Sporadic Cloud Computing over a Virtualization Layer
A New Paradigm to Support Mobile Multi-hop Ad-hoc Networks
Esteban F. Ord´o˜nez-Morales
, Yolanda Blanco-Fern´andez
and Mart´ın L´opez-Nores
Grupo de Investigaci´on e Innovaci´on en Ingenier´ıas, Universidad Polit´ecnica Salesiana, Cuenca, Ecuador
AtlantTIC Research Center, Department of Telematics Engineering, University of Vigo, Vigo, Spain
In our doctoral proposal we deploy Sporadic Ad-
hoc Networks (SANs) over the devices of a group
of always-on users who happen to meet in a place.
The goal is to develop tailor-made services that ex-
ploit the possible similarities among the preferences
of the users and the technological capabilities of their
terminals to establish direct and hop-by-hop ad-hoc
communications. In order to overcome the intrin-
sic limitations of mobile devices, we explore the new
concept of Sporadic Cloud Computing (SCC) that is
aimed at providing each terminal with additional re-
sources by exploiting the (computational, network-
ing, storing...) capabilities of the rest of devices con-
nected to the SAN. In order to abstract the complex-
ity stemmed from the mobility scenarios, SCC works
with an enhanced Virtualization Layer that deals with
a few static virtual nodes instead of a higher num-
ber of mobile real nodes. This allows to turn our
SANs into reliable and stable communication envi-
ronments to promote interactions among potentially
like-minded strangers in a great diversity of mobility
scenarios, involving both pedestrians and cars in ve-
hicular environments.
After the irruption of the Web 2.0 and the smartphone
revolution, most of the on-moveusers carry with them
handheld devices for actively interacting daily with
their friends/followers/followees/... in the context of
the virtual world of the Internet. Sociologist have al-
ready advised about the negative effects derived from
some of these behaviours, which might lead the users
to immersing themselves in a virtual communication
burble with their contacts, by giving up interacting
face-to-face with nearby individuals (Kuss and Grif-
fiths, 2011). In the same line, other experts have
analyzed the consequences of the so-called FOMO
(Fear Of Missing Out) effect which denotes the fear
of users of losing events, news and situations that hap-
pen in their social networks, thus not taking an eye
off their devices (Przybylski et al., 2013). In order
to fight these situations, we are working in the devel-
opment of the SPORANGIUM (SPORAdic networks
in the Next-GenerationInformation services for Users
on the Move) platform which deployes Sporadic Ad-
hoc Networks (SANs) among always-on users who
happen to be in a place, by establishing multi-hop
ad-hoc connections over their respective mobile ter-
minals. The goal is to promote more direct interac-
tions among strangers who happen to meet in spaces
like cinemas, stadiums, museums, concert halls, etc.,
who might have potentially common interests (cin-
ema, sport, art, music, etc.) that would be convenient
to explore.
For that purpose, SPORANGIUM must orches-
trate activities and tailor-made services that bring to-
gether the particular context of the users, their po-
tentially common preferences and the capabilities
of their devices for establishing ad-hoc connections.
However, these services far exceed traditional mobile
devices capabilities, which suffer from computational
limitations, as well as battery restrictions and pro-
cessing time. To face this situation, the new Mobile
Cloud Computing (MCC) paradigm has arisen that
takes inspiration from the well-known Cloud Com-
puting (CC), which is based on delivering comput-
ing as a service whereby shared resources, software
and information are provided as a utility over a net-
work (typically the Internet). In MCC the goal is to
enable to process a large amount of data on demand
anytime from anywhere, so that mobile devices con-
nect to the Internet to use an environment that inte-
grates diverse platforms and technologies (Dinh et al.,
2013). Specifically, MCC promotes to move the com-
puting power and data storage away from mobile de-
vices and into the cloud, bringing multiple service
models (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS...) and mobile computing
to a wide range of on-move always-on users.
