Densifying the Sparse Cloud SimSaaS: The need of a Synergy among
Agent-directed Simulation, SimSaaS and HLA
Tiago Azevedo, Rosaldo J. F. Rossetti and Jorge G. Barbosa
Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science Lab, Department of Informatics Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal
Agent-directed Simulation, Agent-supported Simulation, HLA, High Level Architecture, Cloud, SimSaaS,
Simulation Software-as-a-service.
Modelling & Simulation (M&S) is broadly used in real scenarios where making physical modifications could
be highly expensive. With the so-called Simulation Software-as-a-Service (SimSaaS), researchers could take
advantage of the huge amount of resource that cloud computing provides. Even so, studying and analysing a
problem through simulation may need several simulation tools, hence raising interoperability issues. Having
this in mind, IEEE developed a standard for interoperability among simulators named High Level Architecture
(HLA). Moreover, the multi-agent system approach has become recognised as a convenient approach for
modelling and simulating complex systems. Despite all the recent works and acceptance of these technologies,
there is still a great lack of work regarding synergies among them. This paper shows by means of a literature
review this lack of work or, in other words, the sparse Cloud SimSaaS. The literature review and the resulting
taxonomy are the main contributions of this paper, as they provide a research agenda illustrating future research
opportunities and trends.
Modelling & Simulation (M&S) is widely used in real
scenarios such as traffic and transportation networks,
where making physical modifications could be highly
expensive, dependent on political decisions and very
disruptive to the environment. Its uses could be deci-
sion making and what-if analysis, performance opti-
misations, testing and training, making M&S method-
ologies a huge need for Universities and companies
Nowadays, there is a new paradigm called Sim-
ulation Software-as-a-Service (SimSaaS) where sim-
ulation software is used in the form of services,
thanks to the latest evolutions in cloud computing and
Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). Instead of having the
simulation software installed on their own computers,
researchers could take advantage of the huge amount
of resource that cloud computing provides.
Even so, studying and analysing a problem
through simulation may need several simulation tools,
with different resolutions and domain perspectives,
hence raising interoperability issues that could not be
trivial to solve.
IEEE has already a standard for interoperabil-
ity among simulators named High Level Architecture
(HLA). HLA is covered by many works in the litera-
ture. Moreover, the multi-agent system approach has
become recognised as a convenient approach for mod-
elling and simulating complex systems (Moya and
Tolk, 2007). Indeed, many researchers have devel-
oped work regarding agents.
This paper shows that the M&S community did
not make a complete jump from the simulations in the
local machines to the simulations in the cloud offered
in the form of services. To prove such an assertion,
we conducted a literature review to make the body
of knowledge of the current synergy among agent-
directed simulation, SimSaaS and HLA.
The literature review was conducted using the
methodological and systematic framework proposed
by (vom Brocke et al., 2009). It is not important
in the context of this paper to explicitly describe all
the phases. Yet, some considerations must be made.
The databases sources selected were Scopus, Engi-
neering Village and ACM. These databases are com-
monly known to contain vast work and have been
used by many researchers in software engineering.
The queries made to the databases sources were based
in four main keywords: SimSaaS, Cloud Computing,
Azevedo T., J. F. Rossetti R. and G. Barbosa J..
Densifying the Sparse Cloud SimSaaS: The need of a Synergy among Agent-directed Simulation, SimSaaS and HLA.
