be improved further. Screenshots of the application
(see Figure 7) show the perspective of the tablet as
well as the appearance of the interface before and af-
ter the button is pressed to start the control of the ball.
This paper presented the development of a vision-
based approach to control a ball and beam test-bed
using the camera onboard a tablet to provide mea-
surements as the tablet is pointed at the test-bed from
an arbitrary perspective. A touch-based user inter-
face with augmented reality allows users to interact
with the test-bed in real-time as the system is being
controlled. Results from experiments validate the use
of tablets as portable, hand-held, vision-based sensor,
estimation, and control components in a wireless net-
worked control system for plants whose states can be
estimated from vision-based measurements.
This work is supported in part by the National Science
Foundation awards RET Site EEC-1132482, GK-12
Fellows DGE: 0741714, and DRK-12 DRL: 1417769,
and NY Space Grant award 48240-7887. The authors
thank Anthony Brill and Sai Prasanth Krishnamurthy
for their support.
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