Global Surface Temperature Model using Coupled Sugeno Type Fuzzy
Inference Systems and Neural Network Optimization
Bernardo Bastien-Olvera
and Carlos Gay-Garcia
Climate Change Research Program, National University of Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico
Centre for Atmospheric Science, National University of Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico
Cimate Change, Global Temperature, Carbon Emissions, Fuzzy Inference Systems, Neural Networks.
In this research, a model that projects the mean global temperature as a function of anthropogenic carbon
emissions was generated with two fuzzy inference systems, sugeno type. We propose that the climatic system
is energetically balanced, and the albedo, solar constant and atmospheric transparency are all constants. Nev-
ertheless, we assume that the surface temperature varies when the CO
concentration changes and depends on
the system temperature itself. The second assertion states that any change in atmospheric CO
depends on anthropogenic carbon emissions and the system actual concentration. The fuzzy inference systems
were optimized using artificial neural networks that adjust the parameters according to a different data base
that the one that was used to create the initial system. So that, we assure to find the hidden patterns and avoid
overfitting. The principal results of this work are the temperature projections under IPCC scenarios and the
discovering of the historical data hidden patterns.
Climatic system is primarily driven by solar radiation
and its interaction with the atmospheric greenhouse
gases. In the most recent IPCC assessment report is
stated that is very likely that anthropogenic activity
increases global warming, so that, it is important to
generate efficient models that project future climate,
based in possible emissions scenarios that will allow
the experts to plan mitigation and adaptation strate-
gies. A better description of a single component of the
system is given by simple models like an energy bal-
ance model (Budyko, 1969), in that sense we propose
in this work a model that projects the mean surface
global temperature, that assume that climatic system
is in a balance that would possibly be altered just by
the change in atmospheric CO
concentration. This
model had been constructed using fuzzy logic (Zadeh,
1965), which mathematical structure allows to repre-
sent in a very accurate way the fuzzy nature of the
problem in terms of the uncertainty of the involved
processes. We have created two coupled fuzzy infer-
ence systems (Zadeh, 1975), sugeno type (Takagi and
Sugeno, 1985), which causally relate input fuzzy sets
to linear regression equations in certain degree that
depends on the membership degree of the input vari-
able to the different fuzzy sets of the input universe.
The fuzzy inference systems of the model were
automatically constructed by MATLAB’s fuzzy logic
toolbox using a certain set of historical data, and then
we optimized the parameters using neural networks
(Jang et al., 1997) that worked with other data sets.
Finally, we obtained a model that fits very well the
historical data and the temperature behaviour from the
past 50 years using historical emissions with a gener-
ated noise. The model is also used to project future
temperature based on the IPCC emissions scenarios.
This kind of models had been recently explored in
order to deal better with the complex interaction be-
tween physics of climate change and policy-makers
(Gay-Garcia and Sanchez-Meneses, 2015). While
models can be improved by the better understanding
of the climatic system, the emissions scenarios will be
always uncertain because they depend of the society’s
development and political decisions, that is the rea-
son why experts promote the implementation of mod-
els that are more tolerant to uncertainty (Gay-Garcia
et al., 2014).
We have two basic statements in which this model
relies on. First, the planet is in energetic equilib-
Bastien-Olvera B. and Gay-Garcia C..
Global Surface Temperature Model using Coupled Sugeno Type Fuzzy Inference Systems and Neural Network Optimization.
DOI: 10.5220/0005524805190525
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (MSCCES-2015), pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-120-5
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
rium, where the effective temperature, solar constant,
albedo and atmospheric transparency are all con-
stants, and, surface temperature (T ) only varies with
the change of atmospheric CO
concentration (Q) and
temperature rate of change is function of the temper-
ature itself (equation (2)). Secondly, we state that
any change in atmospheric CO
concentration is func-
tion of CO
emissions (E) and the concentration itself
(equation (1)).
= f (Q, E) (1)
= g
As we can see, equation (2) depends on the result
of equation (1). Since we will work with historical
data to obtain the behaviour of these equations, they
will transform into discrete equations:
= g (Q
, E
) (3)
= f (Q
, T
) (4)
2.1 Fuzzification
We can fuzzify the equations (3) and (4) by giving
them a structure as follows:
= p
+ q
, E
= r
+ s
, T
Where A
is the n th fuzzy set of each universe
of variables (Temperature, Concentration and Emis-
sions). We defined linguistically A
as the set of low
Temperature/Concentration/Emissions, A
: medium
and A
: high. When we give a pair of input variables
into equation (5), the system evaluates the member-
ship degree of the elements to the fuzzy set A
evaluates the equation using the parameters p
, q
then it does the same for the fuzzy sets A
and A
and the final result will be the weighted sum of the
three last results. Then, the output of equation (5)
will be the input for equation (6) and the process de-
scribed above will be repeated in order to obtain the
final output, the temperature.
