itive than the approach proposed by Xu et al. mainly
due to the fact that our single view detection algo-
rithm emits less false positive alarm than MoG which
is used in (Xu et al., 2011). Our proposed algorithm
is also faster than state of the art multi-view approach.
Indeed, comparing our method to Xu et al. algorithm
which is known as been 40 times faster than the exist-
ing algorithms, we note that our method improves the
execution time by 22%.
In this paper, we have proposed a fast algorithm
for object detection by using overlapping cameras
based on homography. In each camera, we propose
an improvement of codebook based algorithm to get
foreground pixels. The multi-view object detection
that we proposed in this work algorithm is based on
the fusion of multi camera foreground informations.
We approximate the contour of each foreground
region with a polygon and only project the vertices of
the relevant polygons. The experiments have shown
that this method can run in real time and generate
results similar to those warping foreground images.
This work is partially funded by the Association
AS2V and Fondation Jacques De Rette, France.
We also appreciate the help of Mr L
eonide Sinsin
and Mr Patrick A
ınamon for proof-reading this ar-
ticle. Mika
el A. Mousse is grateful to Service de
eration et d’Action Culturelle de Ambassade de
France au B
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