rates being compared. Results from simulations and
experiments validate the feasibility of using a smart-
phone to serve as the sensing and control platform in
the automatic control of systems with a single rota-
tional degree of freedom. Future work will consider
extensions to more complex systems with both rota-
tional and translational degrees of freedom, such as an
inverted pendulum on cart system. Studies with stu-
dents will be conducted to investigate whether the use
of mobile devices in the proposed manner is engag-
ing and provides access to more effective, interaction-
based educational, training, and research experiences
in the fields of automatic and digital control.
This work is supported in part by the National Science
Foundation awards RET Site EEC-1132482, GK-12
Fellows DGE: 0741714, and DRK-12 DRL: 1417769,
and NY Space Grant Consortium grant 48240-7887.
The authors would like to thank Matthew Moor-
head for the design and fabrication of the smartphone
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