This section will give an interpretation of the obtained
results of the experiments, which have been described
in Section 3.
Figure 5 presents the results of one single scan in-
side an office environment, where a point target has
been placed. The position of the point target gets es-
timated very well and the remaining spread of the es-
timated points is caused by the range measurement
error σ
of the sensors. Tests with different distances
between corner reflector and sensor unit have proven,
that a rhomb-shaped area of ambiguity is achieved.
This has been explained for a static case on Figure 3.
The position of non point targets gets not estimated
very well. The sensors measure distances to different
points. This results in a non symmetric characteristics
of the distance values d
and d
. Consequently the lat-
eration algorithm calculates the wrong positions.
Figure 2 presents the result of a single scan with
the ASR technique. The corner reflector gets the high-
est accumulation of detected object locations, like in
case of the lateration technique. Theoretically, the
characteristics of the receiver powers P
and P
posed to have a phase difference equal to the angle
shift of the antenna directions. But, the fact that we
can not place both sensors in exactly the same point
leads to the fact that again we can not measure exactly
the same point target. Furthermore, we can not guar-
antee both antenna diagrams to be exactly the same
due to fabrication tolerances. Nevertheless, we can
assume a position of an object, if the ASR is close to
In order to evaluate if the lateration and ASR tech-
nique are suitable for robotic mapping, we built two
occupancy grid maps with an inverse sensor model
(Thrun et al., 2005, p. 279-300) which we applied on
the raw data that has been recorded during a scan of
a hallway (See Figure 7). The wide of the hallway is
approximately 2m and it has a curve at 20m. Figure 8
displays both results. The ASR technique results in a
quite good map. Consequently, we see possibilities to
map even indoor environments with radar sensors of
low resolution. The minimum detection range, which
is equal to the resolution of the sensor, should be con-
sidered (See Equation 1). To enhance the result of the
lateration technique, more sensors should be used. In
general, both principles suffer from bad resolution of
the radar sensors. Optical effects like double reflec-
tions inside a narrow hallway have a negative effect
on the methods as well.
Robust localization and navigation in hazardous and
tough environments are still a difficult issue in field
robotics research. Dust, rain, fog or inadequate illu-
mination are conditions, which make popular sensors,
such as laser scanners or cameras, not suitable. Radar
overcomes the aforementioned difficulties.
In this article, we were investigating two new
scanning methods for mobile robotics and took a
closer look on failure influences. We were focusing
on three influences. First, the range measurement er-
ror of the sensor itself. Second, the influence of wrong
position estimation due to non point targets regarding
the lateration technique. Third, we investigated if the
received power of the receiver antenna is reliable for
position estimation, in an environment with multiple
targets. We discovered that the influence of non point
targets has a huge influence, especially in a setup with
only two sensors. This effect can be scaled down by
increasing the number of sensors.
There exists several mapping algorithms. An
overview is given by Thrun in (Thrun, 2002, p.7).
Thrun introduces algorithms, which are suitable for
mapping with unknown robot poses, which is named
simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM). In
this article, we focus on mapping with known poses,
which is simpler. But, mapping with known poses is
leading to more promising results, because odometry
and control errors do not influence the map. Occu-
pancy grid mapping with Bayes filter is the most pop-
ular probabilistic representation of a map. Our pro-
posed scanning methods are suitable for occupancy
grid mapping with a classical inverse sensor model.
As far as we can see, the ASR technique results in
better maps.
The proposed radar-based scanning methods are
an alternative to mechanical and electrical beam-
forming methods. Mechanical beam-forming tech-
niques require an antenna and electrical beam-
forming techniques need phase array radars, which
are commonly more expansive. Although no antenna
construction is required, our methods needs more than
one sensor.
From one single 360
-scan of a radar-scanner,
which pivots mechanically a focused beam over a sur-
rounding, a more continues distribution of the mea-
surement can be expected. Our proposed methods
base on antennas with a very large beam width and
objects with a high RCS occlude a larger scene conse-
quently. However, the lateration technique is record-
ing more than one measurement of an object dur-
ing one scan rotation, which raises the possibility
of a correct detection of an object. An advantage