ticated way. The real-world experiments conducted
on a cloud infrastructure show the feasibility of the
approach proposed. The honeynet not only was regu-
larly probed and indexed by SHODAN (a search en-
gine that searches for specific types of devices), but
it has also attracted multiple seemingly-independent
peers to interact with it.
The results of the experiments conducted moti-
vate the fundamental need of having proper security
mechanisms in place within industrial control systems
that are connected to the Internet, as these systems
will be swiftly listed in relevant information reposito-
ries, thus possibly becoming further exposed to both
classical IT and ICS-specific attacks. Moreover, they
indicate that potentially malicious activities targeting
industrial control systems and using ICS-specific pro-
tocols may be currently conducted on the public In-
As future work, we plan to extend the number of
protocols simulated and also to evaluate the influence
of search engine listings on the adversarial behaviour
observed. To summarize, we consider the proposed
architecture for an ICS honeynet system an important
foundation for obtaining a deeper insight into the in-
terest of potential attackers for industrial devices.
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