Recently, the MCC paradigm has been exported to
vehicular communication environments where some
researchers have proposed the so-called Vehicular
Cloud Computing (VCC). The goal here is to exploit
F. Ordóñez-Morales E., Blanco-Fernández Y. and López-Nores M..
Sporadic Cloud Computing over a Virtualization Layer - A New Paradigm to Support Mobile Multi-hop Ad-hoc Networks.
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
both the physical data center units that are in charge
of performing the data computation and storage (like
in MCC) and the on-board resources of the own ve-
hicles (Olariu et al., 2013). In our proposal of PhD
work, we want to extend the VCC paradigm to sup-
port mobility scenarios beyond the vehicular environ-
ment, by involving both pedestrians and vehicles on
the road. Specifically, we explore a new paradigm
named Sporadic Cloud Computing (SCC)– aimed to
allow the users’ devices to exploit both the (comput-
ing, storing, networking, sensing...) resources avail-
able in the rest of terminals connected to the SANs,
and those provided from external data centers. In
the deployment of our SCC paradigm in diverse mo-
bile communicationenvironments,one of the main re-
search challenges has to do with the high mobility of
the nodes connected to the ad-hoc network (e.g. cars
in a vehicular ad-hoc network), and therefore, with its
frequenlty changing topology. This causes that com-
munication fails often as these nodes move fast and
are out of the range of the ad-hoc network, which also
hampers the routing tasks when forwarding informa-
tion (Gerla, 2012).
Our doctoral proposal is aimed at designing, develop-
ing and validating the mechanisms necessary to:
1. turn our SANs networks into reliable and stable
communication environments with good perfor-
mance in terms of overhead, packet delivery ratios
and scalability, covering vehicular, pedestrian and
mixed environments, and
2. deploy enhanced “X”aaS service models (e.g.
CaaS, NaaS, STaaS, SEaaS...) through our SCC
paradigm, so that the devices connected to the
SAN can collaborate and share their respective
Computing, Networking, SToring and SEnsing
capabilities in the deployment of advanced com-
munication services.
As introduced before, the main research chal-
lenges derived from both objectives has to do with
(i) the frequent topology changes happened in certain
communication environments (e.g. in a vehicular ad-
hoc network due to the fast movements of the cars),
and (ii) the fact that the capabilities available in the
SANs vary on the time, as the location of the users’
devices change.
To deal with the high mobility of the nodes con-
nected to our SANs, our proposal takes advantage of
the improvements proposed in the realm of Mobile
Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs), which have been en-
visaged to face the problems derivedfrom (i) the wire-
less transmission mediums, (ii) the high variability
of the network topology due to unpredictable nodes’
movements, and (iii) the existence of severe restric-
tions in terms of processing capabilities, memory and
battery consumption. In particular, we start from the
work presented in (Dolev et al., 2004) where the au-
thors described a virtualization layer named VNLayer
(Virtual Node Layer). Specifically, the VNLayer is a
cluster-based approach where the mobile nodes col-
laboratively create an infrastructure of static virtual
nodes to ease the routing problem and the mainte-
nance of persistent state information in the area cov-
ered by an ad-hoc wireless network of mobile devices
(as our SANs), notwithstanding the mobility of the
(real) physical nodes. Actually, the VNLayer resides
between the link layer and the Internet Layer, so that
the virtual nodes can be addressed as if they were
static server devices. This helps to mask the uncer-
tainty that arises from the MANETs’ varying topol-
ogy and from the fact that the physical devices can
fail unpredictably. Consequently, it is easier for de-
velopers to work at the nodes’ upper layers, since they
can deploy applications on mobile devices and vir-
tual servers with greater ease and efficiency. Besides,
virtualisation creates a level of hierarchy in the oth-
erwise flat MANETs, which brings in opportunities
to re-design MANET protocols to operate more effi-
ciently and reliably.
