This research is an attempt to contribute to the
literature on needs and wants of people aging with
MS that interact with mobile technology. Results of
the three studies will inform the inclusive mobile
design guidelines for older adults to include people
aging with MS. In addition, we will provide
recommendations for design of future mobile
applications for older adults with MS. The expected
outcome of my PhD Thesis is the comprehensive
integrated set of mobile design guidelines for people
aging with MS that would be a complete design tool
for new mobile applications as well as an evaluation
tool and performance measure of the applications
based on these guidelines.
Moreover, guidelines will inform the design of
the health recording mobile application for people
that age with MS.
The research is in the beginning stage of gathering
the literature on people aging with MS and existing
mobile technologies developed for the population of
people with MS, compiling the information
regarding the three mobile applications that will be
used for usability testing, and preparing the usability
testing with the three mobile applications. It is
grounded in the previous research of mobile
technologies for older adults and the set of inclusive
design guidelines for older adults for the purpose of
including people that age with MS.
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