Assessing and Implementing English-learning Mobile Applications
in a University Graduation Program: SLA 2.0
Artur André Martinez Campos
and João Correia de Freitas
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Rua Francisco Foreiro 23, Lisboa, Portugal
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Monte da Caparica, Lisboa, Portugal
Our research problem for this doctoral proposal is
verifying the efficacy of using tablets and
smartphones Learning Virtual Environment (LVE)
applications designed for the English language
autonomous learning and if these apps can be
implemented as mandatory in an English university
graduation course syllabus.
The research question comes from the fact that
most students enrolled at this course at the university
where I work (UNIT – Brazil) and where I develop
my doctoral studies (UNL – Portugal) are digital
natives and competent users of the aforementioned
gadgets in a daily basis.
The major objectives for this doctoral research are:
To verify the efficacy of using (two) tablet and
smartphone Virtual Learning Environments
named Busuu (01) and Babbel (02) for the
Second Language Acquisition of the English
idiom in an autonomous and self-paced way
using as a focus group 50 UNIT and 50 UNL
To assess all pedagogical resources presented
by those apps and their HCI (Human Computer
Interaction) with criteria such as Immediate
Feedback, Information Density, User Control,
Consistency and Compatibility, then
establishing an academic perspective to the
To implement ONE of the aforementioned
Virtual Learning Environment applications into
the English Language graduation course
syllabus at Universidade Tiradentes (Brazil)
because most students enrolled at this higher
education institution are digital natives and
tablets and smartphones users.
The presence of smartphones and tablets has
broadened the possibility of learning a foreign
language and apps focused on SLA are used by
many university graduates around the world
nowadays. As an Assistant Professor of English
Language and Literature at UNIT, I am trying to
implement the use of ICT on a daily basis through
the suggestion of installing digital dictionaries
(Farlex, and thesaurus apps
(Advanced English) on their personal phones. After
that implementation, the results in class performance
improved a lot; especially concerning their new
vocabulary acquisition (Krashen, 1981) and
determination to learn (Papert, 1996).
It has to be mentioned that the familiarity with
this new “interaction design” (Banga & Weinhold,
2014) for searching unfamiliar vocabulary proved to
be more comfortable to them than a printed
dictionary. As a next step after this experience, I
realized that apps such as Busuu and Babbel were
worth a deeper and longer analysis. In charge of
these curricular units at UNIT and with the project
idea of implementing a Mobile/Tablet Application
as part of the syllabus (Slattery, 2006), I decided to
investigate some of the authors dealing with mobile
learning or m-learning (Anderson, 2008; Chen,
2013; Kukulska-Hulme (2009); Vavoula, 2005) and
its associated consequences and understand which
concepts would fit best to my study.
Bringing one of the understandings of m-
learning to this study, we are certain that our
students’ use of such apps “happens anywhere, in
special outside of class, it is focused on the student
(learner-centered) and it is thoroughly ubiquitous
(Valk, Rashid and Elder, 2010). These authors
clearly depict the reality we are soaring with this
thesis project. Personally, I have received online
comments from students outside class hours which
indicate they were into a “SLA mode” at that
particular moment and sending me a WhatsApp
André Martinez Campos A. and Correia de Freitas J..
Assessing and Implementing English-learning Mobile Applications in a University Graduation Program: SLA 2.0.
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
message or an Inbox on Facebook certainly showed
a commitment to their L2 autonomous learning
process (Chen, 2013). This organic presence of
Learning Virtual Environment applications in our
smartphones is a new paradigm (Murray, 2011) in
instruction; now the “school” is inside our pockets
and the access to any information, website or
application has really catapulted the accessibility to
knowledge to a unique pattern.
