– the system itself finds the best parameter settings in
each situation. This results in a highly self-adaptive
and robust behaving system which can also adapt to
unforeseen situations.
Since a local perspective is not enough for
connection-oriented protocols to either set consistent
parameters or to measure the success, cooperative so-
lutions are needed. This matches again perfectly with
OC’s research agenda. In this paper, we developed a
self-organised solution which cooperatively finds the
best strategies at runtime. The effect of testing and
changing parameters always appears for two partners
– thereby, we created a self-organised way of chang-
ing the structure of the system (i.e. which entity is
cooperating with which other entity). From a perfor-
mance perspective, the developed solution is able to
find parameters that show the same performance as
the optimised standard parameters in undisturbed sit-
uations. However, the system is expected to find su-
perior parameter settings in disturbed situations (i.e.
very high latency or very high packet loss).
This paper presented a novel distributed approach for
self-optimisation of data communication protocol pa-
rameters. Based on previous work in the context of
the Organic Network Control system (ONC), we ex-
plained a cooperative approach to find and test param-
eter settings for TCP. The approach has been eval-
uated in a Omnet++-based simulation and demon-
strated the potential benefit. In contrast to other solu-
tions from the state of the art, our method works with-
out prior knowledge, considers safety-boundaries,
and self-improves its behaviour over time.
Current and future work focus on further improv-
ing the mechanism and applying it to continuously
changing conditions. In the scenarios considered in
this paper, we demonstrated that the solution is able
to find similar parameter settings as those initially
available in the TCP implementation – but without
any prior knowledge and without the need of time-
consuming optimisation processes at design-time. We
only simulated slightly changing conditions that do
not affect the physical medium (i.e. we only work on
Ethernet connections). Currently, we analyse how the
behaviour changes in case of replacing the physical
medium (e.g. Ethernet vs. WiFi) during operation.
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