0 5 10 15 20
Synchronization joint position error 1
Synchronization joint position error 2
Synchronization joint position error 3
Figure 8: Synchronized joint position error (β 6= 0).
0 5 10 15 20
Synchronization joint position error 1
Synchronization joint position error 2
Synchronization joint position error 3
Figure 9: Synchronized joint position error (β = 0).
verge to the neighbourhood in advance. While, syn-
chronized joint position errors ε
(t), ε
(t) and ε
will converge simultaneously in Fig. 8.
We have proposed a novel adaptive sliding mode con-
troller for synchronized joint position tracking con-
trol of robotic manipulator. The proposed algorithm
does not require the precise dynamic model, and is
very practical than the traditional sliding mode con-
troller. On one hand, the proposed one addresses
a better convergence to zero of both joint position
tracking errors and joint position velocity tracking er-
rors. On the other hand, it ensures the transient re-
sponse and performance of synchronized joint posi-
tion tracking. And, the proposed controller maintain
the synchronized joint position errors will converge
to the neighbourhood simultaneously. Simulation re-
sults obtained from a 3-link non-linear planer robot
manipulator demonstrate the effectiveness of the ap-
proach under various disturbances.
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2015BAF01B04), Collaborative Innovation Center
of High-End Manufacturing Equipment, the State
Key Basic Research Program of China (Grant No.
2011CB706903), the National Natural Science Foun-
dation of China (Grant No. 51175208), the Funda-
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