Yigit et al, 2014; Yang et al, 2007). A list of the
common requirements of SG applications is given as
Data rate: Different SG applications require
different data rates. For instance, the data rates
for some SG applications such as SASs,
MDM, DM, Distributed Energy Resources and
Storage (DERS), Vehicle to Grid (V2G), and
Electrical Vehicles Charging (EVC) are low,
typically <100Kbps (ALCATEL, 2014). On the
other hand, a few applications which transmit
audio and video data require higher data dates,
such as WASA, require data rates of 1-
1.5Mbit/s (Gungor et al, 2013).
Throughput: Throughput requirements are
different for each specific SG application.
Latency: Some SG applications such as AMI,
HEM, OM, AM, MDM, V2G, and EVC can
tolerate latencies up to 2 sec (Gungor et al,
2013). On the other hand, mission-critical SG
applications such as WASA may not tolerate
such high latencies.
Reliability: Although most SG applications
need highly reliable data communication, some
specific SG applications can tolerate short
outages during data transfers (Moslehi and
Kumar, 2010).
Frequency Range: To achieve reliable and
high-quality data communication, and
overcome environment-specific problems and
line of sight issues such as penetration through
walls, rain fade and foliage lower frequency
ranges (<2 GHz) are preferred in the service
area of electric utilities (Kilbourne and Bender,
2010; Sahin et al, 2014).
Security: The critical data gathered from
various SG components must be protected
against both physical and cyber attacks (Leon
et al, 2007).
Considering the application specific
requirements of different SG applications along with
the integration with different access networks and
complexity introduced by heterogeneous network
infrastructures, meeting the QoS requirements of SG
applications becomes a significant performance
issue. Moreover, fixed and wireless access networks
converge towards IP based transport in SG
networks. Therefore, addressing the requirement for
scalable and effective control and management
becomes critical. To address this challenge, policy-
based management tools can be employed. To meet
QoS requirements of SG applications, network
designers should take into consideration several
parameters including bandwidth, delay, jitter, and
packet loss rate, and employ various mechanisms
such as rerouting in the core of the network control
access at the corners of the network, and filters.
Moreover, for some SG applications, meeting the
QoS requirements is not enough. In addition to this,
Quality of Experience (QoE), users’ perception of a
provided service, should be enhanced. Finally, some
SG networks should facilitate a single party to
establish QoS-enabled path between the two IP
providers mutually interconnected by one or more
transit providers (Stojanovic et al, 2013). Therefore,
negotiating and maintaining an end-to-end service
level agreement is needed.
For the seamless transformation from traditional
power grids to SGs, especially in large-scale SG
deployments, electric utilities can employ NGNs for
their communications infrastructures. The NGNs are
packet based networks and use IP to transport the
various types of traffic, e.g. data, signalling, voice
and video. They are fully managed services
platforms which combine multiple services over a
single access line (ETSI, 2014) and enable the
deployment of access independent services over
converged fixed and mobile networks to provide
flexibility, scalability and security at maximum cost
efficiency (Lovrek et al, 2011). IP Multimedia
Subsystem (IMS) can be viewed as the core
component of the NGNs and provides an access
independent platform for a variety of access
technologies (ITU, 2006). The NGNs offer many
advantages to SG operators which install and
manage their communication networks as well as the
ones who use the services provided
telecommunication operators.
For telecommunications operators, SG is an
opportunity to expand their businesses into the
energy market and become established players in the
electricity value chain. There is an urgent need for
this since in the SG each consumer location has a
piece of equipment, collocated with the smart meter,
that communicates information related to usage,
demand-response triggers, and failures to another
unit aggregating the information of multiple smart
meters and ultimately communicating the aggregated
data to the main SG operations center. Therefore,
telecommunications operators can offer competitive
services to SG operators in terms of investment cost,
operational complexity, reliability, and flexibility.