Hence, we believe that this new horizon in
language instruction (Kukulska-Hulme, 2009) will
enhance and broaden the capacities of SLA. When
analyzing the spatial or location characteristic of
education; tablets and smartphones are promoting
learning beyond classroom walls which according to
Vavoula (2005) is
“any sort of learning that happens when the learner is
not at a fixed predetermined location, or learning that
happens when the learner takes advantage of the
learning opportunity offered by mobile technologies
has to be defined as m-learning”. (Vavoula, 2005)
Classrooms walls are long gone with this uber-
access to smartphones and tablets and it is more than
adapting to a new learning process for schools and
higher education institutions (Papert, 1996), it is a
complete redesign of educational notions (Blake,
2008) that both must embark due to these recently
created learning environments. Another issue to be
observed here is the narrowing of the gap between
Formal and Informal learning environments (Bo-
Kristensen, Ankerstjerne, Neutzsky-Wulff and
Schelde, 2009) in a moment when most fossilized
ideas about Pedagogy and Education as a whole are
under scrutiny. Moreover, the blurry line between ‘i-
am-studying” versus “i-am-not studying” traced on
young adults and teens minds when it is about
school or learning is being erased (Robinson, 2006).
The informality, easy accessibility and ubiquitous
presence (Leu et al, 2004) may take the formal
school-interface out of perspective.
On this research proposal, we also shed some
light over the urgent necessity of developing some
new approaches to educational techniques at the
XXI century university classrooms due to the fact
that we have seen a lack of interest by some students
in traditional instruction methodologies; result of the
distance between their multi-faceted reality
involving electronic and face-to-face
communications versus the lecturer style of
teaching. According to Oblinger (2005),
“New ways of teaching and learning have to be
employed in an attempt to ensure these technologies
are used to their fullest extent to engage all learners
and to enable the construction of culturally significant
meaning for Net Generation students. We are finding
that new pedagogies are facilitating the engagement of
other students for whom the strategies and learning
environment is conducive to engaged and deep
learning”. (Oblinger, 2005)
The Net Generation (Tapscott, 1998) might be
taken as a broad concept nowadays and we must put
into perspective that technology has overpowered
people of all ages and walks of life. Consequently,
including this new perspective of apps into the
English language learning provided by UNIT classes
may deploy the institution at the forefront of
T.A.L.L. users in Northeast Brazil and, we believe,
this is unprecedented in any higher education
institution in Sergipe.
Learning a foreign language in an online
community reinforces L2 as we could see in Lan et
al (2007) who asserts that “language learning is no
longer limited to one-way individual learning, but
can be expanded to a two-or multi-way collaborative
learning”. As a Professor at the English Department,
I stated my scientific problem as being the
responsible for the implementation of m-learning to
the English Graduation course syllabus during the 1
and 2
semesters of it. There is an understanding
that this new pedagogical procedure will prepare
“future teachers of the idiom to the reality of their
audience in post-modern educational times”
(Campos, 2008).
As mentioned earlier, the majority of the
university students we have in our classrooms
nowadays are digital natives (Prensky, 2001) and
according to this author, the reality is that,
“Today’s average college grads have spent less than
5,000 hours of their lives reading, but over 10,000
hours playing video games (not to mention 20,000
hours watching TV). Computer games, email, the
Internet, cell phones and instant messaging are
integral parts of their lives.” (Prensky, 2001)
In our English Department, we are preparing
educators for a different language teaching and
learning perspectives as they will be the teachers of
the kids in high schools today who use computers,
tablets and smartphones in a more organic model
(Downes, 2012) way than their instructors. About
the theory for Linguistics, the students will perform
the Second Language Acquisition mostly based on
the principles of Krashen’s (1981) language
acquisition theory of i+1, being i – the background
knowledge and +1, the new knowledge. They will
also make use of Vygostky’s (2002) Zone of
Proximal Development as well as Thorne and
Payne’s (2005) use of podcasts theory here.
Green and Hannon (2007) also share some ideas
into the necessity of a new horizon in teaching as
“children and young adults are establishing a
relationship to knowledge gathering nowadays
which is alien to their parents and teachers”. This
knowledge has been gathered by surfing a multitude
of platforms that bring access to information through
a perspective made of audio, texts, videos, chats,
photos and hyperlinks altogether (Papert, 1996).