Since the virtualization layer by Dolev et al.
has been developed to handle communications in
MANETs, the first objective of our doctoral proposal
consists of extending and adapting the working of
the VNLayer to the restrictions and peculiarites of
more demanding mobility scenarios, including, for
instance, communication environments where pedes-
trians and occupants of vehicles are involved. To this
aim, we need to envisage refinements in the VNLayer
(resulting in our VNLayer+) to take into account, for
instance, the comparatively faster movements of ve-
hicles, the freedom of movement of the pedestrians,
as well as the fact that these nodes are not subject
to the strict energy, space and computing capabilities
restrictions of MANETs. These restrictions must be
considered to turn our SANs into reliable communi-
cation environments, covering a wide diversity of ap-
plication scenarios beyond the generic MANETs ex-
plored in Dolev et al.s approach.
Our SCC paradigm must develop transport-layer
coordination mechanisms among the devices that
are connected to the SANs in order to enable an
efficient sharing and allocation of their available
resources by working over the virtualization layer,
which is the second objetive of the doctoral pro-
posal. This fact causes that, differently from the
traditional approaches envisaged in CC, MCC and
VCC, our “X”aaS service models need to deal with
the (static) virtual nodes of the VNLayer+, which
are emulated/supported by the devices of the users
on the move. Specifically, while the SAN is estab-
lished among the users’ terminals, the messages to
request resources from the ad-hoc network (or to ad-
vertise resources that are left to other devices’ dis-
posal) are managed by virtual nodes. The tandem
SCC-VNLayer+ contributes to (i) fight/alleviate the
communication errors and data loss noticeable in mo-
bile ad-hoc networks (Dinh et al., 2013), and (ii) to
orchestrate advanced applications to improve the ex-
perience of the users, by taking advantage of the reli-
able data exchange over the SAN (thanks to the VN-
Layer+) and the availability of additional resources in
each terminal (thanks to the service models of SCC).
The possible applications to be deployed in the
realm of our SANs cover a wide spectrum, rang-
ing from the orchestation of activities bounded to an
event where a group of like-minded users happen to
meet (e.g. in a museum, theater or stadium), to the
provision of both improved applications for interve-
hicular communication (e.g. optimization of traffic
flows, chats among drivers, proactive organization of
ride-sharing opportunities or selective distribution of
personalized advertising in nearby places), and re-
finements in the context of the smart cities through
the planification of people mobility and urban games,
among others.
In this section, we review related works in the two
main research fields of our doctoral proposal: the use
of virtualization in MANETs and the exploitation of
resource sharing among devices in mobile communi-
cation environments.
3.1 Virtualization in Mobile Ad-hoc
The VNLayer was presented in (Dolev et al., 2004) as
a set of procedures to turn ad-hoc networks of mobile
devices into more predictable environments for com-
munications. The main idea is to engage the mobile
physical nodes (PNs) in collaboration to emulate vir-
tual nodes (VNs) that remain in known grid locations,
as shown in Figure 1 (where back circles and white
squares denote PNs and VNs, respectively).
The VNLayer divides the geographical area of an
ad-hoc network into square regions, whose size is
chosen so that every PN in a region can reliably send
and receive data from every other physical node in
that region and neighboring ones. Each VN (one per
region) is emulated by the PNs located in the corre-
sponding region, so that when all the physical nodes
leave this region, the virtual node stops to work. In
each region, one PN is chosen as the leader in the re-
gion and becomes the primary responsible for packet
reception, buffering and forwarding. Meanwhile, a
subset of non-leader nodes are designated as backups
to maintain information consistent with the leader’s
version (specifically, replicas of the virtualization-
related state information and the routing tables tack-
led by the routing protocols working on the virtualiza-
tion layer). This way, the VNs can maintain persistent
state and be fault tolerant even when individual PNs
fail or leave the region.
Figure 1: Static virtual nodes (white squares) overlaying the
mobile nodes of a MANET (black circles).
