Table 3: MSE(
R(T)) for the M/M/20/50 queue with λ =
0.8, µ = 0.05, and T = 1000.
MSE Runs
1 run 2 runs 3 runs
6 -2.207 2.209 2.191 2.364 1
7 -1.184 2.200 2.147 2.260 2
8 -0.243 2.192 2.107 2.165 2
9 0.615 2.186 2.072 2.079 2
10 1.389 2.180 2.040 2.002 3
the lowest MSE when using only 1 run is X(0) = 13,
with MSE = 2.177. For X(0) = 16, the MSE is 2.181,
which is not much higher. However, when starting
with X(0) = 16, and doing 12 runs, one finds an MSE
of only 1.069, which is significantly lower. The best
one can obtain with X(0) = 13 is 4 runs with an MSE
of 1.746.
We now increase T by a factor of 10 form 1000 to
10000. In this case, the derivatives of of the MSE
with respect to the warm-up period is positive for
8 ≤ X(0) ≤ 24, and negative otherwise, which is very
close to the result obtained for T = 1000. Also, the
optimal number of runs does not change significantly
for X(0) between 6 to 10, as seen in Table 4. Also,
the starting state with the lowest MSE is state number
13, as before. Hence, in this model, the best starting
state, and the best number of runs is insensitive to T.
Table 4: MSE(
R(T)) for the M/M/20/50 queue with λ =
0.8, µ = 0.05, and T = 1000.
MSE Runs
1 run 2 runs 3 runs
6 -0.185 0.239 0.239 0.240 1
7 -0.081 0.239 0.238 0.239 2
8 0.015 0.239 0.238 0.238 2
9 0.102 0.239 0.238 0.238 3
10 0.180 0.239 0.237 0.237 3
As our final example, consider a three station tan-
dem queue with stations 1, 2 and 3. Each station has a
buffer size of 5, including the place for the part being
served. All jobs arrive at station 1, and must proceed
to station 2, then 3, in that order, after which they
depart. If the first buffer is full, arrivals are lost. If
the buffer of station 2 or 3 is full, the previous sta-
tion is blocked, that is, departures are delayed until
there is a place in the buffer they go to. Arrivals are
Poisson with a rate λ = 0.75, and service is exponen-
tial, with a rate of µ
= 1 for station i, i = 1, 2, 3.
We use T = 1000. Our R(t) is given by the total
number in the system. The number in station i will
be denoted by X
(t), i = 1,2,3, and the state where
(t) = x
, i = 1,2,3 will be denoted by [x
With this notation, one pair of attraction is the state
([0,0,0],[1, 0, 0]). Unfortunately, both states of this
pair show that increasing the warm-up period from
0 to some positive value would decrease the MSE.
Accordingly, using two runs for state [0, 0, 0] would
increase the MSE form originally 0.1710 to 0.1736.
For state [1,0,0], the corresponding values are 0.1705
and 0.1715. The state with the lowest MSE is state
[5,0,0], with an MSE of 0.1694. Note that in our
model, E(R) = 5.44, and for state [5,0,0], R(t) = 5,
which is close to E(R). When starting in this state, the
MSE is reduced from 0.1715 to 0.1661 if two runs are
made. Also, the derivative of the MSE is positive. In
fact, out of the 216 states that can be used for starting
the simulation, 153 states have a positive derivative of
the MSE, and in 112 starting states, 2 runs are better
than 1. There are thus better states to start the simu-
lation in than [0, 0, 0] or [1, 0, 0]. On the other hand,
the potential improvement in the MSE by using states
other than [0,0,0] or [1,0,0] is limited. However,
since pairs of attraction are so easy to find, and since
the possible improvements obtainable by using other
starting states is small, using pairs of attraction is still
no mistake. Improvements can also be made by in-
creasing the state variables slightly. For instance, for
state [1,1,1], the MSE is 0.1702, its derivative is pos-
itive, that is, no warm-up period should be used, and
if two runs are made, the MSE decreases to 0.1696.
In this paper, we demonstrated that multiple runs may
be optimal if the simulation starts in a well-chosen
state. One method we presented for finding well cho-
sen starting states uses flow analysis to find pairs of
attraction: The elements of these pairs typically yield
good starting states. Sometimes, it is best not to use
these starting states directly, but to change the val-
ues of the state variable to bring them closer to their
equilibrium expectations. In particular,state variables
representing queues and obtained from pairs of attrac-
tion typically have values below their equilibrium ex-
pectation. Once a good starting state is at hand, its
effect would be watered down by any warm-up pe-
riod. The beneficial effect of a well chosen starting
state can be increased by making multiple runs. In
this case, the effect of the bias is strengthened, which
implies that starting states with R(0) close to E(R) be-
come increasingly advantageous.
We also presented a number of numerical exper-
iments. Though in the models used, pairs of attrac-
tion did not necessarily provide the minimal mean
squared error, they led to a reasonable performance
at all times, especially after a slight increase of the
state variables.