An approach to the statistical linearization of in-
put/output mappings of stochastic discrete-time sys-
tems driven with a white-noise Gaussian input pro-
cess has been considered. The approach is based on
applying consistent measures of dependence of ran-
dom values. Within the approach, the statistical line-
arization criterion is the condition of coincidence of
the mathematical expectations of output processes of
the system and model, and the condition of coinci-
dence of a consistent, in the Kolmogorov sense,
measure of dependence of output and input process-
es of the system and the same measure of depend-
ence of the model output and input processes. Ex-
plicit analytical expressions for the coefficients of
the weight function of the linearized input/output
model were derived as a function of this (forming
the statistical linearization criterion) consistent
measure of dependence of output and input process-
es of the system. Meanwhile, such a function defines
the form of a transformation that enables one to con-
struct corresponding consistent in the Rényi sense
measure of dependence from a consistent in the
Kolmogorov sense measure of dependence. In the
paper, a consistent in the Kolmogorov sense meas-
ure of dependence was referred as consistent in the
Rényi sense, if such a measure meets all Rényi Axi-
oms (Rényi, 1959) with the exception, may be, the
axiom of invariance with respect to one-to-one trans-
formations of random values under study. In particu-
lar, such a consistent in the Rényi sense measure of
dependence has been constructed from the Cauchy-
Schwartz divergence, being a consistent measure of
dependence in the Kolmogorov sense.
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