An exhaustive analysis of the VNLayer allows to
detect certain sources of inefficiency in its function-
ing, which are mainly related to:
The Procedure used to Identify New Backup
Nodes: The approach adopted by Dolev et al.
in order to designate backup nodes among non-
leaders is a probabilistic one and it is driven by
a Coin Tosser Function, according to which the
greater the number of nodes in the region, the
lower the probability that a PN will choose as
backup. This avoids having many backups in
dense MANETs, and thus reduces the overhead
due to state synchronisations, i.e. to the exchange
of messages aimed at ensuring that the replicas of
the state information from the upper layers (e.g.
routing tables) kept in the backup nodes are con-
sistent with the leader’s version.
The Procedure adopted in the Leader Election:
This process suffers from two main problems: (i)
it involves a great number of messages to be ex-
changed –which contributes to increase the dura-
tion of the virtual nodes’ downtimes–, and (ii) the
selection process does not prioritize the backup
nodes that have an updated version of the out-
going leader node (which would be the best can-
didates to become a new leader). In particular,
this procedure could designate as new leader ei-
ther a node that was not acting as a backup or
a non-synchronised backup node, even in cases
that there were synchronised backups in the re-
gion. This causes that the state information from
the upper layers would be lost unnecessarily and
new synchronisations would be triggered immedi-
ately, thus increasing the overhead.
The Procedures adopted Once a Region Becomes
Empty: The VNLayer does not preserve informa-
tion about the states of the VNs corresponding to
regions that become empty after the withdrawal of
all the PNs located in them. This degrades the per-
formance of the virtualization layer, thus causing
unnecessary delays in the recovery of the VNs.
Besides the above limitations (which have been
identified in MANET scenarios), the VNLayer re-
quires additional refinements to improve its perfor-
mance in more restrictive and demanding mobile
communication environments, such as the pedes-
trian/vehicular/ mixed scenarios we want to explore
in our doctoral proposal.
3.2 Resource Sharing among Mobile
The idea of taking advantage of the resources avail-
able in the handheld devices that are located around
an on-move user is not new at all. Specifically, the ca-
pabilities that have gained more momentum are those
related to the networking resources. In this regard, the
so-called spontaneous networking has arisen in the
last years, where wireless mobile nodes opportunis-
tically exploit multi-hop ad-hoc paths toward peers to
share content and available resourcesin an impromptu
way. The idea is to take benefit from the available
bandwidth in many handheld devices (which is of-
ten underutilized) to be shared with other peers in
current vicinity, thus better exploiting the increasing
availability of computing/memory/bandwidth-related
capabilities at portable wireless terminals. In this line,
we found the approach proposed in (Bellavista and
Giannelli, 2010) where a middleware named RAMP
(Real Ad-hoc Multi-hop Peer-to-peer) is described.
In particular, RAMP combines network-layer solu-
tions and application-layer approaches to support In-
ternet connectivity sharing in spontaneous networks.
Specifically, RAMP creates multi-hop paths toward
border nodes (i.e., nodes directly connected to the tra-
ditional Internet and offering part of their underuti-
lized connectivity to nearby peers), so that each node
can use the path currently deemed as the most suit-
able, e.g., because it provides largest bandwidth or
requires lowest power comsumption. This approach
leads to a significant routing overhead when exploit-
ing different multi-hop heterogenous paths traversing
the same node.
At the application layer we found other ap-
proaches that go beyond the solutions proposed in
RAMP, which have been designed for vehicular ad-
hoc networks taking inspiration from BitTorrent-style
P2P file sharing systems (Nandan et al., 2005; Lee
et al., 2007; Chen and Chan, 2009; Lee et al., 2006;
Eriksson et al., 2008). The goal is not only to ex-
ploit the connectivity of one terminal from the rest
of devices, but to collaboratively download different
chunks of the same content during periods of con-
nectedness. All these application-layer protocols are
aimed at enabling (collaborative) downloads of con-
tents that typically are appealing to all (or most of) the
vehicles connected to the VANET. The contributions
that we are pursuing in SCC are located in a lower
layer, where the goal is to aggregate the connections
of several nodes in a transparent way, without con-
ditioning besides the usage of the downloaded con-
tents by those nodes (covering, e.g., scenarios where
the accessed information is useful for just one node
in the SAN). To this aim, we must envisage tranport-
layer solutions that deal with multiple connections
and multi-hop communications in diverse mobile ad-
hoc networks, by working on the top of our enhanced
virtualization layer, which, to the best of our knowl-
edge, is approach completely novel in literature.
