helped not only to avoid false detection of signs, but
also accelerated the processing of images. The
developed algorithm can improve the quality and
increase the reliability of automotive traffic sign
recognition systems, and reduce the time required to
process one frame, which brings the possibility to
carry out the detection and recognition of signs in Full
HD 1920x1080 images from the video sequence in
real time.
An algorithm for detection of triangular signs is
considered in the paper. It is based on the Generalized
Hough Transform and is optimized to suit the time
limitation. The developed algorithm shows efficient
results and works well with the preprocessed images.
Tracking using a vehicle’s current velocity helped to
improve the performance. In addition, the presence of
a sign in a sequence of adjacent frames in predicted
areas dramatically improves the confidence in correct
detection. Recognition of detected signs makes sure
that the whole procedure of TSR is successful.
In this paper, we consider triangular traffic signs.
The developed detection algorithm makes it possible
to detect signs of any shape. It is only needed to
replace the template image with a sought-for shape.
The use of our TSR algorithms allows processing
of video streams in real-time with high resolution, and
therefore at greater distances and with better quality
than similar TSR systems have.
CUDA was used to accelerate the performance of
the described methods. In future research, we plan to
move all the designed algorithms to the mobile
processor Nvidia Tegra X1.
This work was partially supported by Project
#RFMEFI57514X0083 by the Ministry of Education
and Science of the Russian Federation.
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