Revealing Encrypted WebRTC Traffic via Machine Learning Tools
Mario Di Mauro and Maurizio Longo
University of Salerno, Via Giovanni Paolo II 132, 84084, Fisciano (SA), Italy
Keywords: Encrypted Real-Time Traffic, WebRTC, DTLS, Decision Trees, Weka, Machine Learning.
Abstract: The detection of encrypted real-time traffic, both streaming and conversational, is an increasingly important
issue for agencies in charge of lawful interception. Aside from well established technologies used in real-
time communication (e.g. Skype, Facetime, Lync etc.) a new one is recently spreading: Web Real-Time
Communication (WebRTC), which, with the support of a robust encryption method such as DTLS, offers
capabilities for encrypted voice and video without the need of installing a specific application but using a
common browser, like Chrome, Firefox or Opera. Encrypted WebRTC traffic cannot be recognized through
methods of semantic recognition since it does not exhibit a discernible sequence of information pieces and
hence statistical recognition methods are called for. In this paper we propose and evaluate a decision theory
based system allowing to recognize encrypted WebRTC traffic by means of an open-source machine
learning environment: Weka. Besides, a reasoned comparison among some of the most credited algorithms
(J48, Simple Cart, Naïve Bayes, Random Forests) in the field of decision systems has been carried out,
indicating the prevalence of Random Forests.
From a network operator perspective, the detection
and classification of data flows over the Internet, is
becoming a progressively challenging issue. In fact
traditional methods, used by Internet Service
Providers as admission criteria, rely on a list of
registered and “well known” TCP/UDP port
numbers provided by the Internet Assigned Numbers
Authority (IANA), but are ineffective in detecting
those network applications that randomly and
dynamically select the ports exposing their services
to the Internet (Freire, 2008). To obviate the random
port option, one could exploit the recurrence of some
specific patterns inside data sessions at the
application layer which constitute a sort of
“signature” of the targeted application (Song, 2008).
Such approaches, also known as packet inspection
methods, require that the packet’s payload could be
accessed and analyzed, thus are hardly applicable if
the content is concealed by some form of encryption.
Even in the plaintext, some data traffic could be not
labeled by any identifier or, sometimes, such
identifier may vary unpredictably, e.g. due to a
different used application, thus making the pattern-
based analysis unproductive.
The third way remaining after port number
filtering and packet inspection is the traffic
classification based on statistical features. In this
paper we propose and assess a traffic classifier based
on statistical pattern recognition able to detect at
run-time an encrypted WebRTC session. WebRTC
is a new standard that lets HTML5 compliant
browsers to communicate in real-time using a peer-
to-peer architecture (Loreto, 2014). This is a break-
through in the application world since it enables web
developers to build real-time multimedia
applications with no need for proprietary plug-ins.
The paper is organized as follows: in Section 2 a
review of related contributions is presented; in
Section 3 some details on the WebRTC standard are
provided; in Section 4 the Waikato Environment for
Knowledge Analysis (WEKA) is introduced with the
relevant classification algorithms: J48,
SimpleCART, Naïve Bayes and Random Forests; in
Section 5 the proposed testbed is outlined along with
the included software modules; in Section 6 some
experimental results are presented and in Section 7
the main conclusions are drawn.
In recent literature, several network traffic
Di Mauro M. and Longo M..
Revealing Encrypted WebRTC Traffic via Machine Learning Tools.
DOI: 10.5220/0005542202590266
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT-2015), pages 259-266
ISBN: 978-989-758-117-5
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
recognition and classification methods based on
statistical features and on the use of a supervised
machine learning approach have been introduced.
Some such methods were proposed to classify
various Internet applications: in (Xusheng, 2008) an
approach to recognize P2P traffic (amongst
BitTorrent, PPLive, Skype and MSN Messenger)
based on the Support Vector Machine (SVM) is
suggested; Bayesian analyses, implemented with the
WEKA environment are considered in (Moore,
2005) and (Rahdari, 2012); a packet-level traffic
classification approach based on Hidden Markov
Model (HMM) is presented in (Dainotti, 2008).
