In this work we exploit formal methods to automat-
ically refine the results produced by an existing DP
mining approach, in particular we selected the DPF
approach. DPF approach introduces a meta-model
to represent both the patterns and the system under
study as graphs in order to apply a graph match-
ing algorithm. In this paper the detection process
is enriched with a model-checking refinement step
in which the system model is represented using LO-
TOS and patterns as selective-µ-calculus properties
checked against it. The defined LOTOS model al-
lows to check a wider set of properties that lead to
a reduction of the number of false positives. The per-
formed experiments confirmed the feasibility, correct-
ness, and effectiveness of the approach showing, on
the analyzed systems, an improvement of the preci-
sion (19% on average) with a very reduced impact on
the original recall. As future work, a more complete
translation of pattern specifications to selective-µ-
calculus properties will be defined. Moreover, we will
perform the translation of the entire DP catalog de-
fined in (Bernardi et al., 2014) as selective-µ-calculus
properties allowing the experimentation on the com-
plete benchmark comprised of 12 OO systems. Fi-
nally, we want to assist software engineers providing
WYSIWYG tools that support our approach as done
in (De Ruvo and Santone, 2014).
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