Beyond the networking capabilities, in the vehicu-
lar environment it is also possible to find new service
models that allow vehicles to share to each other on-
board storage facilities (STaaS: Storage as a Service),
computing power (CaaS: Computing as a Service),
services (about traffic information, driver safety or
weather and road conditions) that are assembled from
the information collected by other vehicles (COaaS:
Collaboration as a Service), and advanced function-
alities related to provision of entertainment as a ser-
vice on the road (ENaaS: ENtertainment as a Ser-
vice) or taking of photos and recording of videos in
particular places and at specific times (PicWaaS: Pic-
tures on a Wheel as a Service), as described in (Arif
et al., 2012). These services can be deployed over
diverse vehicular clouds, ranging from static clouds
(which aggregate the capabilities of parked cars) and
semi-static clouds (involving vehicles stopped for a
moment because of a traffic jam) to mobile clouds
(the most common option where a large amount of
vehicles travel on the road). The most sophisticated
approaches have been designed in static and semi-
static clouds, while the challenges derived from the
frequently changing topologies of mobile clouds have
not received the same attention (Gerla et al., 2014).
The goal of our proposal is to handle the mobility of
the nodes connected to our SANs (both pedestrians
and vehicles), by exploiting the virtualization refine-
ments and the mechanisms envisaged in the SCC to
face the communication errors and data loss notice-
able in highly dynamic ad-hoc communication envi-
ronments (Arif et al., 2012).
After an in-depth review of the state-of-the-art, the
first step to tackle our research problem has been the
development of a simulator (whose high-level design
is sketched in Section 4.1), which is aimed at vali-
dating the procedures of the VNLayer+ (Section 4.2)
and the “X”aaS service models of the SCC paradigm
(Section 4.3). While the simulator has been totally
implemented, our ongoing work is focused on the
foundations of the VNLayer+ and the specific mech-
anisms of some “X”aaS models of the SCC.
4.1 A SAN Simulator
Covering vehicular, pedestrian and mixed environ-
ments requires that our simulator (i) models the mo-
bility requiremens of each application scenario, and
(ii) deals with the communications among the mobile
nodes. To this aim, we have revised diverse pedes-
trian and vehicular mobility models defined in lit-
erature (Sharma and Singh, 2013), with the goal of
selecting the ones that represent realistically the be-
haviours of the moving nodes that are connected to
our SANs. Regarding the pedestrians, as depicted
in Figure 2, we have chosen three different models
to generate diverse types of mobility traces, referred
both to individuals and groups.
The Random Walk Mobility Model allows the
nodes to move randomly without restrictions (e.g.
a pedestrian walking a street in a city), so that the
destination, speed and direction are all chosen in-
dependently of other nodes.
The Nomadic Community Mobility Model consid-
ers groups of nodes that collectively move from
one point to another. This model is especially ap-
propriate for scenarios where a group of pedes-
trians move together, but each individual could
also roam around a particular location individu-
ally (e.g. a group of tourists who visit together the
historical centre of a city). By adjusting the corre-
sponding parameters, it is possible to control how
far each node can roam from each reference point,
thus resulting into very realistic movements.
Finally, we adopt the Reference Point Group Mo-
bility Model where each group is composed of a
number of members and one leader, so that the
movements of the leader determine the mobility
behaviour of the entire set (e.g in a mobility sce-
nario where a group of students visit a museum,
being guided by an expert).
