Secure Data Integration Systems
Y. Akeel
, Gary B. Wills
, Andrew M. Gravell
Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton, Southampton, U.K.
King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Abstract: With the web witnessing an immense shift towards publishing data, integrating data from diverse sources
that have heterogeneous security and privacy levels and varying in trust becomes even more challenging. In
a Data Integration System (DIS) that integrates confidential data in critical domains to contain a problem
and make faster and reliable decisions, there is a need to integrate multiple data sources while maintaining
the security levels and privacy requirements of each data source before and during the integration. This
situation becomes even more challenging when using cloud services and third parties in achieving any part
of the integration. Therefore, such systems face a threat of data leakage that compromises data
confidentiality and privacy. The lack of literature addressing security in DIS encourages this research to
provide a data leakage prevention framework that focuses on the level prior to the actual data integration,
which is the analysis and early design of the system. As a result, we constructed SecureDIS, an architectural
framework that consists of several components containing guidelines to build secure DIS. The framework
was confirmed by 16 experts in the field and it is currently being prepared to be applied on a real-life data
integration context such as the cloud context.
Integrating personal or sensitive data sources
originating from different organisations that vary in
security and privacy requirements is a challenging
task. The main reason for this is that the integration
occurs at two different levels, one is the data level
and the other is the level of the security and privacy
requirements that belong to each data source. The
latter raises concerns of conflict between security
and privacy requirements (Yau and Chen 2008). In
addition, there is an issue of difficulty in maintaining
those requirements throughout the complete
integration process. To further aggravate the
situation, the entities providing the information, or
participating in the integration, can vary in their
levels of trustworthiness. Hence, the integration
process should not be focused on the data level only.
It should address the level of combining security and
privacy requirements and consider trustworthiness.
Achieving data integration without considering
maintaining the combination of the Security,
Privacy, and Trust (SPT) aspects of the entities
participating in the integration process leads to
different threats. One important threat is
unauthorised access to data, caused by weakness,
mis-configuration, or inappropriate access controls
models (Braghin et al. 2003; Watson 2007; Pistoia et
al. 2007). Another example is the wide spectrum of
inference attacks occurring from failure to address
privacy (Fung et al. 2012; Boyens et al. 2004;
Whang and Garcia-Molina 2012; Clifton et al.
2004). Yet another example is the untrustworthy
behaviour caused by entities involved in the
integration process, such as initiating transitive trust
with other entities without the consent of the DIS
(Fung et al. 2012). These threats are combined under
a generic threat called Data Leakage, which is
defined as the disclosure of confidential information
to unauthorised entities intentionally or
unintentionally (CWE 2013).
As mentioned, the failure to combine the SPT
together in a system may allow data leakage to
occur. Additionally, the mis-design of the SPT
features of the system can lead, eventually, to data
leakage. Therefore, data leakage threats can be
controlled if the systems are designed to address
SPT from the start and consider the combination of
the SPT of each source and entity.
Current approaches found in the literature to
secure a DIS in general, are either focused on a
specific component of the system, such as the
integration approach, or focused on a specific
attribute over the whole system, such as privacy.
However, there is a need for an approach that
considers all the components of the system at the
same time as to considering several attributes that
contribute to the overall security of the system.
Akeel F., B. Wills G. and Gravell A..
Secure Data Integration Systems.
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
The data integration literature found covers the
aspect of privacy in a specific component of the
DIS, addressing privacy-preserving data integration
and data mining techniques extensively. However, in
terms of security requirements, there is a separate
body of literature that is concerned with combining
the security polices of entities collaborating together,
and not particularly in data integration context(Cruz
et al. 2008). Very limited literature has been found
that discusses these two levels together, such as the
work by Haddad, Hacid & Laurini (2012) and to the
best of my knowledge, no literature has addressed
the combination of SPT in a DIS context. In any
case, many approaches simply assume that the
entities collaborating or integrating are trustworthy.
This lack of literature encourages this research to
investigate the security in data integration contexts,
and to focus on the level prior to the actual data
integration, which is the analysis and early design of
the system.
The main objective of this study is to find a solution
that allows integration, collaboration, and data
sharing between different organisations while
maintaining individual security policies of the
participating entities. We argue that maintaining the
confidentiality and protecting privacy while
considering trust in each entity in the DIS with a
middle layer (e.g. cloud) will reduce the threat of
data leakage.
