obtain the Q-factor with the same order of
magnitude. Our result shows that the pulley-type
ring resonator can be ameliorated by enlarging
and shows the possibility to obtain the ring
resonators with higher Q factor if the ring radius is
enlarged or the sidewall roughness of the
waveguides is improved.
In our previous work, we propose a fast method
to calculate the coupling length of the concentrically
curved waveguides using the conformal mapping.
(Cai et al., 2012) Fig. 5 shows the schematic
refractive index profile of the concentrically curved
waveguides before and after conformal mapping.
We can observe that the effective index of the outer
waveguide is higher that of the inner waveguide.
This implies that the propagation constant of the two
curved waveguides is not inherently identical. In the
case of the directional couplers with straight
waveguides, the 100% energy coupling is not
possible. However, in the case of the ring resonators,
the critical coupling can be achieved due to the fact
that the circumference of the ring the integer
multiple of the resonant wavelength, even if the
propagation constant of the concentrically curved
waveguides is not identical. Therefore, the fine
tuning of the outer concentrically curved waveguide
width can achieve the critical coupling. Since the
effective refractive index of the outer curved
waveguide is higher than that of the inner waveguide,
the radiation loss of the ring can be reduced due to
the good optical confinement of the higher refractive
index profile of the outer curved waveguide.
Figure 5: (a) Refractive index profile of two concentrically
curved waveguides (b) Refractive index profile after
conformal mapping.
In summary, the rigorous FDTD method has
been employed to analyse the 6 types of ring
resonators. Since the bending loss per propagation
distance of the two concentrically curved
waveguides is lower than that of the single curved
waveguide, the pulley-type ring resonator can
provide lower optical loss.
In this work, we fabricate the pulley-type ring
resonator based on the SOI platform. The Q-factor
of the pulley-type ring resonator is measured to be
as the bus waveguide width of 0.23m
and the ring radius of 4.43m. The Q-factor might
be ameliorated by smoothing the sidewall of
waveguide. The high Q-factor of the pulley-type
ring resonator with tiny radius is helpful for the
miniaturization of the integrated optical devices.
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