As depicted in Figure 2, the above mobility mod-
els have been integrated via the existing simulation
tool MobiSim
, whose modular architecture allows to
easily add extra models and trace formats. Regarding
the generation of vehicular mobility traces, we have
resorted to SUMO
, due to the possibility of adding
new mobility models and submitting realistic (vehic-
ular) mobility traces in NS-2 format.
Also, we have decided to adopt NS-3 because
this simulator greatly improves NS-2 in terms of effi-
ciency, memory management and kernel architecture,
besides making easier the integration of third-group
software and the definition of new mobility models
by using C++. Certainly, the models implemented in
NS-3 are too simple in order to fulfill a wide diver-
sity of mobility requirements. However, our simula-
tor overcomes this limitation thanks to the (pedestrian
and vehicular) mobility behaviours modeled by the
external simulators MobiSim and SUMO. As these
behaviours are modeled as NS-2 traces, NS-3 uses a
NS2MobilityHelper module to convert them to NS-
3 mobility events. As seen in Figure 2, NS-3 sup-
ports protocols such as UDP, TCP, IP and multiple
routing protocols for mobile ad-hoc networks. Con-
sidering our virtualization mechanisms requires to in-
clude two additional modules aimed at implementing
the virtual layer level (VNLayer+) and a virtualized
routing protocol grounded on it (VNRouting), thus
greatly improving the performance of the ad-hoc net-
work. Lastly, the lowest level hosts diverse versions
of the IEEE 802.11 protocol (such as IEEE 802.11p
specifically developed for vehicular networks).
Figure 2: High-level design of our SAN simulator.
In conclusion, the exploitation of synergies among
MobiSim, SUMO and NS-3 makes it possible to eas-
ily define multiple and diverse mobility scenarios
where we will explore the potential of the SANs con-
tributed in our proposal.
4.2 The VNLayer+
As depicted in Figure 3, the VNLayer+ divides the ge-
ographical area of the SAN into regions (denoted as
cubes), so that a virtual node is located in each region.
Analogously to what we commented for the VNLayer
by Dolev et al., each virtual node is supported by sev-
eral moving nodes (both pedestrians and vehicles in
our scenarios), so that the virtual node stops to work
after all the physical nodes leave the region. Also,
there exist in each region leader and backup nodes in
order to maintain replicas of the virtualization-related
state information and the routing tables tackled by the
routing protocols working on the VNLayer+.
We have focused on the envisage of procedures
aimed to face the inefficiency sources identified in the
traditional VNLayer (recall Section 3.1). Next, we
sketch the ideas considered in our refinements, whose
details can be found in (Bravo-Torres et al., 2015):
First, we have developed a new leader election
procedure to prevent from the slow reaction of the
VNLayer to leader withdrawls, which impinged
heavily on the communications in scenarios of
high mobility, since the VNs were down during a
non-negligible portion of the average time that the
vehicles would remain in the respective region.
Briefly, the leader election procedure is driven by
different types of events (message receipts, time-
outs and region changes), which take each PN
to multiple states. Our approach consists of re-
moving some of these states and reorganizing the
transitions between the remaining ones in order to
speed up the discovery of the new leader.
Besides, we are also interested in sophisticating
the election of VN leaders so that the role is dy-
namically transferred to the physical node that
is most likely to remain longest within the cor-
responding region (as inferred from information
coming from either the link layer or the applica-
tions layer).
The backup designation procedure proposed in
the VNLayer needs improvements too. In particu-
lar, our goal is to ensure that the number of backup
nodes in a region stays, whenever possible, within
a given minimum (to guarantee the resilience of
the virtual nodes) and a given maximum (to avoid
excessive synchronisation overhead). To this aim,
our idea is that the leader reports the number of
backups in the region, so that other non-leaders
can learn whether they should offer themselves
to further support the VN. This way, becoming a
backup is no longer a fortuitous and autonomous
decision as in Dolev et al.s approach, but rather
an informed and supportive one.
