Figure 7: Variance signal of the spectrum of the output.
Table 2: Estimated resonance frequencies.
Frequencies Exact (Hz) Estimated (Hz)
68.5 70.3
1475 1477
2945 2930
This paper proposes an approach for HVDC line
parameters estimation. This method exploits the
voltage information at the input and the output of the
line. Using power spectral density computation the
first three resonance frequencies of the transfer
function linking the line input and the output voltage
are obtained. Through a theoretical analysis of the
line transfer functions, a link has been demonstrated
between the resonance frequencies and the line
parameters. The line steady state behaviour is finally
used to obtain the numerical values of the line
parameters the others being obtained using
resonance frequencies estimation. This method
differs from other methods presented in the literature
by its frequency and physical approach. In future
work, the authors intend now to propose another
method permitting the computation of resonance
frequencies using a fractional transfer function.
This research is supported by the French national
project WINPOWER ANR-10-SEGI-016.
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