Our approach focuses on guiding the design of
DIS to include confidentiality, privacy, and trust
aspects. This can be achieved by the following
Identifying the architectural components of
DIS with a middle layer.
Identifying the possible data leakage locations
within the DIS architecture.
Identifying the confidentiality, privacy and
trust weaknesses that cause data leakage threats
in DIS components.
Creating a framework that contains the DIS
architectural components.
Creating an initial set of guidelines that aim to
reduce possible data leakage threats.
Linking the guidelines with the appropriate
framework components.
Confirming the framework and its guidelines
with experts in the field.
Using the framework on a cloud-computing
context to assess its usefulness in reducing
threats of data leakage.
This section provides the scope of the topics covered
by this study and defines the key concepts. In
addition, it discusses the themes of the reviewed
literature and provides a critique relevant to the
scope of this study.
3.1 Scope and Definitions
Data integration systems are usually complex
(Russom 2008) and have different variations and
forms. Therefore, to manage this study, the scope is
focused on DIS that use a middle layer to manage
the interaction between data sources and data
consumers and achieve integration. The data sources
used in such systems originate from different
organisations and hence they vary in security and
privacy requirements and trust levels.
The important aspects of the scope are defined as
Security: is usually defined as the combination
of confidentiality, integrity and availability (ISO
2014). The attribute of concern in this study is
confidentiality; other attributes are assumed to be
implemented. Confidentiality is achieved by limiting
access to data to aauthorised individuals, entities and
Privacy: is concerned with protecting personal
information (Gollmann 2006) and determining
when, how and what type of information can be
exposed to others (Jawad et al. 2013). The attribute
of concern is anonymity, to ensure that personal
information is not exposed.
Trust: is the belief that an entity will behave in a
predictable manner by following a security policy
(Ross et al. 2014).
Data leakage: is disclosing private information
intentionally or unintentionally to unauthorised
parties (CWE 2013).
3.2 Securing DIS Components
Few works in the published literature have suggested
securing DIS as a whole by considering privacy and
trust. However, trust is still an issue in distributed
systems. Prakash & Darbari (2012) discuss several
security approaches that aim to enforce trust, such as
the use of trust models. They also discussed risk
management as a method to evaluate trust. Van Den
Braak et al. (2012) propose a framework that aims to
support data sharing among different public
organisations. It preserves privacy through sharing
data based on a need-to-know principle, where data
is provided only when required for a specific
process. The authors propose the notion of a Trusted
Third Party (TTP). The TTP is responsible for
integrating and sharing data between different
government organisations. The proposed framework
contains two parts: the first part is data integration
techniques to achieve privacy, while the second part
provides guidelines on data sharing that ensure
security and trust. Nevertheless, the guidelines
provided mainly focus on the Integration Location
and Data and Data sources components of the DIS
rather than the system as a whole. However, the
integration covered was across government
organisations, and thus, still under the same security
policies; therefore, the risks of violating the
integrated security policy were not present as one of
the security and privacy challenges that the approach
overcomes. In addition, in this approach, trust is
assumed, and it lacks guidance on the need to
establish trust or evaluate it in relation to other
entities. Therefore, when security and privacy
challenges are discussed in this work, they do not
include trust threats because it is assumed in the first
place, and those challenges are not particularly
addressed as data leakage threats. Finally, although
the proposed guidelines are reasonable to prevent
data leakage threats, they are not linked to any
specific phase of the software development and
therefore it is not clear when to apply the guidelines
to the SDLC.
The approach proposed by Clifton et al. (2004) is
a privacy framework for data integration. The
purpose of the framework is to provide an insight
into the privacy challenges in data integration. It
provides several research directions, one of them
emphasizes the need for a privacy framework that
considers users privacy views to expose and hide
sensitive attributes, privacy policies implementing
these views and a purpose statement specifying
which data is allowed to be accessed and integrated.
The solutions discussed to preserve privacy in data
integration consider the following components: data
and data sources, integration approach, data
consumers and security policy only. The integration
location and the management of the process of the
integration are not addressed within the framework.
In addition, it is not presented with any link to
software development. It should be mentioned that
the authors have addressed data leakage mainly
through discussing the difficulty of preventing
multiple query attacks. The heterogeneity in the
security and privacy policies are only briefly
addressed and there is no specific focus on them in
terms of their relation to the Integration Approach.