DOI: 10.5220/0005542801720177
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH-2015),
pages 172-177
ISBN: 978-989-758-120-5
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
HLA and agents. It is considered a time frame from
2004 to 2015. The evolution of knowledge and tech-
nology in the software engineering field is tremen-
dous every year. Thus, a time frame of a decade seems
This paper will start to briefly explain some pre-
liminary background concepts regarding the agent-
oriented paradigm, HLA and cloud for a better under-
standing of the scope of this work. After that, the re-
sults of the literature review are broadly indicated and
a taxonomy of the research work is presented. The
literature review and resulting taxonomy are the main
contributions of this paper, as they provide a research
agenda illustrating future research opportunities and
For the sake of clarification in future references, this
section will briefly describe what is the agent-directed
simulation paradigm, the HLA standard and the cloud
Yilmaz and
Oren (Yilmaz and
Oren, 2007) in-
dicated that the agent-directed simulation paradigm
consists in three main areas: (1) simulation for agents
(simulation of agent systems, that is, the simula-
tion model is one or more agents), (2) agent-based
simulation (model behaviour generation or monitor-
ing of this process by using agents) and (3) agent-
supported simulation (improving simulation by using
agents as support facilities). There are several re-
searchers which consider agent simulation and agent-
based simulation the same principle as they do not
take into account the contribution of agents in model
generation. In this work, it is adopted the same per-
spective in which the two principles are seen as the
In order to have a structural basis for interoper-
ability among simulators, IEEE developed HLA, a
software standard that provides a common techni-
cal architecture for distributed M&S. A federate is
the name given to every participant of the simula-
tion, whereas each one can interact within a federa-
tion. Communication between simulators is possible
thanks to a Run-Time Infrastructure (RTI). HLA base-
line components are: (1) Federate Interface Specifica-
tion (IEEE, 2010c); (2) Framework and Rules (IEEE,
2010a); and (3) Object Model Template (OMT) Spec-
ification (IEEE, 2010b). The first is a definition of
the services that each federate can use for communi-
cation. The second is a set of rules that ensure the
proper interaction within a federation. The latter is a
specification of the format and syntax of the data that
is exchanged among federates.
Cloud computing is a fresh and on-going recent
buzzword where more and more work is being done
not only in the industry but also among academics.
Nonetheless, there is no general consensus on an un-
ambiguous definition (Geelan, 2009). A problem in
defining cloud computing is that it overlaps with other
domains in distributed systems. Foster et al. (Foster
et al., 2008) define the fields of distributed systems
according to scale and domain (application-oriented
versus service-oriented). Web 2.0 covers the spec-
trum of service-oriented applications, opposing to the
Supercomputing and Cluster Computing, which have
been more focused on traditional local applications.
Cloud Computing lies at the large-scale side, being
more scalable than Grid Computing. Grid Computing
overlaps with all these fields, and because of that it is
normal to exist wrong definitions.
Despite the overlapping of cloud computing with
other domains, it is possible to distinguish it from
grid computing. Indeed, there are three aspects that
are new in cloud computing (Armbrust et al., 2010):
(1) the appearance of infinite computing resources
available on demand; (2) the elimination of an up-
front commitment by cloud users; and (3) the abil-
ity to pay for use of computing resources on a short-
term basis as needed. Two new buzzwords emerged
from Cloud Computing, trying to extend it even fur-
ther: Fog Computing (Bonomi et al., 2012) and Cloud
2.0 (Miluzzo, 2014). Concluding, we adopt the defi-
nition provided by The National Institute of Standards
and Technology (Mell and Grance, 2011): Cloud
computing is a model for enabling ubiquitous, con-
venient, on-demand network access to a shared pool
of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks,
servers, storage, applications, and services) that can
be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal
management effort or service provider interaction.
This section will show the unexplored Cloud
SimSaaS by means of a literature review. It starts by
referring SimSaaS and Cloud generically, following
the HLA standard and the agent-directed simulation
In our research, it was clear that SimSaaS is a
very modern topic. The great majority of the papers
were published after 2011 and the first ones do not
directly use the term SimSaaS, vaguely mentioning
simulation and web. Although there is an increasing
number of works per year, papers about SimSaaS are
not many. Nevertheless, they are wide concerning the
domains of application. It is possible to see works
in the biomedical domain (Sawicki et al., 2012), in
crowd and pedestrian field (Wang and Wainer, 2015)
as well as works regarding ontology learning (Wang
and Wainer, 2014), traffic and transportation (H
et al., 2010), scheduling parallel discrete event simu-
lation jobs (Liu et al., 2012a) and a cloud simulation
in manufacturing (Taylor et al., 2014a), just to cite
Beyond these specific domain works, there are
also some generic ones concerning frameworks for
development, for example (Tsai et al., 2011) (Guo
et al., 2011). Moreover, Cayirci refers to SimSaaS
using the term Modelling and Simulation-as-a-
service (MSaaS). He clarifies MSaaS, including top
threats (Cayirci, 2013c). He also talks about the no-
tions and relations of accountability, risk and trust
modelling (Cayirci, 2013a), as well as MSaaS com-
position in multi-datacenter or multi-cloud scenar-
ios (Cayirci, 2013b). Cayirci is not the only one using
the term MSaaS: (Siegfried et al., 2014) illustrate po-
tential benefits that may be achieved by MSaaS and
challenges that remain to be solved.
