model has to be defined manually for each scientific
computation framework to enable automatic scaling.
Hence a domain specific evaluator needs to be imple-
mented for each domain. Once this mapping is done,
our frameworkenables the scientist to focus on the de-
velopment of the domain model for his problem def-
inition and is freed from deploying the applications
We expect the following outcome of this research
• Contributions to the state of the art in modeling of
scientific applications for the cloud,
• a novel method to leverage domain model infor-
mation of the scientist to scale scientific applica-
tions in the cloud,
• a prototypical implementation of the proposed
framework to demonstrate its feasibility.
In this paper, we proposed a framework for automat-
ically scaling scientific applications in a cloud. We
argue, that the traditional way of scaling applications
in cloud environments does not suit the frameworks
for scientific computation, since it does not take the
scientific domain into account. By evaluating the do-
main models defined by the scientist and mapping cer-
tain key characteristics of this model to the deploy-
ment model, we are able to shield the scientist from
complex cloud internals.
In the first phase of this project, we were setting up an
infrastructure, to supportthe differentsteps defined by
our framework. We deployed the example application
defined in Section 3 in a prototypical IaaS cloud based
on OpenStack
. A modified version of Cloudify was
used for the orchestrated deployment of the applica-
tions, whereby the application models are based on
Cloudify’s current support for TOSCA. The configu-
ration of the cloud applications was automated with
help of the configuration management tool Ansible.
Unfortunately, it became clear that current implemen-
tations of the TOSCA language are very limited when
it comes to defining and launching scalable compo-
nents. If TOSCA is able to properly support the scala-
bility demands, defined in our framework is currently
under evaluation.
OpenStack: https://www.openstack.org/
I would like to thank my supervisor Jens Grabowski
for his support and fruitful comments. This work
is partially funded by the Joint Centre of Simulation
Technology (SWZ) of the Universityof G¨ottingen and
the Technical University of Clausthal (project 11.4.1).
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