Trust, on the other hand, is not addressed at all as
one of the challenges within the framework.
The work of Bhowmick et al. (2006) is very
similar to that of Clifton et al. (2004); however, it
proposes a more detailed architecture and a
framework for privacy-preserving data integration
and sharing deployable DIS. It includes security and
policy considerations by suggesting adding a
security policy component to the system. It also
provides several suggestions on preserving privacy
in different DIS components. The architecture
covers most of the DIS architectural components
except the management. However, the level of detail
provided in terms of integrating the various security
policies of the data sources and the integration
location is not sufficient. In addition, the suggestions
provided are not listed in the form of technical or
practical security guidelines. It also does not present
the framework from a clear specific development
A policy integration method that combines the
authorization policies of data sources integrating and
sharing data is proposed by Haddad, Hacid, &
Laurini (2012).The method focuses on creating a
global security policy that consists of local security
policies of the participating data sources in the
integration process. This global policy is enforced
within the mediator level i.e. Integration Location
component. According to this approach, queries will
not be processed unless they are authorised by a
source. Therefore, the access to sources will be
preserved. One of the limitations of this approach is
that it covers the security policies generated by Data
Sources and the Integration Location; but it does not
consider the actual data Integration Approach and
the Data Consumers, nor Management. In addition,
it does not consider the trustworthiness of the
entities participating in the integration process.
Furthermore, it does not explicitly specify the
software development phase in which the approach
can be used.
Another work by Jurczyk and Xiong (2008)
focuses on privacy preserving data integration. It
proposes several protocols for data anonymization in
addition, to a general architecture for data
integration. Hu and Yang (2011) propose a privacy
protection model for DIS by using semantic
approaches. The works reviewed in this section are
primarily focused on privacy, which can be related
to security, and little or no attention to trust is given
in these works. In addition, the approaches provided
are applicable to relational databases and do not
consider other data formats.
Generally, the literature provides practical and
applicable solutions expected to solve problems in a
specific DIS component. However, the security of
the whole system is discussed only in a limited way
in the literature. Studies usually assume that the
provided data is secure and comes from trustworthy
entities. However, from a security perspective, data
sources are considered an important and effective
element to guarantee the security of a DIS. Data
sources can therefore fall under the data-centric
security category within the information security
field, and having security-meta data would help in
distinguishing secure sources from unsecure ones.
In organisations that employ data integration to
integrate private data, there is a need to manage data
access and authorization. A carefully selected access
control model that enforces security policies is
essential. Therefore, organisations need to create
well-defined security policy that enforces data
security, privacy and protection. To ensure the
security of a DIS, the combination of the individual
security policies of each data source needs to be
carefully considered. There are many studies of
security policies and access controls that cover
policy integration in different contexts; however,
there is an evident lack in considering trust. One
possible reason is that organisations usually
integrate data coming from their own data sources,
which are assumed to be trustworthy.
In DIS, the resulted integrated data are normally
requested using queries by data consumers, which
can be humans or services. Data consumers are an
important component of any DIS, as they can be a
source of security and privacy violation. Many
attacks on information systems, including DIS, are
caused by data consumers, such as SQL-Injections
to gain access to data that they are not authorised to.
In the DIS context specifically, inference attacks and
attribute correlations that lead to data leakage threats
are usually carried out by data consumers. In
addition, the consumer use of access control models
that are not well evaluated leads to unauthorised data
access. Therefore, it is important to consider data
consumers from a threat point of view and plan to
build the system in a way that prevents such attacks.
The literature on DIS threats and attacks focuses on
privacy attacks conducted by data consumers; other
attacks are not discussed as they do not differ
fundamentally from any other web-based
applications attacks.
3.3 Integration Borders
This theme relates to the differences between
integrating data within or outside an organisation
and the effect this has on the security, privacy and
trust of the data integration process.
3.3.1 Integrating Data within the
There are several domains where data is requested
and integrated within the border of a single
organisation or within a range of similar
organisations belonging to the same sector.
Enterprise Information Integration (EII) (Halevy et
al. 2006), healthcare (Bhowmick et al. 2006) and,
scientific research (Ray et al. 2009) are all examples
of where this type of integration can occur.
