Study of Energy Evaluation Control
Yasushi Yamamoto
, Shinya Hasegawa
, Satoru Iwamori
and Shigeru Yamaguchi
ISUZU Advanced Engineering Center Ltd., Fujisawa, Kanagawa-ken, Japan
Department of Mechanical Engineering, School of Science, Tokai University, Kanagawa-ken, Japan
Department of Physics, School of Science, Tokai University, Kanagawa-ken, Japan
Keywords: Lagrangian, Hamiltonian, Energy, Bang-bang Controller.
Abstract: One of the objectives in control theory is to ensure that a control system converges to a target state in the
shortest possible time. To achieve that objective, we studied a control method that combines the Lagrangian,
the Hamiltonian, and a bang-bang controller. Referred to as energy evaluation control (EEC), this method
evaluates the control state using the Lagrangian, and evolves the control output using the Hamiltonian. Here,
the Lagrangian and the Hamiltonian are defined for the deceleration field. The control result from the EEC
is fast and robust. Moreover, EEC has the same control strategy as the sliding-mode control, and hence can
be incorporated within it.
The Lagrangian and Hamiltonian have been used in
control theory to establish robust control methods
(Bloch, et al., 2000), (Choi, et al., 1997). In addition,
the control logic by using these energys are
examined, and the application experiment to the
inverted pendulum is conducted (Fantoni et al.,
2000), (Ortega, and Spong, 2000),(Ortega, et al.,
Moreover, one objective in control execution is
to direct the control system towards target states in
the shortest possible time. A bang-bang controller is
one that is able to realize this objective. However, a
bang-bang controller has one drawback in that it
does not perform well when external forces are
changed. Although in examining the control rule,
which determines the feedback of a state quantity to
the change in output of the bang-bang controller
performed on the control object, the output is
changed in the second-half of the cycle and has a
slight complicated control structure (Vakilzadeh and
Keshavarz, 1982).
In this report, we studied a control method which
determines the control output of the bang-bang
controller using the Lagrangian and its convergence
control output using the Hamiltonian. We refer to it
as the “energy evaluation controller” (EEC) because
this controller evaluates the energy of the control
state. The features of EEC is that a formula can be
made simpler than the conventional energy method,
and that a control result becomes the shortest time
control because EEC based on the bang-bang
We begin by explaining the control rule of the
EEC for the simple control model. Next, we propose
the adjustment method for the external force of the
damper and friction. Finally, we explain that the
EEC as a kind of sliding-mode control (SMC).
A bang-bang controller is a controller that using
maximum thrust enables abrupt changes in state
through acceleration and deceleration of a controlled
object. A simple model of the bang-bang controller
(Fig. 1) and its control cycles (Fig. 2) assumes that
the actuator can generate a fixed thrust ±F
. The
notation and significance of the variables are: x:
stroke, : velocity, X: target position, T: kinetic
energy and -F
(X-x): braking work. The switching
of the actuator thrust is the instant when the braking
energy and the kinetic energy are equal.
Next, the Lagrangian is calculated for the
deceleration field which is generated by the thrust
from the deceleration force of the actuator. Here, the
reference position of the deceleration field is set to a
target position X. The Lagrangian L is defined as the
Yamamoto Y., Hasegawa S., Iwamori S. and Yamaguchi S..
Study of Energy Evaluation Control.
DOI: 10.5220/0005538105500553
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO-2015), pages 550-553
ISBN: 978-989-758-122-9
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)