and green technologies requirements. We believe ar-
chitectures like the one we are proposing on this paper
have the important role of helping us to solve impor-
tant social, economical, and environmental problems.
This paper proposed a convergent architecture that
integrates emerging socially-driven, opportunistic,
user-centric networking with NovaGenesis name-
based, software-defined, information-centric, service-
centric, self-organizing cloud networking proposal.
Pre-requirements and open challenges regarding sev-
eral topics have been discussed. NovaGenesis prin-
ciples and current implementation provide a satisfac-
tory substrate to implement the proposed architecture.
NG joint orchestration of named-services and con-
tents provides an appropriated environment to imple-
ment socially-driven/opportunistic/cloud/networking
approaches as services. Even protocols are imple-
mented as services, enabling the resultant architecture
to react according to user-defined policies, rules, reg-
ulations, environment situations. Context-awareness
can be included on decision making, changing proto-
col implementations according to social trends. The
paper is a first step of an ongoing work that con-
tributes to the community by discussing how to inte-
grate so many relevant issues in only one architecture.
We envision that the proposed architecture can be
implemented by: (i) specifying new NG services that
meet the raised pre-requirements; (ii) adapting previ-
ous work techniques as new NG services; (iii) modi-
fying NG core services accordingly; or (iv) integrat-
ing already existing software (without any modifica-
tion) with NG via proxy/gateway/controller. This ef-
fort is expected to result into a convergent solution
comprising the best of the considered architectures
(ICN, DTN, UCN) and that allows users to seamlessly
access content, and share resources anytime and any-
where in today’s dynamic scenario over their power-
ful personal devices. Future work include NG perfor-
mance, portability, and embedding on mobile devices.
This work was partially supported by Finep/Funttel
Grant No. 01.14.0231.00, under the Radiocommu-
nication Reference Center (Centro de Refer
encia em
oes- CRR) project of the National In-
stitute of Telecommunications (Instituto Nacional de
oes - Inatel), Brazil.
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