There is a large volume of published studies on
data integration that takes healthcare domains as a
context, such as the works by Boyens, Krishnan &
Padman(2004),Tian, Song & Huh (2011), and Eze,
Kuziemsky, Peyton, et al.(2010). There are also
several studies concerned with security and privacy
issues in healthcare in general, for example the one
by Meingast, Roosta & Sastry(2006). This large
body of existing work makes healthcare approaches
on security and privacy useful to survey. Healthcare
is a unique sector, with characteristics that are not
found in other sectors (Avison and Young 2007).
This means legislation and policies exist that
strive to protect this kind of domain to maintain data
integrity and confidentiality. In the UK, healthcare
organisations have to comply with the Data
Protection Act (Philip Coppel Qc 2012),whereas, in
the United States healthcare organisations follow the
HIPPA act (U.S. HHS 1996).
In many healthcare organisations, a DIS is
systematically monitored for compliance with
legislation and policy as well as other criteria (Eze et
al. 2010). Reviewing 20 of 30 Health On the Net
Foundation Code of Conduct (HONcode) accredited
American online healthcare appointment websites
for compliance with basic principles of security and
privacy, Hong, Patrick, & Gillis (2008) found that
only 8 of the 20 websites are secure and 12 of the 30
were not showing privacy notices to patients on their
websites. They found that there is a gap between the
ideal security and privacy requirements and the
reality in applying them. They therefore, propose
several steps to overcome this gap and make it
possible for healthcare organisations to be compliant
with legislation and security guidelines.
There are several requirements needed in the
healthcare domain. One is to balance security and
interoperability between healthcare actors and
organisations. Dawson, Qian, & Samarati (2000)
suggest an approach that allows multilevel secure
data sources to integrate and provide the results to
external applications while maintaining their
security levels. In addition to interoperability,
Armellin et al. (2010) propose a system that
publishes healthcare documents that provide
interoperability and complies with privacy laws.
Another requirement is aiming to preserve
privacy while integrating healthcare data. For
example, building automatic data mashups that are
aware of privacy concerns (Barhamgi, Benslimane,
Ghedira, Tbahriti, et al. 2011; Barhamgi,
Benslimane, Ghedira and Gancarski 2011). In
addition, access controls used in healthcare systems
can be extended to adapt to privacy requirements
(Hung 2005).
3.3.2 Integrating Data outside the
Integrating data outside of the organisation means
that the integration location or part of it is outside
the organisation boundaries, for example, when data
sources are handled by cloud services and/or third
parties. In addition, the data sources may reside
outside the organisations boundaries. The following
subsections discuss each of these cases. Using the Cloud as an Integration
Clouds suffer from many security, privacy and trust
issues and therefore they need to comply with
regulatory laws for data protection (Takabi et al.
2010; Youssef and Alageel 2012). In addition, to
prevent unauthorised access, they need to deal with
the heterogeneity of security components and multi-
tenancy (Takabi et al. 2010). The fact that the clouds
are not under an organisation’s physical control
elevates the problem of managing data security
(Reeve 2013), especially when there are no standard
rules and regulations to deploying the cloud (Saeed et
al. 2014). These aspects should be considered in any
data integration security model, to emphasize the
importance of investigating the location of
integration. Using Third Parties
Third parties are used in data integration
applications for different purposes. On one hand,
organisations may want to outsource the data to a
third party to analyse it and find out aggregation
statistics (Xiong et al. 2007). Alternatively, an
organisation may require an entity to handle access
control to personal integrated data, such as the
approach described by Van Den Braak et al. (2012)
which uses a trusted third party to handle access
controls to government data in the public sector. The
proposed approach uses privacy preserving data
integration and collaboration.
Harris, Khan, Paul, & Thuraisingham (2007)
argue that, in general, data integration applications
that handle critical data, such as emergency response
and healthcare awareness, need to share their data
with different organisation s to make effective
decisions. The authors discuss standard-based
approaches to secure data across organisations
covering different types of data and different types
of domains. Their work emphasizes the need to
enforce security policies and create standards or
guidelines to govern application in critical domains.
