the bags at each transition. This allows better man-
agement of threads throughout the simulation.
If the models were fully synchronous as in the
case of a cellular automaton, the issue of balanc-
ing would be easy to solve if all models have the
same computational load. In this case, we observe
no change in the number of transitions to be made be-
tween two time steps. The partitioning becomes use-
less. In contrast, if the models are completely asyn-
chronous, the IMM sets have a single model. Paral-
lelization is completely useless in a pessimistic con-
text. In this case, it was essential to work on algo-
rithms optimistic parallel simulation.
In this paper, we have shown that in some cases,
we improve the simulation time by using a partition-
ing based solely on the model structure. These sim-
ulations are performed using an implementation of
PDEVS algorithms in a risk-free mode. However, we
have shown that it is also necessary to consider the
dynamic of models for have a better models balance.
We have shown that the measure of the theoretical
speedup (see equation 4) based on the IMM set gives
us accurate information. We can generalize this mea-
sure so that it becomes an parallelization ability indi-
cator of a model. This indicator can vary from 1 to P
where P is the parts number of the graph. The mini-
mum value is obtained for fully asynchronous model
and the maximum value for fully synchronous model.
In our case, the indicator takes values close to the
maximum value. This means that a coupling between
a partitioning method and risk-free simulation is an
excellent approach. However, it is necessary to go fur-
ther if the indicator is close to 1. May be introduce a
conservative or optimistic simulation engine coupled
with partitioning methods. The model structure must
be consider, but also his dynamics and the conser-
vative algorithms with look-head properties (Chandy
and Misra, 1979; Chandy and Misra, 1981) or opti-
mistic (Time-Wrap (Jefferson, 1985), for example).
Look-head is the ability of a model to predict that it
will not have output for a certain period in future. The
complexity of the optimization algorithm will be in-
creased. It will be necessary to understand the interac-
tions between look-head, for example, dynamics and
the models graph.
Furthermore, our strategy of optimized hierarchy
building has the overall objective to integrate dis-
tributed hardware architecture where the communica-
tion time between processes are not negligible.
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in rural landscapes and territorial modeling - ANR-
12-AGRO-0003) funded by French National Agency
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