the base of support (it is not found when the task is
to maintain the leg-space orientation vertical). No-
ticeably, the coordination occurs here through the in-
teractions between the hip and ankle control modules
rather than through preprogrammed motor command
patterns, which also have been used to control robots
in the form of synergies (Hauser et al., 2011).
Currently, further developments of the DEC con-
cept comprise tests in different robotics platforms.
Furthermore, under investigation are generalizations
of the modular structure of the DEC controller to
conditions that are not a multiple inverted pendulum.
This includes controlling balance in the frontal plane,
alone and in combination with the sagittal plane bal-
ancing, generic poses with high degrees of freedom,
and integrating the balancing in the control of gait.
In particular, in the framework of the H
R project
(see below), the controller is tested for the balancing
control of a robot with multiple DOFs with compli-
ant actuation, developed within the consortium, and
integrated in the gait controller for the stabilization
of some links. In the framework of the EMBalance
project, the DEC controller is modified such that the
robot’s balancing behavior mimics certain neurologi-
cal deficits such as bilateral vestibular damage or loss.
The authors thank G. Hettich and L. Assl
for their support during the experiments. The
financial support from the European projects EM-
Bbalance (http://www.embalance.eu/)and H
(http://www.h2rproject.eu/) are appreciated.
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