3.3.3 Accessing Data outside the
Organisation’s Boundaries
There are cases when there is a need to integrate
data from public data sources with an organisation’s
private data sources. This integration leads to
different challenges, such as the lack of a form of
privacy measurement, i.e. measuring the amount of
privacy lost when data is exposed (Pon and
Critchlow 2005). Another work, by Yau &
Yin(2008) proposes a repository for data integration
across data sharing services by collecting data based
on user’s requirements. If the repository is
compromised, only the result of the integration is
revealed and the original data will remain intact. The
work by Mohammed, Fung, & Debbabi (2011)
proposes two algorithms to overcome the challenges
of revealing data coming from different data
providers, using game theory.
3.3.4 Discussion
Integrating data within the organisation could be
considered safe to an extent. The reason is that many
of the entities involved in the integration process are
within the organisation and are under the same
security measures. The data sources are well known
and the integration location is within the
organisation’s boundary. Therefore, the concerns
about security are controllable, to some extent.
However, integrating data outside the
organisation can be very critical. The reason is that
many of the entities involved in the data integration
process use different security models and have
different privacy requirements. These entities can be
data providers or integration locations, which may
not be secure enough.
Integrating data coming from outside the
organisation raises issues on security policies. One
aspect to consider in integrating security policies,
especially when integrating data outside the
organisation boundary, is to include the
organisation’s own policies with the external
policies and the government legislation related to
data protection, to ensure the security of the overall
Some organisations need to use trusted third
parties to handle their data. One possible reason is
that an organisation may have to respond to a
significant number of requests and cannot respond in
a timely manner. Another reason would be that an
organisation may have lack of technical skills or
infrastructure to handle the data. It therefore,
transfers this responsibility to a third party to take
over consumers’ requests. As a result, releasing data
to trusted third parties is critical, as the organisation
may not monitor or track private data processing and
movement exacerbating security concerns. In the
real world, companies rely on legal agreements of
data disclosure. Few use technical enforcement of
data movement. However, the literature lacks
coverage of this specific aspect in the data
integration context. One study, by Van Den Braak,
Choenni, Meijer, et al. (2012), proposes the use of
trusted third parties; however, security concerns still
3.4 Covering Security, Privacy and
In studies that aim to secure DIS, the focus on the
Security, Privacy and Trust (SPT) aspects varies.
Some studies focus on SPT as separate aspects;
other studies combine two of the SPT aspects.
However, only a very limited number of studies
have focused on SPT combination in a DIS context.
The following section investigates these studies and
how they focus on the aspects of SPT.
Secure data integration, mining, and sharing are
addressed in the literature as approaches to SPT
separately. In terms of security in DIS, several
recent studies, including the one by Haddad, Hacid,
& Laurini (2012) and Begum, Thakur, & Patra
(2010), have focused on security policy integration
and conflict reconciliation and their uses to answer
users’ queries. Other studies have proposed
extensions and improvement to RBAC to adapt to
the integration context, such as the work by Lamb,
Power, Walker, et al.(2006).
However, privacy in DIS has the lion’s share of
research. Privacy-preserving techniques are well
established in the literature, spanning a range of
different topics from privacy in peer-to-peer DIS to
anonymization techniques. Bhowmick et al.(2006)
propose a privacy preserving DIS framework that
emphasizes the need to consider the balance between
privacy and data sharing. This perspective has been
later addressed by many studies: the work by Pasierb
et al. (2011) presents different approaches to
privacy-preserving data integration in e-healthcare
systems, while the same concept applies to web
services and data mashups by Barhamgi,
Benslimane, Ghedira, et al. (2011b, 2011a).
Finally, in terms of trust in DIS, there are many
distributed trust models that can be adopted in DIS
and can be used to determine the level of
trustworthiness of either data providers or third
parties. The work by Treglia & Park(2009) suggests
a trust framework for intelligence information
sharing between agencies. Other approaches focus
on computational trust using either policy-based
trust or reputation-based trust (Artz and Gil
2007)which can also be applied to DIS. Other
studies acknowledge the need for a combination
between areas, for example, the work by (Hung
2005) combines security and privacy by extending
the RBAC model with privacy-based extensions.
