MemoryUsage1 and MemoryUsage6 refers re-
spectively to the MemoryUsage of the machines sup-
porting respectively the web service ”check ware-
house availability” and ”check shipment availability”.
Regarding the huge number and the variety of com-
pute instances offered by Cloud provider, the gener-
ated classification rule presents a means to limit the
range of choices. Referring to our example, enter-
prises should focus only on finding computing in-
stances providing better memory usage for the exe-
cution of the identified web services
Monitoring SOA based business processes presents
an interesting means for SMEs to analyze, interpret
and ameliorate the business process performance. De-
spite the evolving number of researches focusing on
that issue, realizing a method for identifying essen-
tial processes to monitor, identifying and monitoring
business and Qos metrics is not tackled in the best of
our knowledge. Thus, the framework presents a perti-
nent solution to assist business/IT experts for achiev-
ing enterprise goals. The tool we presented in this
paper is characterized by its top down aspect. In fact,
it links between business and IT levels helping ex-
perts to depict the relation between eventual KPI vi-
olation and the concerned IT properties. Moreover,
the framework identify the outsourcing to the Cloud
requirements. The presented framework is beneficial
for both IT and business levels for displaying, analyz-
ing and enhancing different business processes data.
We are working on defining an outsourcing algo-
rithm allowing to depict most relevant business pro-
cess parts to outsource and the evaluation the perfor-
mance of business processes executed in the Cloud.
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