Since cloud simulation started to be studied, an
overall picture took some time to arrive. So, in 2012
Liu et al. (Liu et al., 2012b) proposed a general ar-
chitecture of cloud simulation in the form of a SaaS
type cloud. Figure 1 summarises the main blocks of
this architecture. The simulation services which are
offered through a website to very different users, are
divided into three self-explanatory groups: Modelling
as a Service, Execution as a Service and Analysis as
a Service. All these services are possible due to the
physical and virtual resources in the bottom, as well
as the so-called Cloud Operating System which man-
ages and connects the baseline infrastructure to the
Figure 1: The main blocks of the Cloud Simulation general
architecture (Liu et al., 2012b).
Although HLA has already been used in a variety
of works like agent-based simulations, there is almost
no clear references about interoperability among sim-
ulators when talking about SimSaaS. A first approach
in extending HLA to support grid-wide distributed
simulation dates back to 2005 (Xie et al., 2005).
A very relevant work from 2012 discusses how
HLA can be integrated with Service Oriented Ar-
chitecture (SOA) in the context of a smart building
project (Dragoicea et al., 2012). The Simulation En-
gine Service is exposed by RESTful services. In-
side this Engine, there is also a RESTful API that ex-
poses access to the RTI’s federation management and
deals with the creation, initialisation, deletion, start-
ing, stopping, and execution of simulations. Still in
this context, the authors refer another paper (Wang
et al., 2008), where a comparison between HLA and
SOA concluded that:
HLA has good interoperability, synchronization
and effective and uniform information exchange
mechanism between the communicating compo-
nents (federates), but lacks several features of web
services, such as: the integration of heterogeneous
resources, web-wide accessibility across firewall
SOA benefits from loose coupling, component
reuse and scalability but lacks a uniform data ex-
change format and time synchronization mecha-
The combination of HLA and SOA can extend the
capabilities of the two technologies and thus en-
able integrated simulated and real services.
Like HLA, the agent-directed simulation
paradigm is used in a huge variety of fields but,
when it comes to SimSaaS, few examples exists.
Nevertheless, already in 2006, it was mentioned the
importance of agents on simulation by exploring the
relationship of software agents to simulation and
games (Yilmaz et al., 2006).
Some authors (Tolk and Diallo, 2010)(Tolk et al.,
2011) defend that most of the current simulation in-
teroperability standards are inadequate as they just
support the federation by focusing on information ex-
change without providing the necessary introspective.
HLA provides more flexibility as it only standardises
how to structure the data, not the exchanging of in-
formation. However, the focus remains on the infor-
mation exchanged within a system. Consequently, a
formal approach to simulation interoperability using
agent-supported simulation tries to solve this prob-
JAVA Agent DEvelopment Framework (JADE) is
a common software framework that simplifies the im-
plementation of multi-agent systems. Web Services
Integration Gateway (WSIG) is an add-on for JADE
which performs two-way translations between service
requests and responses and JADE agent requests and
responses. Thanks to this, it was possible to design
a service-oriented simulation software framework as
part of a broader approach towards generating im-
proved levels of actionable views of situation aware-
ness (Shao and McGraw, 2009).
Shao and McGraw referred that the great benefit
of using JADE as the underlying agent development
framework is that JADE agent entities can invoke
web service functionality hosted outside the JADE
run-time environment using normal JADE agent pro-
tocols, and that external entities can invoke JADE
agent functionality from outside the JADE environ-
ment using normal web service protocols. Although
the framework is very relevant, the applications were
not in the cloud nor in a grid.
A truly implementation of agents in the cloud
showed that agent-based M&S can benefit a lot from
cloud computing, making it easier to have more accu-
rate and faster results, as well as timely experimenta-
tion and optimisation (Taylor et al., 2014b). Even so,
agent-based M&S in the cloud may be highly com-
plex due to the very different clouds, cloud middle-
wares and service approaches.
