novel physical access control scheme called SPAC. In
comparison to existing schemes, SPAC is based on
modern asymmetric primitives, that provide features
currently unavailable in existing systems, such as
provable security, local key storage, non-repudiation
and authentication session randomization. Although
the scheme is based on asymmetric cryptography,
it is very fast even when implemented on resource-
limited devices. In the section focused on implemen-
tation, we show, that the verification part realized on a
smartcard SAM module takes around 300 ms and the
proving part implemented on user’s smartcard takes
around 170 ms. Moreover, we expect a significant
speed-up in the optimized version of our implementa-
tion, which is our next step.
Research described in this paper was financed by the
National Sustainability Program under grant LO1401,
Technology Agency of the Czech Republic project
TA04010476 ”Secure Systems for Electronic Ser-
vices User Verification” and by the Czech Science
Foundation under grant no. 14-25298P. For the re-
search, infrastructure of the SIX Center was used.
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