The membership functions of the fuzzy sets and the
parameters p, q, r, s were obtained analysing time-
series of historical data (described in the Appendix)
with MATLAB’s fuzzy logic tool ’genfis3’. Then we
optimized them using ’anfis’ the adaptive neuro-fuzzy
inference system tool that uses neural network the-
ory and works with the same data from which the
model was constructed, finally, we used a different
data set that control the optimization and prevents
over-fitting. Guided by the training error we decided
to stop the optimization process whenever the error
stops decreasing (either the training error or the con-
trol error), we reach that point after 10 epochs for the
first Fuzzy Inference System (FIS-1), while the sec-
ond Fuzzy Inference System (FIS-2) was trained 50
epochs. The results of the optimization can be seen
in the Figure 1 and 2, as it can be observed, the op-
timized FIS describe better the path from the original
Figure 1: FIS-1 performance.
Figure 2: FIS-2 performance.
The final part of the process was to generate a
simple script that unifies both FIS as we can see in
the diagram of Figure 3. The first two inputs are the
emissions and atmospheric concentration at year
i which through the FIS-1, project the change in at-
mospheric CO
concentration at year i + 1. This last
variable works as input with the temperature at year
i + 1 in the FIS-2 that give us the change in tempera-
ture at year i +2. The next step is to add the change in
concentration of year i +1 to the concentration at year
i, and the temperature at year i + 2 is obtained adding
the change in temperature at year i + 2 to the temper-
ature at year i + 1; these steps are shown in red lines.
Finally, it only remains to give a value of the emis-
sions at year i + 2 so the second step of the model can
be complete and we can obtain the change in tempera-
ture at year i + 3 and so on. This means that when the
model completes one cycle, the only necessary input
is the emissions.
Figure 3: Model diagram.
3.1 Validation
We set the initial temperature and concentration val-
ues from 1959 and 1960 and we ran the model 50
times using the emissions from 1959 to 2010 adding
a noise which amplitude was equal to the uncertainty
of the data, every projection was different since the
added noise was randomly obtained every time. In
Figure 4 we note that 15 years after the first step, some
projections start to be outside the error boundaries, so
we chose other 15 years to project the temperature,
and as we can see in Figure 5 those 15 years of pro-
jected temperature are inside of the error boundaries.
So we validated our model for the first 15 years of
Furthermore, we created another model using only
historical data obtained before the year 2000. With
that second model we projected the temperature from
2000 to 2015 and compare it to the actual historical
data, that comparison serve as another method of val-
idation for our main model, it means that the method
actually works, since, as we can observe in Figure 6
almost every projected temperature is inside the
uncertainty band of the historical data.
Figure 4: 50 Projections of generated emissions with noise.
The red line is the historical data with its correspondient
uncertainty band (also in red), the other colored and thin-
ner lines are 50 projections made with historical emissions
adding random noise each time a projection is made.
Figure 5: 15 years of projections from 1998 to 2012. The
red line is the historical data with its correspondient uncer-
tainty band (also in red), the other colored and thinner lines
are 50 projections made with historical emissions adding
random noise each time a projection is made.
Figure 6: 15 years of projections from 2000 to 2015, using a
model created only with data collected befor the year 2000.
The red line is the historical data with its correspondient
uncertainty band (also in red), the black line is a projection
from 2000 to 2015 using the actual emissions. We also show
the training and control temperature data, the training data
goes back to 1880, the control data goes back to 1959.
The principal and most controversial variable to
project in climate change is the greenhouse gases
emissions, so that it had been created some differ-
ent scenarios based on socio-economic assumptions
(Moss et al., 2007), these scenarios are standardized
so climate models can be compared between them.
IPCC’s AR5 proposed the representative concentra-
tion pathways (Figure 7) which we will use to project
future temperature with our model.
It is important to note the boundaries of the model.
The first limitation is the 15 years that we defined
as validated projections. Secondly, since the model
was made with historical data, the membership func-
tions of the fuzzy sets are just defined for certain el-
ements of the variables universe. For the FIS-1, the
upper limit of the atmospheric CO
concentration in
which it works properly is around 440ppm and the
upper limit of the emissions is 15GtC. The FIS-2 up-
per limit for temperature is around 15 C. We made a
projection setting up the values at year 2010, accord-
ing to the validation, this projection will make sense
until 2025 (15 years of projection), which is the same
year when the RCP 8.5 reaches the upper limit of the
emissions in FIS-2. Figure 8 shows the 4 projections,
RCP8.5 is the only scenario where the temperature
is constantly increasing. We can note that, neverthe-
less the RCP2.6 temperature line is always above the
Figure 7: Emissions from the Representative Concentration
Pathways. (Van Vuuren et al., 2011).
