varying the model and introducing a “lahar source”;
The immediate melting of the Cotopaxi icecap
descends from the worst hypothesis among the
possible ones, regarding the first phase of the
phenomenon; it is important to test the other
Anyway, the results of these preliminary
simulations demonstrate that the CA model
LLUNPIY is working appropriately, if we consider
the partial, sometime rough data concerning the
event (Mothes et al., 2014) and its possible
The simulations were acceptable in terms of
reproducing the global dynamics of the events, such
as velocity and height of detrital flow. Simulated
lahar path and invaded area agree with real (partially
reconstructed) one.
Times are not respected: in simulations, lahars
reached Latacunga about 30 minutes later than
reported in the chronicles of the time (Wolf, 1878).
This discrepancy could depend on some imprecision
of chronicles or on the increased length of paths in
the simulation because of space discretisation or
both; we will investigate such a problem by
considering these different viewpoints.
Our main future goal concerns the simulation of
the overall phenomenon, considering the total icecap
melting or partial melting by the effect of pyroclastic
bombs. If data will be available, we plan simulating
lahars toward the Quito region and the production of
hazard scenarios for possible new eruptions of
Cotopaxi volcano.
The authors are grateful to Patricia Mothes,
Researcher at IGEPN for obtaining data concerning
the Cotopaxi volcano and 1877 eruption, useful
information, advices and comments.
The authors thank William Spataro and Maria
Vittoria Avolio for critical revision of the
manuscript, suggestions and useful advices.
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