Security combined with Privacy and Trust (SPT)
has recently gained attention from the research
community. Systems security is complicated and
influenced by many other areas and therefore it
cannot be addressed solely. Morton & Sasse (2012)
supports this argument by proposing an integrated
SPT framework to create an effective privacy
practice in any information system. Considering
human factors, another work in progress (Flechais et
al. 2013) also takes this holistic perspective. It
discusses authentication taking into account SPT in
banking context in Saudi Arabia. Other studies such
as that of Manan, Mubarak & Isa (2011) emphasize
the need for such a research direction. In addition, a
recent work on federated identity and access
management created an access control solution that
encompasses SPT, considered together (Khattak et
al. 2012).
This concept is applied in a limited data
integration context where Van Den Braak, Choenni,
Meijer, et al. (2012) provide a framework for
sharing and integrating data among public
organisations in which ensuring security and privacy
is achieved by using a trusted third party to manage
access controls to private data.
However, to the best of my knowledge there is
no single approach to preventing data leakage in DIS
that considers SPT aspects together, although they
are very important to protect confidentiality and
allow sharing data in a secure fashion.
3.5 Discussion of Data Leakage in DIS
Many vulnerabilities in software are caused by
flawed design (McGraw 2004). Therefore, data
leakage as a generic security threat can be caused by
weaknesses in DIS design. The following
subsections discuss these issues from security,
privacy, and trust perspectives.
3.5.1 Design Issues Related to Security
Due to the heterogeneity and distribution of DIS
components, security threats to DIS can arise from
any component of the system. Threats can start from
data sources that may not have adequate security and
privacy meta-data, which define their level of
sensitivity, and therefore, the DIS may face
difficulties in maintaining the data sources’ policies
throughout the whole system. Moreover, different
trust and security concerns may also be faced in the
middle layers such as the cloud, where the data is
mined, pre-processed, integrated, and prepared for
presentation, in addition to many different tasks.
Finally, data consumers where the data is accessed
and queries are answered may pose threats as well.
Security in DIS is important, as it is to any
information system. Having appropriate
organisational security objectives and conducting
early security analysis according to well-defined
security requirements help in shaping any DIS
towards providing a better security. Security is a
comprehensive feature that includes many attributes;
however, since many approaches proposed in a DIS
context mainly focus on creating global security
policies, enforcing security policies using access
controls, and managing access to data this study will
focus on the confidentiality as an attribute security.
Some examples of how confidentiality in a DIS is
applied: 1) Authorization to access data sources and
the results of the integration is utilized by access
control; 2) Data disclosure should not be disclosed
equally to all user roles but should be limited to
users with appropriate roles; 3) Considering security
and privacy policies associated with data sources.
However, mis-configured access control models
or selecting inappropriate ones can be a major
design flaw that causes systems to be unsecure. It is
important to adopt a suitable access control model to
guarantee authorization to access data and guarantee
its confidentiality.
Another issue that increases the possibility of
data leakage is lack of knowledge of DIS users.
Users’ ignorance about legal issues in data
management allows unauthorised access to
occur(Batty et al. 2010). This can include developers
and data managers as well. Therefore, a proper
training is required to base the DIS design on
updated knowledge of data management legal issues.
3.5.2 Design Issues Related to Privacy
Several design flaws that violate privacy cause data
leakage. Firstly, the data sources used in the DIS
may be originally predictable and very easy to link,
or it may miss very important security meta-data that
defines its level of sensitivity. Therefore, the DIS
becomes vulnerable to different privacy attacks. A
good design needs to create data sources that are
very hard to link, or, in case of external data sources,
it uses techniques that refine the data to minimize
the ability to link information.
Secondly, although anonymization techniques
are a popular solution to privacy, they are not always
sufficient, for two reasons. On one hand, it is not the
Personal Identifiable Information (PII) only that a
DIS needs to worry about; it should worry about all
the other attributes that cause inference attacks, such
as Quasi Identifier (QID). On the other hand, a DIS
needs to have customised anonymity levels that are
suitable for the users accessing the data, as failing to
manage anonymity discloses private data (Meingast
et al. 2006).
Thirdly, systems that allow multiple consecutive
queries to data sources (Clifton et al. 2004),
especially sensitive data sources, are prone to
privacy violation, as users can use the results for
inference attacks, such as inferring conditional
information from non-confidential data or from
statistical aggregates, as mentioned by Zhang, Zeng,
Wang, et al.(2011). Therefore, there is a need to
manage the number of queries to private data
sources, along with the users’ roles and
authorization level.
