Figure 16: Discharging electric vehicle.
Usage of the new technologies and energy sources
are a viable way for the people to get rid of the
dependancy on international companies and state
regulatory charges.
Weather profile, property size, location,
orientation, these are just few things we need to take
into account and together with appliances and
behavioral statistics of the occupants it is much
easier to create a proper list of energy sources and
their optimal implementation. Most common method
of self sustained renewable energy is photovoltaic,
but with its impractical energy generation times, we
need to establish a way to store that energy for later
use in more convenient time schedules. Part of the
way to increase efficiency is to combine storage of
the energy with backtracking it back into public
electrical grid.
Most convenient method is backtracking of the
energy into the public grid, but only in case, that the
buyout price is higher than selling price.
Unfortunately it is not a rule and different countries
have different approach to renewable energy sources
that delivers into the public grid, which needs to be
taken into account. We also need to understand that
backtracking is not without its own risks and it can
easily affect whole parts of the public grids if done
improperly. There are lot of cases of public grid
overloads and pullouts due to uncontrolled energy
distribution from photovoltaic sources and this
problems are multiplying at an alarming rate these
One of the way to utilize all the generated energy
is to store it into accumulation units. We can find a
lot of possible candidates for this function, starting
with electrochemical accumulators, capacitors,
supercapacitors up to the byproducts such as
hydrogen, heat or cold. All of the variants above are
a significant financial investments and they all bring
their own issues, most commonly energy losses.
Thanks to the boom of automotive industry, we
could say, that most advanced and also easily
accessible are electrochemical accumulators that in
state of the art can go through up to 8k cycles with
20% capacity drop and without memory effect.
In case of combined ecological and economical
approach we can go as far as purchase of the
electromobile, that when price considered surpasses
the standard middle class vehicle, but its running and
maintenance costs are very low and has no demands
on special treatments. Also it can be used as a
supplemental accumulation unit for the family house
that, in case of the implementation of the
sophisticated control system, will then operate both
as consumer and supplier of the energy into the
family house grid and can compensate for energy
generation inconsistencies.
Some experts do claim that this way of storing
energy into mobile solutions is contra productive,
because of the fact, that in most times that there is an
energy production peak, the electromobile is usually
away from the house. In this case we need to take
into consideration fact, that both car and houses
energy center can be in constant communication via
remote access. Only necessity in this case is the
connection of the car into public grid, which then
may be used as a "transfer medium".
Obvious disadvantage of this technology is its
entry costs, that varies based on the technologies
used, where return rate is from 6 to 12 years or
more. Also a big issue may be laws and regulations
of the particular country, as well as common
approach to this technology.
This project was supported by European sources
within the project Pre-seed activities VSB-TUO II -
Energy, CZ.1.05/3.1.00/13.0317. And the work was
partially supported by Grant of SGS No. SP2015/42,
VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, Czech
Horak, B., Minarik, D., Friedrischkova, K., Vala, D.,
Kazarik, J.: The development of drive units for electric
cars KaipanVoltAge. Proceedings of the 14th
International Scientific Conference Electric Power
Engineering 2013. VŠB – TU Ostrava 2013. 978-80-
Power to the grid (kW)