In the supervised learning model, where the classes
are known and defined beforehand, the main task is
to infer the value of unknown parameters starting
from some labeled training data. This approach is
tipically divided in two phases (Nguyen, 2008):
Training phase: the available dataset, or
training dataset, is labeled by analysis or by
construction and a classification model is built.
Testing (or running) phase: the classification
model is used to classify new unknown instances
according to specified decision criteria.
The performances of the supervised network
classifiers are very sensitive to the quality of the
training dataset. Unluckily, perfect training datasets
are difficult to obtain in practice since individual
packets must be labeled by manual inspection in a
controlled experimental environment (Lin, 2009). In
our development we used a supervised approach
dividing the data flows in two classes: i) the targeted
WebRTC class consisting of encrypted real-time
traffic generated using a browser supporting
WebRTC; ii) the Normal class including all other
types of data traffic like HTTP, FTP etc. In (Di
Mauro, 2014) a similar approach for detection of
Skype traffic was adopted.
WebRTC is a new standard developed through an
industrial effort to extend the web browsing model
in such a way that browsers are able to directly
exchange real-time media with other browsers in a
peer-to-peer fashion. The World Wide Web
Consortium (W3C) and the Internet Engineering
Task Force (IETF) are jointly defining the WebRTC
APIs enabling a web application running on any
device, through secure access to input peripherals
such as webcams and microphones, to exchange
real-time media and data with a remote party.
WebRTC extends the client-server semantics by
introducing a peer-to-peer communication paradigm
between browsers drawing inspiration from the so-
called SIP Trapezoid (Rosenberg, 2002) as shown in
Fig. 1. In this model, signaling messages are used to
set up and terminate communications; these
messages are carried by the HTTP or WebSocket
protocol via web servers that can modify, translate,
or manage them as needed. It is worth noting that
while the WebRTC standard has been planned to
fully specify the media plane, the signaling between
browser and server is not standardized because it is
considered as part of the application, in such a way
that different applications can use different signaling
protocols like Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) or
eXtensible Messaging and Presence Protocol
(XMPP). For the purpose of the present work it is
important to outline the native security features of
WebRTC. In fact the WebRTC stack includes the
Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS)
(Rescorla, 2006), a protocol designed to prevent
eavesdropping and information tampering by
encrypting real-time data (from microphone, camera
or chat window) and offering a key and association
Figure 1: The WebRTC Model.
management service to Secure Real-time Transport
Protocol (SRTP) (Baugher, 2004) as shown in Fig.
2. In itself, such service does not imply encryption
of SRTP header, thus exposing to some deep packet
inspection procedures. To counter this residual
security flaw, several proposals are now available
such as (Lennox, 2013). According to a worst case
concept, we assume that the SRTP header is
encrypted too. The end-to-end encryption between
remote peers is managed on behalf of a TURN
server (Mahy, 2010) enabled just to parse the UDP
layer of a WebRTC packet without understanding
nor modifying the application data layer. The
Session Traversal Utilities for NAT (STUN)
protocol (Rosenberg, 2008) instead, allows a host
application to discover the presence of a network
address translator and, in case, to obtain the
allocated public IP and port tuple for the current
connection. WebRTC technology can be integrated
within SIP-based systems offering new interesting
possibilities. In (Zeidan, 2014) a videoconferencing
architecture which allows legacy SIP user agents and
modern SIP WebRTC clients to interoperate. In (Shi,
2013) a real-time chatting tool based on HTML5 and
WebRTC is proposed; it includes a basic
information management module, a chat module
allowing text communication by means of a
dedicated server and Voice/Video sessions through a
point-to-point connection between browsers.
Figure 2: The WebRTC Protocol Stack.
WEKA (Witten, 2005) is an open source package
developed at the University of Waikato in New
Zealand providing implementation of a quite large
set of machine learning algorithms. It includes a
collection of visual tools and algorithms for data
analysis and predictive modeling as well as a set of
methods for standard data analysis problems as
regression, classification, clustering, association rule
mining and attribute selection.