They learn everywhere (Anderson, 2008) and in a
new dimension through these electronic gadgets. If
we bring into this reality the application of VLE
language apps as a routine, L2 learning may be
rewarded. As some studies dealing with the use of
apps in Asia are showing, “it was concluded that the
combination of formal and informal learning fosters
contextualized learning, productive outputs, and a
socio-constructivist acquisition of the target
language.” (Chen, 2013). Our target in this doctoral
research is to verify the length of this concept when
you implement tablets/smartphones apps aimed at
L2 acquisition in a university course syllabus
planned to language learning.
On this attempt of implementing an app as a
mandatory content for a university degree, I have to
analyse their HCI with an academic and thorough
schema and therefore we are using some elements of
the ergonomic criteria of Bastien and Scapin (2003)
defined as Immediate Feedback, Information
Density, User Control, Consistency and
Compatibility. We are also investigating how these
apps define language progression, how the
vocabulary, themes, dialogues evolve and finally,
the “schooling” approach that is aimed on language
learning that these tablet and smartphones’ versions
bring. The future implementation to the course
syllabus takes into account the approach of learning
needs that focus on Proficiency by Nation (2010)
associated with the ideas of assessing needs in a
framework for a course development from Graves
(2000) and the reconceptualization tendencies seen
in Slattery (2006).
I also have to take into full perspective Rogers’
Diffusion of Innovations theory seen here through
the Technology Adopter Category Index (TACI).
Rogers (2003) apud Sahin (2006) establishes that
innovations and, in special Technology, follows a
procedure of being adopted by people according to
attributes such as Relative Advantage,
Compatibility, and Observability among others. The
pace of adoption takes a length of time that varies in
relation to the adopters which are labeled as
Innovators (2.5%), Early adopters (13,5%) Early
majority (34%), Late majority (34%) and Laggards
(16 %). We also include Dugas (2005) flexibility
perception to T.A.C.I.. The Figure 1 exemplifies
how these rates are distributed through time.
Figure 1: T.A.C.I. – Technology Adopter Category Index.
As a methodological approach to this project,
focused on the implementation of a new paradigm in
instruction and pedagogical studies – learning
through mobile apps – my Advisor (Prof. Dr. João
Correia de Freitas) suggested performing a Design-
Based Research (DBR) due to the essence of our
doctoral research dwelling with the empirical nature
of this unorthodox way of learning. Adopting new
learning methods in a teaching environment is not an
easy task, hence we use here the concepts of
Herrington (2007) and Barab and Squire (2004)
since we are “producing new theories, artifacts, and
practices that account for and potentially impact
learning and teaching in naturalistic settings”.
Checking other authors who suggest performing
a Qualitative Research as a Design Based Research,
it is mandatory to consider van den Akker,
Gravemeijer, McKenney and Nieveen (2006) who
specify that “design-based research holds great
promise for enhancing both the theoretical
contributions and public value of educational
technology research.” Nevertheless, we have to pay
attention to the fact that DBR is a work-in-progress
and we cannot forget the ways the research goes
through and the reasons for its existence. As
Herrington (2007) puts it “…typically the research
has sought to demonstrate the achievement gains of
technology – facilitated learning over conventional
methods of teaching with little regard for an
understanding of how or why the gains might have
been realized.”
Looking further into authors that contributed to
the definition of DBR when developing qualitative
investigations in technology and education, we bring
the ideas of the pioneer Collins (1992) who
acknowledges that this methodology addresses the
complexity of the problems in real classroom
context when
“integrating known and hypothetical design principles
with technological affordances to render plausible
solutions to these complex problems and conducting
rigorous and reflective inquiry to test and refine
innovative learning environments as well as to define
new design principles.” (Collins, 1992)
To Herrington (2007), “a research proposal for a
doctoral study using a design-based approach must
include a practitioner-oriented focus as well as
degrees of collaboration that are not necessarily
required for more traditional predictive research
designs”. Another author, Reeves (2006), divided a
DBR in 4 main steps (Analysis of Problems >
Development of Solutions > Iterative Cycles of
Testing > Reflection to enhance Solutions) as seen
on Figure 2.
Figure 2: 4 Steps to a Design-Based Research.
