are sure, then, that our system doesn’t feature a dead-
lock issue caused by a concurrent access to shared re-
sources after a reconfiguration scenario.
Our work consisted, through this paper, in propos-
ing a new UML profile, the R-UML, to model and
verify flexible control systems sharing adaptive re-
sources. Whence, we chose to enhance class and
statecharts diagrams to support PCP. We proposed,
then, a new and original solution to translate the gen-
erated R-UML models into R-TNCES-based patterns
which were proposed in (Salem et al., 2014). This
aims at proving the correctness of the R-UML mod-
els by performing model-checking on the generated
R-TNCES models. The relevance of our contribution
was proved thanks to model-checking using ZiZo, a
new R-TNCES editor, simulator and model-checker
(Salem et al., 2015b). This approach is original since
R-TNCES is a new formalism dedicated to flexible
control systems modeling and ZiZo is a new tool sup-
porting the said formalism.
The next step is to apply this contribution on
BROS, a new surgical robotic platform (Salem et al.,
2015a). BROS is a flexible system since it can run
under different operating modes: it is reconfigurable.
The concurrent access to adaptive shared resources is
present in the said system, which can be rather haz-
ardous in such medical systems. Whence, applying
our contribution on BROS can be very relevant to cer-
tify that the robotic platform is safe and does not run
any risk after any reconfiguration scenario.
This research work is carried out within a MOBIDOC
PhD thesis of the PASRI program, EU-funded and ad-
ministered by ANPR (Tunisia). The BROS national
project is a collaboration between ARDIA, the Ortho-
pedic Institute of Mohamed Kassab, eHTC and IN-
SAT (LISI Laboratory) in Tunisia and Saarland Uni-
versity in Germany.
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