Sarr et al., 2013) to reduce the communication cost.
Moreover, we propose a lightweight concurrency con-
trol by using tokens that serve to synchronize simul-
taneous access to the same data. We focus specially
on the case in which transactions require several ac-
cess classes. We designed and simulated our solu-
tion using SimJava and we ran a set of experiments.
Ongoing works are conducted to evaluate completely
our solution in a cloud platform and to manage group
transactions size for optimal execution.
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