Figure 13: Standard deviation vs. distance innovation.
Figure 14: Standard deviation vs. angle innovation.
even though the loop is completed. Results show, as
long as the ambiguity of data association is reduced
by the UHS, a compact map configuration does not
affect the performance of the filter, and the results
would be identical to a SLAM case with a regular
loop closing case. This is important since filters such
as EKF fail to fulfill the navigation task in such
The main contribution of this study is a thorough
investigation and the validity check of Unscented
HybridSLAM. Simulations of the vehicle trajectory
and the estimation accuracy are investigated based
on proposed algorithm. The map accuracy and path
estimation are compared to currently used
algorithms, in particular, resulting in high quality of
the produced map and reducing error in estimated
position and robot heading. Results from different
scenarios indicate that the proposed algorithm is be
able to handle hundreds of nearby landmarks with
minimum data association ambiguity and a high
level of accuracy in the path estimation when
compared to currently used algorithms.
An academic version of a free software for robotics
research was used in this study. The software in
form of both MATLAB and C++ codes is available
at http://www.lasmea.univ-bpclermont.fr/ftp/pub/
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0 550 1100 1650 2200 2750 3300 3850
Distance Innovations
Time (s)
Deviation (m)
Standard Deviation (95%)
0 550 1100 1650 2200 2750 3300 3850
Angle Innovations
Time (s)
Angle Innovation (radians)
Inno vations
Standard Devication (95%)