bands. In this result, the proposed algorithm has a
lower computation complexity than the conventional
SSAF algorithm, because the number of used subb-
bands is decreased.
Tracking performance is an important issue in
adaptive filter (Benesty et al., 2006). The unknown
system is changed to −w
at 5 ×10
to evaluate
its tacking performance (Zou et al., 2000). Figure
4 shows the NMSD learning curve of the conven-
tional SSAF (Ni and Li, 2010) and proposed algo-
rithm for M = 1024, various step sizes (µ = 0.005 and
µ = 0.001), and values of α (α = 1 and α = 2). As can
be seen, the proposed algorithm has fast convergence
rate after the system change. That is the proposed
algorithm properly tracks the changed system coeffi-
cient. AS can be seen from Figure 5, the average num-
ber of selected subbands is increased when the system
changed, but it is decreased again as the iteration in-
creases. Therefore, the proposed algorithm efficiently
reduces the computational cost even for system track-
ing scenario.
In practical application, we can not exactly know
the values of p and K. Therefore, it is difficult to se-
lect α. However, the user chooses α ≥ 1, because p
and K are always positive values.
In this paper, we have proposed a new SSAF algo-
rithm with a low computational complexity. By an-
alyzing the MSD, the proposed algorithm selects the
number of subbands at each iteration. In conclusion,
the proposed algorithm was derived by maximizing
the decrease in the MSD at every iteration. Conse-
quentially, the proposed algorithm reduces the com-
putational complexity compared to the conventional
SSAF algorithm. In addition, the simulation results
show the proposed algorithm achieves a fast conver-
gence rate in impulsive-noise environments.
This research was supported by the MSIP(Ministry
of Science, ICT and Future Planning), Korea, under
the ICT Consilience Creative Program (IITP-2015-
R0346-15-1007) supervised by the IITP(Institute for
Information & communications Technology Promo-
tion) and by the Basic Science Research Program
through the National Research Foundation of Korea
(NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education (NRF-
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