necessary concepts for modelling versions of
collaborations such as participant, message, private
and public processes for collaborations. The paper
also highlights how VCP2M can be instantiated to
model versions of collaboration for the Subsea
Pipeline example.
The advantages of VCP2M are the following.
First, the notion of version is well-suited to address
process flexibility in a collaborative context since it
supports the modelling of process evolution,
variability and adaptation. Second, VCP2M
considers chained, subcontracting and loosely
coupled CPs whose control may be centralised or
distributed (Breu et al., 2013). Third, VCP2M
defines the core concepts of collaborative process
modelling (Malekan and Afsarmanesh, 2013).
As future works, we have planned to address
dynamic aspects of VCP2M defining operations for
both managing collaboration versions, and
automatically deducing from public and private
activities of processes, the corresponding private and
public processes along with their local and global
views. In addition we will also introduce the notion
of context for collaborations in order to feature them
and ease their reuse.
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