New Approach to the Artificial Force Concept for Skid-steering Mobile
Alicja Mazur, Wojciech Domski, Mirela Kaczmarek and Mateusz Cholewi´nski
Chair of Cybernetics and Robotics, Electronics Faculty, Wrocław University of Technology,
ul. Janiszewskiego 11/17, 50-372 Wrocław, Poland
Skid-steering Mobile Platform, Nonholonomic Constraints, Artificial Force.
In the paper control algorithm for skid-steering mobile platform is presented. For mathematical model of such
an object, expressed in auxiliary coordinates, control law based on the idea of artificial force is introduced.
A skid-steering mobile platform is an underactuated control system with a rectangular input matrix. In the
approach explored in the paper it was assumed that there exists an additional control input, giving an additional
column in input matrix and causing this matrix invertible. Because such an actuator does not exist in reality,
this input was kept equal to zero equivalently. Simulations have proved proper work of this method.
Wheeled mobile platforms can be treated as indepen-
dent robots or as a transportation part of complex
robotic systems. Depending on wheels’ type and a
way in which they are fixed to the chassis, motion
of wheeled mobile platforms can be realized with or
without slipping effect. If slippage effect between
wheels and surface does not occur, then exists an
equation describing forbidden directions for realized
velocities of the system. Such an equation is called
nonholonomic constraint in platform’s motion.
A special kind of wheeled mobile platforms are
platforms with tracks. They can be modeled by a
chassis with more than one axis equipped with fixed
wheels. These platforms are called skid-steering mo-
bile platforms (SSMP), due to skidding effect obse-
rved in their behavior.
Designing of a control algorithm for the skid-
steering platform is based on a proper mathematical
model of a considered object. A problem occurs in
this point, namely there is not an adequate model of
objects moving with sleeping effects. There were
some attempts to get strict model of wheeled mo-
bile platforms using slow manifold idea (Campion
and Motte, 2000) or singular perturbation approach
(D’Andrea-Novel et al., 2007). Unfortunately, math-
The works of Alicja Mazur, Wojciech Domski and
Mirela Kaczmarek were supported by the Wrocław Univer-
sity of Technology under the statutory grant S40173 and the
work of Mateusz Cholewi´nski under the grant B40235.
ematical models presented in literature are inadequate
because they don’t cover both cases, i.e. motion with
or without slippage effect. For this reason authors de-
scribing slippage phenomena in skid-steering mobile
platforms use only approximate models with artifi-
cial constraints see e.g. (Caracciolo et al., 1999) or
with artificial forces (Mazur et al., 2013), (Mazur and
Cholewi´nski, 2013).
In papers treating of skid-steering mobile plat-
forms, another approach to the problem of object
modeling has appeared. In (Pazderski and Kozłowski,
2008) authors observed that an artificial constraint in-
troduced by Caracciolo et al. is inadequate to real
behavior of SSMP platform and proposed modifica-
tion of such a constraint to modified form. It implied
nonholonomicconstraint of second order i.e. dynami-
cally constrained model of SSMP platform. The same
idea can be found in (Mohammadpour et al., 2010)
and in (Maalouf et al., 2006).
In this paper a new method of modeling SSMP
platform is used as a base for artificial force con-
cept. In previous works, e.g. (Mazur et al., 2013) and
(Mazur and Cholewi´nski, 2013), SSMP platform with
four wheels was modeled as a chassis with two axes
of fixed wheels coupled on both sides of platform. In
this case it was impossible to obtain independent mo-
tion of each wheel separately because two wheels on
one side were connected by a transmission belt. In
this paper the chassis with four uncoupled wheels is
considered. Taking into account different manners of
modeling it was possible to verify if the way of mod-
Mazur A., Domski W., Kaczmarek M. and Cholewinski M..
New Approach to the Artificial Force Concept for Skid-steering Mobile Platform.
DOI: 10.5220/0005521002170222
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO-2015), pages 217-222
ISBN: 978-989-758-123-6
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)