Considering these issues in DIS design will
result in minimizing threats such as inference
attacks, attribute correlations, and insiders attacks.
3.5.3 Design Issues Related to Trust
Designing systems that use external data sources
coming from different organisations entails trusting
the entities to provide accurate and reliable
information. Using cloud services that process and
integrate data, in addition to providing services to
query and analyse the data (Carey et al. 2012) is
very risky. Clouds are security and privacy critical
and they still require more effort to increase their
reliability (Saeed et al. 2014). The risks arise from
using multi-tenancy public clouds that share
physical infrastructure with untrustworthy users can
lead to different attacks, such as cross-virtual
machine attacks (Ristenpart et al. 2009).
Trusting third parties to handle data in any form
needs to be carefully considered. Computational
trust does not differ conceptually from human trust.
A trust in entities may be gained by their reputation
or by certain actions they perform to obtain trust.
Data leakage can occur from transitive trust where a
trusted entity reveals sensitive data to other entities
(Fung et al. 2012). Third party rights on the data
need to be determined (Meingast et al. 2006), and
many critical questions need to be answered during
the design of DIS systems, such as: Do third parties
have authority over the data similar to that of the
data owner?
Data transfer to clouds and third parties needs to
be based on trust (Saeed et al. 2014); hence trust
should be added to the design process, through
considering the entities that the system deals with
and conducting risk assessment and risk mitigation.
A DIS should be designed considering the
collaboration among other entities and enforcing
trust models between these entities to guarantee
In a DIS context, trust is an issue to consider for
data sources and integration locations as well as
third parties involved in the DIS. It also extends to
data consumers, where granting roles to users
depends on their level of trustworthiness. Therefore,
trust is an important aspect in a DIS that cannot be
neglected; however, it needs to be balanced with
other properties to achieve secure and reliable
SPT issues are exacerbated in a DIS context due
to the complex and distributed nature of a DIS,
especially across organisations. These issues, which
are summarized and categorized in Table 1,
contribute to the threat of data leakage in DIS. The
full threat analysis is discussed in our previous work
(Akeel et al. 2014).
The results of reviewing the literature and realising
the research gap and linking that to the study main
objective, the following research questions are
RQ1: What is an Appropriate Framework to
Table 1: Summary of DIS Threats Causing Data Leakage.
Category Threats and Concerns
Unauthorised access caused by:
1) Inappropriate access control
2) Access control weakness
3) Mi-configured access control
Ignorance of legal issues on data
Inapplicable confidentiality on merged
Confidentiality violations due to
inconsistent regulatory laws
Leaking data to the platform
Inference attack: attribute linkage
Inference attack: linking data with QID
Inference attack: interval disclosure
Inference attack: gathering information
about queries
Inference attack: use of non-confidential
information and statistical aggregates,
namely record linkage
Inference attack: consecutive queries
Insiders attack: data providers inferring
Using clouds to process data
Third parties rights on data
Third parties and transitive trust
Reduce Data Leakage Threats in a DIS with a
Middle Layer?
Focusing on the DIS architecture with a middle
layer, this research question is mainly concerned
with finding an appropriate framework that helps in
reducing data leakage threats. The proposed
framework aims to consist of the basic architectural
component of a DIS with a middle layer.
RQ2: In the Proposed Framework, What Are
the Confidentiality, Privacy and Trust Guidelines
Used to Reduce Data Leakage Threats?
Understanding data leakage threats and locations
in the context of a DIS helps in suggesting an
appropriate set of confidentiality, privacy and trust
guidelines that aim to reduce those threats. These
guidelines can be included in the framework under
each architectural component.
RQ3: How Can the Proposed Framework and
Guidelines Be Used to Reduce the Threats of
Data Leakage in a Real-life Scenario?
Using the framework and its guidelines in a real
scenario will help in evaluating the framework from
the practicality, applicability to context and
usefulness to reduce data leakage threats.
Based on the previously mentioned research
questions, Table 2 summarises the research activities
relevant to answer each research question.
Table 2: Research Activities.