Weka can generally handle two types of file
formats: CSV (Comma Separated Values) and
ARFF (Attribute Relationship File Format), a native
Weka format. The package is completed with a set
of Java API in order to ease the task of software
developers. In the testbed realized for the present
work, we have implemented, based on said Java
interfaces, some software modules to automatically
extract the features characterizing encrypted
WebRTC traffic. In order to build a statistically
significant training dataset, a substantial amount of
WebRTC and Normal traffic has been produced in
the form of pcap traces, in a controlled setting, and
then converted to CSV format. The WebRTC
training data is a collection of 10 real time
audio/video flows (about 10 minutes per session),
globally worth 150 Mbytes; the Normal training data
is a collection of various traffic segments like HTTP,
FTP, etc., again globally worth 150 Mbytes.
4.1 The Proposed Algorithms
For the two-class (WebRTC, Normal) problem at
hand, four algorithms have been actually tested: J48,
SimpleCART, Naïve Bayes and Random Forests, all
of them working with the same datasets both in the
training and in the running phase, and using the
same class attributes, namely
Proto: Transport Level protocol type
MinSLgt, MaxSLgt, MinRLgt, MaxRLgt:
minimum and maximum lengths of sent and of
received packets
MinIAT, MaxIAT: minimum and maximum
inter-arrival times
StdSLgt, StdRLgt: standard deviations of sent
and of received packet lengths
StdIAT: standard deviation of inter-arrival
4.1.1 J48
The J48 (Meera Ghandi, 2010) algorithm represents
the Weka implementation of Quinlan C4.5
algorithm (Quinlan, 1993) to generate decision trees
for classification starting from a set of labeled
training data. A decision tree is a tree data structure
wherein a node indicates a test on one of the
attributes and a leaf specifies a class value. The test
on a continuous attribute A has two possible
outcomes: At and A>t where t is a preset threshold
(Ruggieri, 2002). The algorithm builds the decision
tree adopting a divide and conquer strategy as
summarized by the following general pseudo-code
(Kotsiantis, 2007):
1. Check for base cases
2. For each attribute X compute the Information
Gain: Gain (S,A)
3. Letting X-best the attribute with the highest
gain, create a decision node that splits on X-
4. Recurse on the sublists obtained by splitting
on X-best and add those nodes as children
The Information Gain of an attribute A relative to a
collection of training samples S is defined as the
reduction in entropy caused by partitioning S
according to such attribute, namely
is the subset of S for which attribute A has
value v;
H(S), H(S
) are entropies;
|S|, |S
| are cardinalities of S and S
It is well known that the entropy of a binary
experiment, as in our case, lies in [0,1], with 0
attained if only one outcome is actually possible and
1 if every outcome is equally possible.
Figure 3: A subset of the decision tree for encrypted
WebRTC traffic.
The Information Gain of an attribute can be
interpreted as the reduction of entropy when the
sample space is partitioned according to that
attribute. It suggests that a criterion to iteratively
build a classification tree is to split at a node
corresponding to an attribute A that maximizes the
Information Gain. Once specialized for the classes
and attributes of the problem at hand, J48 produces a
decision tree as shown (in part) in Fig. 3. Consider
the notation inside a leaf: for example, WebRTC
(17.0/2.0) means that 17 instances of WebRTC
reached the leaf and 2 out of them were incorrectly
classified. The tree construction may be followed by
an additional step called pessimistic pruning, a top-
down method allowing to simplify the decision tree
by substituting a single leaf in place of a whole sub-
tree when a specific irrelevance condition is met, as
suggested in (Kuhn, 2013).
4.1.2 Simple Cart
Simple CART algorithm arises from the CART
(Classification And Regression Trees) method
(Breiman, 1984), adapted to handle both discrete and
continuous attributes. Like C4.5, CART is a binary
recursive partitioning procedure because parent
nodes are always splitted into exactly two children
nodes and each child node is treated as a parent in a
recursive manner. As attribute selection metric,
CART uses, in place of the Information Gain, the
Gini Index defined as:
where c is the number of classes and p
probability that an instance in node j belongs to class
i. In fact, if all instances of training sample S belong
to the same class, then p
=1 and the Gini index
would be 0 corresponding to a node with no
impurity. Like J48, the Simple Cart algorithm too
can benefit from a pruning procedure as described in
(Esposito, 1997).
