discussions. It also reviews the previous work for the
development framework and proposes the
requirements for the next phase, CCAF Version 2.
This paper provides a strategic overview and
direction for the improved Cloud Computing
Adoption Framework update 1 (CCAF 1.1), in
which the emphasis is on the update on security
policy, technologies and techniques used. The
security recommendation and updates can help
organizations building and offering better protected
services. Different types of technologies and
techniques have been discussed. The proposed Fine
Grained Security Model (FGSM) offers multi-
layered security and is a suitable solution in the
deployment of Cloud Computing services, since
each single solution has its weakness. The core
technology in each layer of FGSM have been
described and justified, which includes the firewall,
the identity management and convergent encryption.
The combination of three main security solutions in
FGSM can enforce security service.
The FGSM prototype will be developed and then
thoroughly tested in the laboratory conditions. We
plan to use ethical hacking and penetration testing
approached to test the robustness of our FGSM
security. This will be fully implemented in our
CCAF and eventually the development of Resilient
Computing. If the results are positively in favor of
our prototype and security strategy, we will update
our recommendation, results and guidelines, which
will be developed into CCAF Version 2.
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