It is also a fact that through this methodology,
the research comprises a strong connection between
researcher and students that is “derived from the
definition of the research problem in close
collaboration with practitioners, and fine tuned
through literature that serves to (a) help flesh out
what is already known about the problem and (b) to
guide the development of potential solutions
(Herrington, 2007).” We sum up the methodological
approach with the conceptual idea of Barab and
Squire (2004) reflected in the affirmation that a
“design-based research suggests a pragmatic
philosophical underpinning, one in which the value
of a theory lies in its ability to produce changes in
the world.”
After these four steps of DBR in our
methodological procedures, after the collection of
data through questionnaires, interviews and
performance tests to be applied to the 100 subjects
(50 at UNIT and 50 at UNL) involved at this study
and its thorough analysis to verify the efficacy of
those apps in language progression; we may
probably take this doctoral research to its final part –
the choice of the (most adequate) application for the
Implementation at the Graduation course. As said
before, this research project aims at assessing which
app represents a better platform to learning a L2
through T.A.L.L. or M.A.L.L and we had to take
into our prism the ideas of an evaluative research
whose qualitative data collection will be made
through the use of the applications by the students.
An evaluative study starts with the assumption that
the research topic must be understood “holistically”
(McKay, 2006).
This is done by assessing a variety of factors that
might affect the final result. As we understood from
our references, “the main goal of the evaluation
report is to inform and/or influence decision makers
and the relative emphasis of the two activities must
be different” (Jamieson, 1984). Summing up, the
evaluative research to be performed here will
promote an analysis of both apps in a simulation of
studies taking all the pedagogical steps proposed by
the aforementioned applications.
4.1 Data Collection and Analysis
After the installation and use of the applications
Busuu and Babbel by the purposeful chosen 100
subjects for six months, we will perform a series of
questionnaires, semi-structured interviews,
observations and oral conversations that will record
this information on protocols designed to organize
what was granted by the participants. This
Qualitative data will be explored, coded, described
in themes and segmented (Creswell, 2012). After
that, we will summarize the findings and compare
them to the literature. Of course, we bear in mind
that this qualitative research has to validate the
accuracy of the findings through the linguistic
progression of the subjects, bringing or not the
concept of Efficacy to the use of apps.
5.1 Busuu
The initial screen brings the registration, selection of
language, then your level and courses. Through the
selection of courses, students reach eight (08) levels
based on CEFR (Common European Framework of
Reference for Languages): Beginners A1 (Parts 1
and 2), Basics A2 (Parts 1 and 2), Intermediate B1
(Parts 1 and 2) and Intermediate Advanced B2 (Parts
1 and 2) and a subsequent section entitled Travel
All levels put through a series of “learning units”
consisting of linguistic situational elements
presented by images. It starts with some sentences
for listening and reading (matching), followed by a
dialogue performed by natives (listening skill also in
use here) with the possibility of reading it in English
or at an automatic translation to your mother tongue.
Continuing you find a “fill in the blanks” exercise
with the items learned. The pedagogical approach
here is mostly communicative and it aims at
bringing the student to an “on the street” linguistic
experience. Taking as an excerpt we will analyse the
Level Intermediate B1 Part 2/ “Holidays”. After
downloading the content you come across 3
sections: Vocabulary (expressions that are related to
the theme followed by more complex linguistic
structures), Dialogue (a “real-life” dialogue
containing the aforementioned structures in a daily
context) and Writing where you can answer a
question (related to the same theme) that will be
corrected by a native speaker afterwards. After
completion of every Section or Part and when
answers are mostly correct, the app awards you with
a number of “berries” that count as a reward to your
learning process.
Those corrections scaled in berries count as
Immediate Feedback (Bastien and Scapin, 2003) to
the student that sees his/her work valued. Moving
on, you have a series of sentences to put words in
order and finally the unit gets a “medal” for being
finished. We may point out here that it has an
interesting approach to beginners due to the fact that
it goes from teaching how to introduce yourself –
Part 1 exercise 1 - to stretches of some more
developed structures for certain social situations.