Figure 8: Fuzzy model projections based on RCPs scenar-
temperature projected under RCP4.5, at the end of the
projections the rate of decrease is greater in the more
optimistic scenario, RCP2.6. It is also remarkable that
the lowest temperature projection is the one made un-
der the RCP6 scenario, which is not very straightfor-
ward to think intuitively, the hidden patterns, in the
next section, could help to discover why this happens.
The parameters of the model were obtained analysing
historical data and optimizing them using neural net-
work theory, which allow us to find the hidden pat-
terns that relied on the data. The membership func-
tions were adjusted as well as the linear equation that
implies every fuzzy set.
The final optimized parameters for the FIS-1 in-
ference rules are:
If Emissions and Concentration are low:
C = 0.333Emissions 0.025Concentration +
If Emissions and Concentration are medium:
C = 0.563Emissions 0.004Concentration
If Emissions and Concentration are high:
C = 0.417Emissions + 0.055Concentration
As we can see in the equations above, when the
emissions and concentration parameters go from low
to high, the concentration becomes a factor of incre-
ment of itself, this talks about a positive feedback, and
it could be related to some biotic cycles such as ocean
acidification and its interaction with corals. Another
way to view the rules and parameters is with the rules
surface, as shown in Figure 9 where we can observe
that the change in atmospheric CO
increases with
the increment of emissions as long as atmospheric
concentration is low. The increment decays with
the emissions when the atmospheric concentration is
Figure 9: Rules surface of FIS-1.
The inference rules of the FIS-2 are:
If Temperature and C are low:
T = 0.066T 0.005C 0.9
If Temperature and C are medium:
T = 0.006T + 0.022C + 0.072
If Temperature and C are high:
T = 0.035T 0.008C + 0.542
By studying the rules, we can say that the temper-
ature have a negative feedback, which can represent
that some processes, that are cooling down the sys-
tem, are triggered by high temperatures. The third
rule by itself is counter-intuitive, so we should see
the big picture: graphically displayed in Figure 10,
it is shown that the surface describing the change in
temperature is complex. If we do a transect with con-
stant change in atmospheric CO
concentration it can
Figure 10: Rules surface of FIS-2.
easily be observed that the change in temperature de-
scribes a cyclic variation, which amplitude increase
with greater temperatures and greater changes in at-
mospheric CO
. This pattern could describe that the
resilience of the system decays when the forcing in-
In order to face climate change, we should have
in mind the complexity of the system and have a
clear idea of the factors that play a role in this un-
precedented challenge. There had been developed a
great variety of climatic models and from them socio-
economic scenarios are generated and global politi-
cal decisions are taken. The greatest contribution of
this work, relies on the methodology of a fuzzy cli-
mate modelling that will allow to unify the differ-
ent faces of climate change, in which questions as:
’How does medium changes in temperature would af-
fect economic development in certain region?’ or
’What actions need to be taken in order to reduce
emissions into a low level?’, will be answered in
single-simulation processes;that way, policy-makers
will have a real efficient tool to make the best possible
decision. The presented model is the initial phase of
a ground-breaking climate change modelling.
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Here we present the data used in the construction and
optimization of the model, also it is shown the data
that served as control. See Table 1
Table 1: Historical Data.
Variable Description Source
Data for Carbon Carbon emissions estimation (Boden et al., 2013)
model emissions by fossil fuels
construction (1880 - 2012).
and Carbon emissions estimation (Houghton et al., 2012)
optimization by land-use change
(1880 - 2012).
Atmospheric CO
Atmospheric carbon estimation (Etheridge et al., 1998)
through ice nuclei
(1880 - 1978).
Atmospheric carbon (Dlugokencky and Tans, 2014)
grow estimation (1980 - 2013).
Global temperature Mean global surface (NASA, 2014)
temperature estimation (1980 - 2013).
Data for Carbon Carbon emissionsobservations (Boden et al., 2013)
controlling emissions by fossil fuels
the optimization (1959 - 2013).
Carbon emissions observations (Houghton et al., 2012)
by land-use change
(1959 - 2012).
Atmospheric CO
atmospheric concentration (Tans and Keeling, 2014)
observations (1959 - 2013)
Global temperature Mean global surface (NASA, 2014)
temperature estimation (1959 - 2013)