4.1.3 Naïve Bayes
The Naïve Bayes classifier (Aggarwal, 2014) is
based on the Bayes' rule and is particularly suited
when the dimensionality of the inputs is high.
Despite its simplicity, the Naïve Bayes classifier can
in some cases achieve comparable performances to
sophisticated classification methods based on neural
networks. It assumes class conditional independence
amongst attributes and decides according to the
evidence provided by the training data; i.e., letting
) a vector of observed attributes and C a
class, the classifier decides in favour of C
maximizing the a-posteriori probability:
4.1.4 Random Forests
This algorithm, introduced by Breiman (Breiman,
2001), represents a combination of several individual
trees designed so that, each time a split in a tree is
considered, a random sample of m predictors is
chosen as split candidates from the full set of p
predictors. Tipically 
as suggested in (James,
2014). The Random Forests derives from the
Bagging and Boosting structures (Witten, 2005)
where preliminary decisions are taken by different
learners and thereafter combined. In Bagging, the
final decision (if numeric) is taken on the basis of an
average value, whereas, in Boosting, it is obtained as
a weighted average of decisions of single learners
working in a sequential manner. Random Forests just
introduces a form of randomization in the Bagging
structure resulting in a classifier output by running
learner several times with different random number
seeds and by combining the classifiers’ predictions
through majority voting or averaging. In Random
Forests there is no need for cross-validation nor for a
separate test set to get an unbiased error estimate
since the latter is produced internally while the
algorithm runs.
Due to its characteristics, the Random Forests has
been already applied successfully in anomaly and
misuse detection systems [Zhang, 2008].
The following use case has been devised to assess
the proposed system of WebRTC traffic detection.
Two remote users start a real-time Voice/Video
session by logging on portal, a web
platform supporting the secure WebRTC standard so
that privacy and confidentiality of the
communication is preserved (similar results are
expected from equivalent web platforms). An ad
hoc gateway has been implemented which includes
four modules (see Fig. 4):
Tshark sensor to detect the DNS query to
WebRTC service portal;
mysql database to store information about users
logged in;
a conversion module to translate pcap files to
CSV or ARFF formats;
Weka module to perform the decision in the
form of a boolean value (WebRTC/Normal);
The system is implemented as a Java-based finite
state machine as shown in Fig. 4. The front-end
consists of two main user interfaces. The first one,
shown in Fig. 5, allows to select a classification
algorithm (in fact, although we focused on J48,
Simple CART, Naïve Bayes and Random Forests
algorithms, the system easily adapts to additional
algorithms) and to load the data gathered in a
controlled environment for training purposes. The
second interface, shown in Fig. 6, is aimed at
continuously monitoring (with a 1/15 sec
rate) the IP addresses suspected to be involved in the
WebRTC session. Once the training GUI loads the
two pcap files making up the training dataset for the
chosen algorithm, the system extracts from the
acquired data the relevant statistics, i.e. the values of
the attributes associated with each of the two classes,
and stores them into an unique CSV file. After the
training phase, the classifier starts to run in real-time
with the objective to reveal if a targeted IP address is
involved in a WebRTC call. In our experiment, a
specific rule implemented through an embedded
TShark routine works in background in order to
intercept the initial logging phase of IP’s making a
DNS query to portal. Fig. 6 reproduces
the display of the GUI while monitoring the
encrypted WebRTC calls. In particular, the display
shows the IP addresses logged on (in the
left column), and the decision taken by the classifier
acting on the traffic pertaining to that IP address
(right column).
Figure 4: Schematic of the architecture.
For prototype purposes, we do not dwell on the
specifications of the hardware hosting the proposed
system; however, some performance analyses are
available in (Witten, 2005).
Figure 5: The implemented training GUI.
Figure 6: The implemented monitoring GUI.
