lobster leaves its habitat and allows a new
transmission of the Vemco units. The wreck is rich
in foods and we can observe a stillness of the
lobsters. When the lobster leave the wreck we can
observe a loss of signals because the research area is
limited by 6 receivers and the distance between
transmitters – receiver is too important.
These results show that the used method allow us to
deduct a behaviour during a period according
collected data using a subaquatic wireless sensor
network. The monitoring of Homarus Gammarus in
the Mediterranean Sea can play an important role on
the economic development of sustainable fisheries
activity. In this context, this paper want to provide a
simple way to predict the behaviour of this species
according collected data by an acoustic wireless
sensor network.
This paper presented a part of the state of art on
the monitoring of Hommarus Gammarus using a
passive tracking with an acoustic wireless sensor
network from VEMCO technology. According to the
data collected we tried to define the position and the
global behaviour of 7 tagged lobsters. We can see
that we are able to build a global behaviour of the
lobsters from collected signal. This behaviour
building is deducted from classical localization
method. This method is a hybridization of two
classical methods. Indeed, according to a given
value λ we use either gradient descent or Gauss
Newton method.
The goal of this study was not to develop a new
method of localization but to build a simple way to
deduct from collected data the relative position of
the tags and to extract a behavior. In this experiment,
the results are generally positive but not sufficient.
Indeed we are able to have a position but we are not
sure of the precision. The impact of the damping
coefficient r must be measured and reported in our
estimation of the position. We must a measurement
campaign during a year to observe the complete
behavior of a lobster.
The impact of receiver’s positions must be better
appreciate. Indeed we made the choice to deploy the
VR2W in the fund of the sea however it seems to be
more precise to deploy under the sea surface to
improve reception quality. The choice of the
research area (wreck with metallic body) has an
impact on the signal.
However these first results allow us to build a
first behavior model of individual lobster according
to the collected and interpreted data form the sensor
network in the Mediterranean Sea. Indeed the
diurnal activity, the stillness of the lobster on a rich
foods area are the first elements of a corsican lobster
behavior to find some solutions in the repopulation
of this species.
We thank the team of aquaculture technicians of
Stella Mare platform for their assistance in the
capture and the tagging of lobsters. We also thank
the divers’ team of recover the submerged
hydrophones and allow us to collect monitoring
data. Thanks to: Romain Bastien, Sébastien
Quaglietti, Jérémy Bracconi, Nicolas Tomasi,
Michel Marengo and Jean-José Filippi.
We also wish to thank ML Bégout of the
IFREMER of La Rochelle to have lent us the
hydrophones that were used for this experiment.
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