Research Activities Purpose
Literature review
about DIS + Expert
reviews 1
Confirming the
components of
Literature review
about data leakage
threats + Expert
reviews 1 and 2
Identifying data
leakage threats and
their locations within
the DIS architecture
Literature review
about reducing data
Create the guidelines
that aim to reduce data
leakage threats
The synthesis and
analysis of the results
of each step of the
previous research
A proposed
framework with
containing a set of
Experts reviews 2
Confirming the
guidelines proposed
by SecureDIS
Expert reviews 2
To find out whether
the proposed
guidelines are
Expert reviews 2
To know whether the
proposed guidelines
are practical
The synthesis and
analysis of the results
of each step of the
previous research
The confirmed
framework and
A case study analysis
To find out the
appropriate context to
use the guidelines in
A case study analysis
+ study of data leakage
To customise the
guidelines to the
appropriate context
and apply them
A case study + metrics
To measure reduction
in data leakage
The synthesis and
analysis of the results
of each step of the
previous research
the applicability of the
guidelines in a real-life
This research conjectures that considering SPT
together in designing a DIS will reduce data leakage
threats in these systems. Hence, this section presents
a Secure Data Integration System (SecureDIS), an
architectural framework that consists of several
components, each of which includes a set of
guidelines designed specifically to prevent data
leakage. The following subsections discuss how
SecureDIS was created and evaluated.
5.1 SecureDIS Construction
There are two parts to SecureDIS framework
components and guidelines.
5.1.1 Constructing Components
Analysis of the previous studies (Gusmini and Leida
2011; Dicelie et al. 2001; Nachouki and Quafafou
2011) that build DIS with middle layer architecture,
together with understanding the implications of
using cloud computing, remote servers, and third
parties to achieve integration contributed
significantly to the formulation of SecureDIS
components. The initial components of SecureDIS
are data sources, the integration location, the
integration approach and the data consumers, as
adapted from the previous studies.
5.1.2 Creating SecureDIS Guidelines
The outcome of the careful review and analyses of
the literature created an understanding of how
several research areas relate to each other and
contribute to securing a DIS. A DIS encompasses
different levels: a low level that includes technical
details of achieving secure and privacy-preserving
integration to a much higher level of managing such
a system to a medium level of engineering and
designing a secure DIS. Synthesizing the results of
the analysis, a set of guidelines were created. These
guidelines are categorised into confidentiality,
privacy and trust requirements and some of the
guidelines overlap between these different
categories. After constructing DIS components, the
guidelines were grouped under each component.
Each guideline was inspected individually and in
relation to other guidelines in different components.
This process of refining the guidelines was iterative,
as many guidelines were moved around components
and grouped differently until the final version was
reached. A further analysis was conducted to link
each guideline to the data leakage threats found in
the data integration context and some guidelines
were eliminated as they were out of the scope. The
initial version of SecureDIS before evaluation can be
found in (Akeel et al. 2013).
5.2 SecureDIS Evaluation
To confirm the SecureDIS framework and its
guidelines, two expert reviews were conducted, one
for the components and another for the guidelines.
The following subsections provide an overview of
the results of the confirmation.
5.2.1 Confirming SecureDIS Components
Based on the results of the first expert reviews of
SecureDIS components, two additional components
are proposed: Security Policy and System Security
Management. Security policy was separated from
other components of the system due to its
importance in governing the security, privacy and
trust of the DIS, which is supported by the work of
Bhowmick, Gruenwald, Iwaihara, et al.(2006).
System Security Management is added to ensure
security measures are in place and to manage them,
which is needed in any information system. Figure 1
shows SecureDIS framework after the first expert
Figure 1: SecureDIS framework componenets.
5.2.2 Confirming SecureDIS Guidelines
To confirm and extend the proposed guidelines and
answer the research questions, SecureDIS is planned
to be reviewed by a second group of experts. The
results will help in reshaping SecureDIS to an
accepted version that can be useful to the system
analysts and designers.
The expected outcome of this study is a confirmed
framework and set of guidelines, namely SecureDIS,
which are comprehensive, practical and applicable to
different contexts including cloud-computing
environment. SecureDIS aims to help systems
analysts and early designers in their analysis phase
of building systems that considers security by design
to prevent data leakage threats.
The research questions RQ1 and RQ2 were
answered. The current stage of the PhD is to
customise and apply SecureDIS to a real-life context
to assess its usefulness in preventing data leakage
threats in DIS contexts. Possible case is an
organisation using cloud services to integrate or
store data coming from different resources. The
results of the coming stage will help in answering
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