The tests carried out in this research rely on the
logical architecture shown in Figure 4, conveniently
deployed on a linux-based gateway. The sample
space is made of records of attributes (as defined in
4.1) extracted from Internet traffic generated by a
dedicated host. For our purposes, a training set
worth of 1074 instances was first constructed and
partitioned into the two classes:
1. Normal: A collection of 931 standard traffic
(HTTP, FTP…) records
2. WebRTC: A collection of 143 records from
encrypted WebRTC sessions
The different sizes of the two classes result in
probabilities p
= 0.87 and p
= 0.13, values
needed by the various algorithms for attribute
selection and for decision. Once the system was
trained through the pcap files as outlined in the
previous section, the algorithms were tested for
correctness in their respective running phases (for
example, in a trial of 100 sessions, 50 WebRTC and
50 Normal, J48 achieved Detection Rate of 84% and
a False Positive Rate of 21%) but the results are not
significant at the moment due to the limited size of
available test sets. More significant results have
been obtained by exploiting the same training set
through a 10-fold cross validation method offered
natively by Weka (the folding factor follows a
suggestion by (Aruna, 2001)). They are presented in
Figures 7-10 for each algorithm in terms of
confusion matrix and related statistics. Summarizing
results are shown in Table 1 in terms of four
statistics: i) the True Positive Rate indicating the
proportion of positive cases that were correctly
ii) the False Positive Rate indicating the
proportion of negative cases that were incorrectly
classified as positive; iii) the Precision indicating the
proportion of the predicted positive cases that ended
up correct and, iv) the F-Measure, a measure of
test’s accuracy. An additional comparison of the
aforementioned algorithms is presented in terms of
ROC curves as shown in Figure 11 where the
performance of each classifier is also summarized as
the Area Under the Curve (AUC): the larger the
AUC, the better the classifier.
Table 1: Comparison of metrics.
0,951 0,859 0,958 0,965
0,126 0,631 0,16 0,147
0,953 0,837 0,957 0,964
0,952 0,845 0,958 0,964
Figure 7: J48 algorithm results.
Figure 8: Simple Cart algorithm results.
Figure 9: Naïve Bayes algorithm results.
Figure 10: Random Forests algorithm results.
In particular we have:
where t
and f
are the true positives and negatives
respectively and
where Recall is the proportion of actual positives
correctly identified as such (equivalent to True
Positive Rate). From the presented comparison it can
be observed that Naïve Bayes is consistently
outperformed by the other strategies, likely due the
violation of the hypothesis of class conditional
independence. The remaining three algorithms
instead, achieve comparable performances, with J48
proving slightly superior in regard to False Positive
Rate and Random Forests exhibiting better results in
terms of True Positive Rate.
Figure 11: ROC curves and areas under ROCs (AUC).
WebRTC technology brings a noteworthy novelty in
the field of web-based multimedia communications
providing a peer-to-peer browser-based service for
audio and video streaming without neglecting the
security issues. To this aim, the embedded DTLS
protocol, designed to prevent eavesdropping and
information tampering, enables even the non-skilled
user to setup an encrypted real-time multimedia
session relying just on a common web browser. Due
to such capability, the authorities in charge of lawful
interception issues have to deal with new services
that may elude traditional kinds of control. An
audio/video session based on the encrypted
WebRTC protocol in fact, is difficult to reveal
because it can use dynamic ports allocation and does
not include any characteristic pattern that allows a
semantic-based recognition. In our paper we propose
and assess an automatic decision system capable to
reveal an encrypted WebRTC session with the
support of Weka, a popular open source machine
learning tool. The system includes a purposely
developed Java engine to train the classifier based
on a dataset containing traffic partitioned in the two
classes envisioned: WebRTC and Normal. In our
implementation we considered, as class attributes,
some typical parameters derived during a real-time
traffic processing phase such as: transport protocol,
inter-arrival times, packet lengths and number of
packets in forward and backward directions.
Through a cross validation assessment scheme based
on the training dataset, four among the most credited
classification algorithms have been compared: J48,
Simple Cart, Naïve Bayes and Random Forests. The
experiment suggests that the Random Forests offer
best results in terms of True Positive Rate whereas
J48 performs better in terms of False Positive Rate
detection. Future works will be aimed to compare a
broader range of algorithms, including distributed
ones, using large enough dataset to improve the
significance of the results.
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