structure on the different levels can be used and com-
bined independently, motivated by technical as well
as political constraints.
The different options for structuring have been ex-
plained based on a case study of cooperating mobile
manipulators and various robot frameworks, and eval-
uated in simulation and real world on a setup with two
KUKA youBots. In the example applications, differ-
ent ways to distribute the software on different lev-
els have been shown, and the advantages and draw-
backs for the given scenario have been shown. Over-
all, it became clear that there is not a single optimal
way of structuring and distributing the software. The
taxonomy presented in this work will hopefully be a
starting point that can help developers in designing
and discussing their software architecture. Based on
non-functional requirements to the developed solu-
tion (like reactiveness, synchronization quality, data
privacy, trust, ...), the choice of the appropriate distri-
bution scheme and framework(s) for implementation
should become easier.
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tioned other ways of distribution and to evaluate the
gains for the given scenario. This especially includes
the use of a mixed world model, as well as ways to
share a world model between multiple applications or
to synchronize relevant structural changes.
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