software developers in Source-Forge.net was realized
by Xu et al (Xu, 2006) then by Surian et al (Surian,
2010) in order to study the interaction and the
influence between software developer and code
source evolution. From this study appeared the notion
of experts in specific technologies. Other studies like
(Xu, 2006) and (Tian Y. 2012) focused on analysing
software engineering trends on Twitter. The notion of
software popularity appeared in these studies.
Bug tracking monitoring on social media was also
addressed in (Sureka, 2011) for open source public
trackers and in (Jiang, 2013) for mobile OS Android
bug reporting community. These studies focus on the
bug reporting lines and management. They identify
the strategies and the authority organization structure
for handling bugs during the software development
In this paper, we explore a new information source,
namely Social Media streams, to aggregate
information about new software vulnerabilities. This
channel offers the possibility to track announcements
coming from software vendors, NVD but also other
non-structured sources publishing 0-day
vulnerabilities, CVE requests, exploits etc. We
obtained some interesting results especially about the
impressive number of 0-day vulnerabilities related to
the Linux-Kernel software published before the
official NVD announcements. We claim that SM
analysis can offer a cheap and easy way to efficiently
monitor system security. It also offers many other
possibilities to handle and monitor patching and
security maintenance for complex systems that we are
currently under exploration as future work. The
current version of the tool relies on many manual
tasks, especially for the validation of the detected
information; the goal in the short term is to automate
these tasks. We are also working on the validation of
the trust model about the validity of the score
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