Last, we have also developed procedures to im-
prove the management of empty regions designed
in the VNLayer. In this regard, our approach is
based on defining a new table (named B
whose entries contain the physical addresses of
the backup nodes along with its state (synchro-
nised or not). Specifically, B
table replicas are
stored in all the nodes of a region, which is the
key to avoid losing state information from the
upper layers when a newcomer assumes leader-
ship shortly after the previous leader has left. In
this scenario, the upstart (the newcomer) does not
have the state information of the virtual VN of the
region, but the synchronised backup do. Com-
bining the B table and the information from the
backup node, the upstart can start operating just
as well as the former leader in a very short time.
These mechanisms are complemented with other
procedures aimed to keep the structure of our
SANs stable, thus enabling that the communica-
Figure 3: Sporadic Ad-hoc Network (SAN) deployed in a generic mobility scenario involving pedestrians and vehicles.
tions and services over the ad-hoc networks are
not interrupted as users move. For that purpose,
when a virtual node is about to become inactive
(because there are very few devices in that re-
gion), the leader sends its buffered information to
the leader node of a neighbor region. This infor-
mation is stored until the original virtual node is
operative again (i.e. until new terminals enter that
region). At this moment, the just-restored virtual
node requests the information and processes it by
resorting to the capabilities provided by the new
terminals that are located in its region, thus pre-
venting from losing information as nodes move.
4.3 The SCC Paradigm
The devices connected to the SANS require coordina-
tion mechanisms to orchestrate the sharing and allo-
cation of their available resources (and even of extra
resources available from the Internet). To this aim, the
virtual nodes of the VNLayer+ must establish com-
munications to each other in order for the users’ de-
vices (i) to request resources to other terminals and
(ii) to advertise those that they are willing to pro-
vide to the SAN. We have designed a transport-layer
approach aimed at sharing and allocating resources,
on which the multiple “X”aaS services of our SCC
paradigm will be grounded. Each of these service
models will require particular refinements (on which
we are focusing our ongoing research work) that will
be develop on the common substratrum described in
this section.
For our descriptions, we assume that the geo-
graphic area where the SAN has been deployed is
divided into regions (recall Figure 3), whose leaders
and backup nodes have been selected by the mecha-
nisms of the VNLayer+ mentioned in Section 4.2. In
this scenario, we suppose that a terminal connected to
the SAN (hereafter, application node) needs extra re-
sources for running an application and asks for them
to the sporadic cloud. This process is organized as
follows, as depicted in Figure 4:
Firstly, the application node broadcasts a Re-
source Discovery Message (
) in its
Figure 4: Messages exchanged among the application node
and the leaders of the regions identified within a SAN.
Upon the reception of the
the leader node of the region sends it to the leaders
of its adjacent regions. This process is repeated by
the remaining leaders until reaching the last re-
In each region, the leader includes in the
message information about the re-
sources available in the devices supporting that
virtual node. The leader of the last region aggre-
gates all the responses and sends this information
back to the application node via a Resource Re-
ply Message (
) through the leaders of the
intermediate regions.
After receiving the
message, the appli-
cation node distributes tasks among the virtual
nodes, considering the availability of resources
reported by the leaders of their respective re-
gions. The corresponding task assignment is noti-
fied to each leader via a Resource Acknowledge-
ment Message (
). This allocation process
changes as per the specific “X”aaS service de-
ployed, which at the same time depends on the
kind of resources requiredfor the application node
(computing, storing, networking...).
Since virtual nodes might need to cooperate when
it comes to getting the information required by the
application node, each leader records the tasks to
be done by the rest of leaders. This information is
also reported to the backup nodes of each leader in
order to ensure a correct synchronization among
them, so that a backup can take the place of the
current leader when this node leaves the region.
