remaining comfortable and cognitively efficient to
handle for non-computer scientists.
Since Moodle is widely known and used as an LMS
and LCMS and other than its proprietary competitor
Blackboard (Blackboard.com, 2015) is a so-called
open source solution it is the platform of choice for
our experimental scenario of course-authoring and
execution support for a distance university. Moodle
as an LMS and LCMS in combination with several
other tools is considered a powerful and at the same
time open and flexible base system for our research.
In a first step, we have started to interview
teachers, staff and students at the University of
Hagen (German Fern-Universitaet of Hagen: the
largest distance-education university of the German-
speaking countries, in short FernUni) in order to
identify the need for and requirements towards
additional tools to be integrated with the already
existing Moodle tool suite.
At FernUni in Hagen, several online tools have
been developed during the last decades, which are
individually tailored to the needs of faculty, staff and
students. Most of these initially used in-house
software solutions are nowadays to some degree
outdated and have already been replaced by now but
some of them are still in use today, for example, the
assignment tool WebAssign, which is described at
(Campussource.de, 2015).
Originally developed at FernUni’s chair of
Software Engineering as a project of the so-called
Campus Source initiative, it is until today widely
accepted by faculty and staff because it supports
some particular FernUni-specific workflows. Many
teachers worked with WebAssign for years and
spent a lot of time developing their assignment
scenarios and teaching environments with it.
Therefore, they would not accept its replacement,
but WebAssign has to be kept as a legacy tool; it
should become integrated with and ideally
embedded into Moodle.
A first step to find a solution is to explore the
possibilities and features of the Learning Tools
Interoperability (LTI) standard. According to
(McFall, et al., 2014; Developers.imsglobal.org,
2015a), LTI specifies a way for integrating learning
applications into e-learning platforms. Each
university or school which uses a proprietary
learning environment or specifically developed tools
to foster learning processes can benefit from LTI.
The Moodle open source software development
community has identified this need and created a
plug-in, offering a way to integrate LTI-compatible
tools. Therefore, if WebAssign is to be integrated
with Moodle, first of all it has to be made LTI-
In summary this means that the overall goal and
initial objective of the first step of our research work
is to develop an authoring tool for Moodle courses,
which will make it easier for teachers to intuitively
create new learning scenarios in Moodle, aiming for
a genuine user-interface supporting the WYSIWYG-
paradigm while at the same time supporting the
integration of assignments into such Moodle courses
on the basis of a WebAssign integration.
Within its course model, Moodle supports many
so-called activities, offering features like
assignments, forums, chatrooms or wikis. All these
activities are implemented as Moodle plug-ins. They
are sufficient for most requirements but they do not
offer the same comfort and variety of functionality
like specialized software focusing on a single aspect
of e-learning support, and so it is necessary to
connect external tools and platforms to Moodle to be
enabled to use the advantages of Moodle and of
already established external legacy tools and
Therefore and in addition to our first objective, a
resulting requirements analysis and system
integration specification for embedding WebAssign
(Campussource.de, 2015) to Moodle will be
introduced in the remainder of this paper.
For the integration of WebAssign with Moodle,
parts of the Moodle source code have to be altered
and suitable integration interfaces have to be
developed. The process of bridging tools through
such interfaces in compliance with the LTI standard
needs to be supported and so a next objective - and
at the same time our first milestone - is to derive a
suitable integration architecture and a corresponding
software-engineering model for the resulting
development project.
In addition to courses concerning regular study
paths, FernUni supports advanced training programs.
Sometimes, these programs run in cooperation with
external institutions, which in a few cases have their
own e-learning platforms. In our case, one of the
affiliated institutions is heading towards supporting
so-called competence-based learning scenarios and
pushes the integration of competence management
features into Moodle. For further information about
competence-based learning see (Tencompetence.org,
2015a; 2015b).
Supporting competence-based learning is not the
main topic of this paper although it does affect and