Federated simulation environments have some
limitations in supporting dynamic model and simulat-
ing updating, as it was pointed in 2004 and 2006 (Yil-
maz et al., 2006). An example is HLA federation
development, as it requires complete specification of
object models and information exchanges before the
simulation begins. It was also argued that there is a
fundamental roadblock because of a lack of machine
processable formal annotations describing behaviour,
assumptions and obligations of federates.
SimSaaS is a trendy term which has been growing
considerably in recent years. Thus, it is the ideal time
to take advantage of this hype. However, there are
some concerns: there is a lack of automation and in-
tegration of tools in M&S (Wang and Wainer, 2015),
and research dissemination methods suffer as they
do not allow publishing simulation code and scripts
along with the published paper (Sliman et al., 2013).
Herewith, HLA is another term referenced a lot
in the literature since the first complete version (HLA
1.3) was published in 1998, but once again, when it
comes to SimSaaS, almost nothing focuses on this and
there is few work regarding extension of HLA to al-
low simulation services in general and in the cloud.
Indeed, HLA solely has some disadvantages (Yilmaz
et al., 2006)(Tolk and Diallo, 2010).
In a 2014 panel about the future of research in
M&S (Yilmaz et al., 2014) it is referred as a future re-
search topic the distribution of SimSaaS in the cloud.
So, once more SimSaaS is still mentioned as an un-
explored area, now specifically in distributed simula-
Although a truly implementation of agents in the
cloud showed that agent-based M&S can benefit from
cloud computing (Taylor et al., 2014b), there is a lack
of work putting together agents and cloud in order to
support SimSaaS.
Summing up all the discoveries of the described
literature review, it is possible to see a lot of gaps in
the literature concerning SimSaaS, SimSaaS in spe-
cific domains of application, SimSaaS in the cloud,
HLA in the cloud, solutions to HLA restrictions,
agents to support SimSaaS and agents in the cloud.
As the metaphor in the title of this paper tries to ad-
dress, SimSaaS in the cloud is currently too sparse
since it has so many gaps in research. It is necessary
to make it less sparse (densifying) in order to augment
the scientific and technological knowledge among re-
searchers in the field.
Densifying the sparse cloud SimSaaS is not just
putting together cloud and SimSaaS, but also the syn-
ergies among them and agent-directed simulation and
HLA, which could bring so many advantages. Fog
Computing and Cloud 2.0, which were previously
mentioned, could also help in this evolutionary pro-
cess. Concluding, making these synergies a reality
will be the front research opportunities for the next
A taxonomy of the research work could make the
gaps identified and the research agenda for the next
years more clear. Figure 2 illustrates the taxonomy
in the form of a Venn Diagram. Every work is about
M&S, more precisely SimSaaS. So, there are works
that simply mention SimSaaS. Then, inside SimSaaS
topic, research can focus on Cloud, HLA or Agent-
directed simulation. In the particular case of Agent-
directed simulation, there is a subset regarding Agent-
supported simulation. As some works can address
more than just one term, the representation in the form
of a Venn Diagram was chosen to illustrate these pos-
sible synergies.
The presented taxonomy could be used as a con-
ceptual framework for future developments. Re-
searchers should look to these opportunities in the sci-
entific community to orient their work, taking advan-
tage of the benefits that this trends can give to their
daily investigations.
Cloud AdSim
(AdSim: Agent-directed Simulation, AsSim: Agent-supported Simulation)
Figure 2: Diagram representing the taxonomy of the re-
search work.
This paper started to briefly expose important con-
cepts for a better understanding of its contents. Af-
ter that, a literature review is presented, focusing in
four distinct yet related topics: SimSaaS, Cloud Com-
puting, HLA and Agents. Finally, a taxonomy of the
research work is presented in the form of a Venn Dia-
gram for a clear visualisation about which topics can
(and should) have synergies among them. This tax-
onomy could be used as a conceptual framework for
future developments.
With the front research opportunities for the next
years and current research work identified, we hope
this paper can leverage the scientific activity in the
field, with researchers actually finding it useful to
make the jump to the cloud. That jump will bring
advantages not only to each researcher in particular,
but also to the overall simulation scientific commu-
nity seeking for more knowledge.
This work has been partially supported by MIEIC,
Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto.
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