codes that could be recurrent in malicious malware’s
code. This latter technique could also help to under-
stand which is the family each malware instance be-
longs to, which is a further improvement of interest in
the area of malware detection.
An undeniable advantage of this technique is the
easiness of implementation and the correspondent
lightness in terms of requested resources: basically
the proposed method needs to extract the occurrence
frequency of a set of op-codes. The method can be
straightforward reproduced and this fosters the repli-
cations of our study for confirming the outcomes or
finding possible weakness points.
We can compare our work with (Arp et al., 2014)
and (Peng et al., 2012), as these are the closest works
to ours for technique among the considered related
works. Arp et al. (Arp et al., 2014) obtained a pre-
cision (94%) which is almost identical than the one
obtained with our approach (93.9%), while Peng et
al. (Peng et al., 2012) reported a ROC AREA of 95%,
which coincides with our best ROC AREA (95.6%.)
The best deployment of the proposed classifier is a
client-server architecture, where the classifier resides
in a server and a client app is installed on the user de-
vice and requires the analysis of a certain app to the
The main limitation of the evaluation stands in
the external validity, as we have considered a sam-
ple of applications collected in 2012. Running our
method on newest samples could produce different re-
sults. However, some mitigation factors must be taken
into account for this experimental threat. First, we
have considered a large set of samples, amounting to
11,200 units. This could assure a wide coverage of
many kinds of malware and trusted applications, so
the sample could be considered well representative of
the original population. Additionally, in order to en-
force the validity of the used dataset, we should con-
sider that malware traditionally evolves by improving
existing malware with (a few) new functions, or merg-
ing fragments of existing malware applications.
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