The User Control (Bastien and Scapin, 2003) at this
stage is 100%. At the moment of this writing, the
app does it in a more well-structured, reliable and
educational manner. Statistically, according to Alexa
(, a website that registers application
users per country, Brazil is the number two user of
the Busuu platform with 8,3%; Russia is the leader
country with 12,1%. The following Figures 3, 4 and
5 illustrate a HCI of a lesson by Busuu
Figure 3. Figure 4. Figure 5.
5.2 Babbel
The initial screen also brings the registration step
and after that you go straight to the idiom
downloaded. Then, you have to choose where you
would like to start (Beginner or Advanced) and here
we find the first setback – no Intermediate status.
The user then goes through an association of
language used for introductions and daily use such
as “hello”, “please”, “goodbye”, “how are you?”
followed by a matching exercise that presents no
challenge even to “real” beginners. A matching
exercise works as a unit review. In the sequence you
find the “voice recording” exercise which is, in my
view, the best element of Babbel.
After you listened to the linguistic item spoken
by a native you have to repeat and the app will
accept the pronunciation as correct or not. Following
through, you then write in a spelling exercise the
items just learned which come presented in a
dialogue to fill. After completing two sets of them
you come across a writing exercise of the language
previously learned where you type/spell the same
Unfortunately, only Part I is free and after
completion it charges you 9,95 Euros for a month.
Nevertheless, going to the Menu of the app you can
choose from a series of (free) thematic vocabulary
such as First Words and Sentences, Eating and
Drinking, Vacation, Human Relationships,
Transportation and Travel, Public Services, At
Home, and many others.
Taking one for a deeper analysis, we selected
Transportation and Travel due to its allure to
learning the idiom. It develops the segment into
isolated vocabulary for public transportation, for
cars, planes, boats, etc. Choosing one of them will
put the learner into an association of vocabulary to
pictures and to the listening of that word in L2. After
that, we come across a spelling exercise and
completion sentences where a British accent voice
reads the sentence for you after completion.
We have noticed great Compatibility and
Consistency (Bastien and Scapin, 2003) on this
reading + writing + listening activities; as they fulfill
real life communication settings. The HCI is
designed to take learners into the theme however I
found the illustration to be small and the fonts could
be bigger; taking into account that our research was
promoted in a 7-inch Samsung tablet or at the
Samsung S4 mini smartphone.
In app statistics, according to Alexa, Brazilian
users represent 8,7% of the downloads – 4
An example of the HCI of Babbel is presented on
Figures 6, 7 and 8.
Figure 6 Figure 7 Figure 8
The expected outcome will be presented in two
a) After a thorough qualitative analysis of the data
created from observations, interviews and oral
conversation in English with the participants and
the researcher own perception of the Virtual
Learning Environment apps, we will establish if
there is efficacy (through language progression)
on using the apps to improve English language
b) Subsequently to this efficacy confirmation, I will
design a curriculum modification to include the
implementation of the most adequate app on the
syllabus of the Graduation Course subjects
entitled English Language I and English
Language II at UNIT.
We remind our audience that most subject
students to be involved on this research (UNIT and
UNL) will not be fluent on the English language –
we aim for A1, A2 and B1 C.E.F.R. levels here and
therefore they might demonstrate a higher necessity
of a more guided or grammatical approach to
learning sometimes. As we said before, tablets and
smartphones are a reality nowadays as they can be
found in almost every household, classroom and
educational institution in both countries. Brazilians
(UNIT) as well as Portuguese students (UNL) will
certainly improve their overall knowledge learning a
lingua franca through some apps that can bring you
real learning possibilities for free or for some Reais
or Euros. Concluding with the reason why these
countries should learn English as soon as possible,
according to EF’s English Proficiency Global Index
- Brazil still stands at the 46
position (Low
Proficiency) while Portugal is doing a better work
but stands at the 19
position (Moderate
Proficiency), what it is not so adequate when
comparing to other European countries.
The research is at its initial stages as the Doctoral
Program I attend just started last October 2014. Up
to this date, I have covered the mandatory Curricular
Units of the first semester, we are on semester #2
and the deeper literature review and field research
with the participants will start in February 2016. The
paper presented here brings the latest work of our
doctoral research.
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