After receiving the
message, each leader
distributes its task assigment among the physical
nodes of the region, by considering the capabili-
ties that these devices put at disposal of the SAN
at this moment. Once the terminals have finished
their job (which depends obviously on the capa-
bilities shared in each “X”aaS service), the leader
of this region is notified. This node finally informs
to the application node by sending a Completed
Task Message (
This way, the cooperation among the virtual nodes
enables to get the information required by the ap-
plication node. Depending on the application to
be runned in this node, our approach allows to
replicate this information in special virtual nodes
of the SAN, so that other application nodes can
also access it. Specifically, to this aim, we resort
to very stable virtual nodes which are supported
by a huge amount of connected devices that are
located, for example, in crowded squares or av-
enues and intersections with a lot of vehicular traf-
fic. In order to access these contents, each node
just needs to send a Content Request Message
) to the leader of its region to trigger
the process. The information is finally received
via a Content Response Message (
Note that above descriptions are also valid for a
scenario where multiple application nodes ask for re-
sources simultaneously. In this case, the capabilities
available in each virtual node will be considered when
deciding about new requests, and, once the resources
provided by the terminals are about to finish, the re-
quests will be queued until the resources blocked by
other application nodes are released.
As introduced before, having developed the com-
mon substratrum of SCC, we need to envisage the
specific mechanisms required in each “X”aaS service.
Currently, we are working on the N(etworking)aaS
model with the goal of allowing the mobile nodes to
collaboratively download contents from the Internet
and to share them with the rest of members over the
SAN. To this aim, we require transport-layersolutions
that manage multiple connections over the multi-hop
ad-hoc network in a transparent way. These mech-
anisms should lead to significant improvements in
terms of download time, thanks to the simultaneous
exploitation of the Internet connections providedfrom
the terminals of several individuals (e.g. if we have 3
terminals with a bandwidth of 1 Mbps each one to
download a content of 3 MB, the download would
last 3 seconds using just one connection, and 1 second
splitting the content in three chunks of 1 MB each one
and aggregating the 3 connections).
In our doctoral proposal, wireless mobile nodes op-
portunistically harness multi-hop ad-hoc paths to ex-
ploit the availability of a great amount of (often un-
derutilized) resources that are provided by the termi-
nals of nearby “always-on users in the context of the
On the one hand, such SANs promote shared ex-
periences among potentially like-minded users who
happen to be close to each other, by relying on direct
or hop-by-hop ad-hoc communications. On the other
one, in the realm of these ad-hoc networks, our new
SCC paradigm enables the deployment of multiple
context-aware applications and “X”aaS service mod-
els whose novelty is grounded on two features. First,
the fact of working with static virtual nodes instead
of mobile real nodes, which makes easier the routing
tasks and ensures reliable and stable communication
environments. Second, the possibility of bringing to-
gether in a transparent way (i) the resources provided
by each terminal that is connected to the SAN and
(ii) the capabilities of the traditional MCC (if avail-
able) in diverse ad-hoc mobility scenarios, working at
the transport layer and on the top of the virtualization
To put it from another angle, the resource shar-
ing and allocation pursued in our SCC allows to im-
prove the experience of each individual thanks to the
capabilities contributed by the rest of members of the
SAN, notwithstanding their mobility. This way, the
users might, for instance, enjoy connectivity of the
Internet and even reduce download times by aggre-
gating the 3G/4G connections of other terminals, use
extra storage space (in these devices or even in the
cloud) and also exploit additional computational re-
sources provided by more powerful terminals in or-
der to run, for example, (demanding) personalization
strategies. Such strategies would allow to provide the
SAN users with contents of their interest which might
havebeen proactivelyselected as per their preferences
(and even collected, enhanced and shared by other in-
dividuals) within tailor-made sporadic communities.
This work is being funded by the Ministerio de Edu-
caci´on, Cultura y Deporte (Gobierno de Espa˜na) re-
search project TIN2013-42774-R.
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